Thread: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council? Reply to Thread

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10th May 2015 01:14 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the cut of marks in sca student in bsc nursing govt college's
15th June 2014 11:55 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

My cutoff mark is 198 bc category my rank no 2124 community no 1340 can I get medical seat in government college
29th May 2014 05:46 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

What is minimum cutoff marks for medical colleges in Tamilnadu under BC category?
14th May 2014 10:43 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

My cut off mark is 189 SC category. Can I get MBBs seat in any one of medical govt medical colleges in Tanilmadu?
14th May 2014 10:40 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

Can I get MBBS seat in any govt medical colleges in Tamilnadu for my cut off 189 in SC category
9th May 2014 04:18 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

i have scored 191.5.can i get a govt medical college my category bc
21st June 2013 03:35 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

i havescored194.75 can i get a govt medical college my category mbc
23rd May 2013 05:20 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

i have scored 185.35 can i get a govt medical college my category MBC
19th May 2013 10:38 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

i have scored 196.75 can i get a medical college in government
14th May 2013 10:50 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the cut-off mark of mbbs.
13th May 2013 06:58 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

i have 196 cutoff mark but my category is bc can i get mbbs seat in govt colleges?
12th May 2013 10:12 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

for 169.5 cut off in SC category can i get mbbs seat?
10th May 2013 01:51 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the cut-off mark of bds seat for backward class
10th May 2013 10:57 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the minimum cut off mark to get free seat in govt medical colleges in Tamil Nadu?my cut off mark is 197.5.can i get free seat?
9th May 2013 06:09 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

I am a OBC candidate scored 198.5 in 2013 Hsc exam.. can I get medical seat
9th May 2013 01:11 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the cutoff marks for nursing?
9th May 2013 12:27 PM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

for 161 cut off in SC category can i get mbbs seat?
2nd April 2013 10:26 AM
Re: What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

I am cut off 170.i am study mbbs?
23rd January 2013 10:53 PM
What is the cutoff marks in Tamilnadu medical council?

what is the cut off marks in tamil nadu medical council...please give me the details for the same

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