Thread: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)? Reply to Thread

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9th February 2017 03:33 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

I had given my physics 12 class CBSE board practicals few days before. I have everything on my sheets but the readings of the observations are wrong .so according to you how much marks did I get.?
11th March 2015 02:28 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Does Physics practical marks depends on Physics theory marks in ISC ?
11th March 2015 12:05 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

What happen if a student fail in theory but pass in practical and his overall marks in that subject is 45? Will he again give exam of all subject or only that subject? Or can he give improvement exam for that subject?
25th February 2015 10:13 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

If I got 35marks in physics theory and 2 marks in practical..what will happen I will fail?
28th May 2014 10:08 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

I got 27 in theory and 30 in practical in physics paper in CBSE 12exam then will I be pass or not?
30th April 2013 05:39 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

can i get grace marks if i am failing in any of these subjects pcm by 5 or 6 marks? Please help me out sir. I am feeling very nervous.
9th May 2012 03:49 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Is there any Provision for. Grace marks in theory. Paper? O
2nd April 2012 03:42 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

in maharastra board do we need to pass seperately in practicles in 11th standard
15th March 2012 09:49 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

How much is the pass mark for chemistry out of 70 for theory?
20th February 2012 08:36 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

i am in 12th class and right now i am suffering from jaundice. i have given all three board practical exams and i will not be able to give theory exams. so am i fail.???? or if i submit medical certificate will there be any benefits ...............?????
18th February 2012 11:15 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

is it compulsory to pass practical and Theory individually for Physics in ISC?
5th February 2012 06:19 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

12th rbse chemisty practical exam 2012 date
3rd February 2012 07:58 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

i got 16 marks in physics practical,n 6 in theory so it shows SYCT ,so i have to give again practical in 2nd trial?n out of 70 wats the passing marks?
31st January 2012 08:02 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Originally Posted by srqbal View Post
is it compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory of phy,chem and bio papers in cbse 12th board.
yes it is compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory papers in any examination of CBSE 12th board.

if you got good marks in practical but you are unable to get pass marks in theory paper for 1 or 2 marks then you should be considered as fail in that paper. always study in a way that you pass in both theory and practical.

it is very easy to pass in practical. but to pass in theory it is quiet difficult. you should prepare more for theory examination. then i think you will not face any problem of failure.

best wishes.
24th July 2011 08:30 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

plz send me lasy 5 years 12 science paper of physics, chemistry & biology
[email protected]
14th July 2011 11:01 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes you have to pass in practical and theory individually.....

You don't worry about the practical...because the practical marks depends on the school teachers and if you are a regular student in the practical classes ,then you will get the passing score.

People get worried about the theory papers...because the answer sheets are checked by the teachers of other institutions.

And there is a chance, that you may get fail in prepare yourself for theories more.
23rd May 2011 11:41 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Originally Posted by 23nish View Post
hey can you please tell me i am getting around 18, 19 in theory and 30 in practical (physics)....
Will cbse examiners consider me as pass???
Please kindly reply
thank you
no you cant
22nd May 2011 11:15 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

yes,it is important 2 pass sprtly else ul b considerd faik
5th May 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

in chemistry we have to take 23 out of 70 in seesion ending for passing the whole exam or in weightage we have to take 23 out of 70 for passing in class xi ?
15th April 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

is there a compulsory pass for 11 standard
4th April 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?


yes it is compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory papers in any examination of CBSE 12th board.


in any state board.


all the best.
4th April 2011 09:04 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?


compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)
yes it is compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory papers in any examination of CBSE 12th board.
if you got good marks in practical but you are unable to get pass marks in theory paper for 1 or 2 marks then you should be considered as fail in that paper. always study in a way that you pass in both theory and practical.
it is very easy to pass in practical. but to pass in theory it is quiet difficult. you should prepare more for theory examination.
Yes its compulsory that every student need to pass individually in theory as well as in practical examination of physics, chemistry and biology in 12 standard CBSE.
Every CBSE 12 science student need to score the passing marks individually in theory and practical to get the promotion.

good luck
4th April 2011 02:27 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes ,It is compulsory for you to pass in both theory and practical .
As like most students don't neglect the practicals as they are the main scope for improving your percentage .
Good luck
4th April 2011 02:08 AM
rahul k
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Originally Posted by srqbal View Post
is it compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory of phy,chem and bio papers in cbse 12th board.
Yes It Is Compulsory, To Pass Individually In Practicle And Theoritical Subject In CBSE 12th Examination.

In CBSE 12th Examination, You Will Get Theory Paper Of 70 Marks And Practical Paper Of 30 Marks. So, You Have To Pass Individually In Both.

But Combined, You Have To Scored Atleast 33% Marks.

So, Please Prepare Practicle And Theoritical, Because You Have To Pass Individually. But I Will Suggest You, Please More Focus On Theoritical Subject, Because To Scored Marked In Theoritical Part Is Not Difficult.

So, Please Prepare Well To Scored Good Marks.
3rd April 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Originally Posted by srqbal View Post
is it compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory of phy,chem and bio papers in cbse 12th board.
what is the minimum mark needed to pass in chemistry theory
23rd March 2011 04:37 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

my child is detained by school in 9th standard.but they say if i change the school,they can give moderation marks and pass it possible to take admission in another school for 10th standard
19th March 2011 10:23 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

it is compulsory to pass in theory class 10th
15th March 2011 10:32 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

hey can you please tell me i am getting around 18, 19 in theory and 30 in practical (physics)....
will cbse examiners consider me as pass???
please kindly reply
4th March 2011 12:18 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

I think I will get back in one subject in 12th CBSE. When are the exams of back papers held. If i get admission meanwhile in a college - aieee etc, will i be debarred from the college?
3rd March 2011 09:14 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes you have to pass both the practical and theoretical exam

in cbse. Other wise you will be considered as fall.

So work on both practical and theoretical exam.
1st March 2011 10:07 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

26th February 2011 06:39 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

am i pass, if i score 26 in practical and 8 in theory{26 8}=34/100 .or i need minimum 25 in theory to pass
15th February 2011 01:39 AM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

According to my knowledge -
yes it is compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory papers in any examination of CBSE 12th board.

if you got good marks in practical but you are unable to get pass marks in theory paper for 1 or 2 marks then you should be considered as fail in that paper. always study in a way that you pass in both theory and practical.

it is very easy to pass in practical. but to pass in theory it is quiet difficult. you should prepare more for theory examination. then i think you will not face any problem of failure.
Hope this is enough.
2nd February 2011 04:52 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?


In XIIth CBSE board the student has to pass in the theory examination as well as in practical examination. As in CBSE board upto Xth standard the student is considered pass if get passing marks by combining the marks of practical paper and theory paper.

But after the Xth class the marks of the theory and practical paper will be counted alone and a student has to bass in both practical as well as in theory paper.

As per the pattern of CBSE the student has Theory paper of 70 marks and practical paper of 30 marks. The student has to score at least 1/3 marks which is the passing marks separately in practical and theory paper.

So you have to pass in the theory paper and practical paper separately as per the rules of CBSE.

1st February 2011 04:42 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

can i get some important questions of cbse 12th physics....plzz
28th January 2011 12:07 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes it is necessary to pass in both Practical & Theory exam in CBSE 12th standard.

in actual practical marks help you to improve your marks.

Theoretical Papers are not so tough you need to get only 25 marks out of 75 to pass your theory exam. It is easy to grab 25 marks.
28th January 2011 12:02 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Hello Dear
Yes you have to pass individually both the section. Like in CBSE we have 70 marks for theory and we must score more than 23 marks in the theory. these are the minimum marks that you have to score. if you get more than 23 marks then you will be pass in the subject irrelevant of whatever marks you get in the practical.
So work hard to score good marks and more than just the minimum limit.
All the best for your exam..
27th January 2011 10:17 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Originally Posted by srqbal View Post
is it compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory of phy,chem and bio papers in cbse 12th board.
yes it is essential to pass in both practical and theory paper individually. if a student is pass in theory but is fail in practical, then he will be considered as fail. you don,t have to do much to get passed in practical. you must just complete your practical file and learn all the viva questions. your practical will surely go well. but for theory paper, you will have to study a lot to get good marks.
good luck
27th January 2011 09:58 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Apropos of CBSE guidelines-
The school has to award the marks in practical with reference to the performance in Theory papers (of any of the sciences).
It is not at all compulsory to pass individually in practical as well as the theory paper as the combined marks are visible on the mark sheet but not separately.
However, on combining the practical and the theory scores, the student should attain a minimum of 33%.
And in the marksheet, seperate marks are visible for MCQ's but there is no minimum limit for acquiring marks in MCQ's
27th January 2011 09:54 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes, definitely .It is cumpulsory to pass in both theory and practical .if you failed in anyone then you will be considered failed. it is difficult to pass in theory as compared to practical. so, you should prepare accordingly.
27th January 2011 09:30 PM
Sachin Narayan
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes its compulsory that every student need to pass individually in theory as well as in practical examination of physics, chemistry and biology in 12 standard CBSE.

Every CBSE 12 science student need to score the passing marks individually in theory and practical to get the promotion.

thank you
27th January 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes its compulsory that you pass both in Practicals as well as the Theory part of CBSE 12th board.The qualifying mark is just 33% of the total marks hence its easy for you to pass both in Theory as well as Practicals if you work some what hard.

You can get the scheme of CBSE examination and pass criteria in the following site:

So,visit the above site for extra details about supplementary and other such details.
27th January 2011 08:58 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

as every body knows it is necessary to pass in theory but many don't know is necessary to pass both theory and practical individually,
so study well with a balanced approach towards theory as well as practical,
they are there so that you have a complete and real understanding of the subject.
27th January 2011 08:50 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

yes it is compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory papers in any examination of CBSE 12th board.

if you got good marks in practical but you are unable to get pass marks in theory paper for 1 or 2 marks then you should be considered as fail in that paper. always study in a way that you pass in both theory and practical.

it is very easy to pass in practical. but to pass in theory it is quiet difficult. you should prepare more for theory examination. then i think you will not face any problem of failure.

best wishes.
27th January 2011 07:44 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes it is compulsory.You must have to pass individually in theory and practical in 12th CBSE.
27th January 2011 01:37 PM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

Yes it is compulsory to pass in practical & Theory exam individually in 12th standard CBSE Board
27th January 2011 11:03 AM
Re: Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?


Yes for sure you have to pass them each individually because their score or marks are not combined marks.
27th January 2011 02:46 AM
Is it compulsory to pass Practical and Theory paper individually for Physics ,Chemistry and Biology in 12th standard (CBSE)?

is it compulsory to pass individually both in practical and theory of phy,chem and bio papers in cbse 12th board.

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