Thread: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class? Reply to Thread

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18th June 2018 02:44 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

Sir I am 12th pass from science stream with 62% in PCM but fail in Math so please tell me can I get admission in du for hons in Chemistry.
3rd June 2014 04:00 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

I am kirti nd I have scored 75 % in 12th nd I want to do bsc. hons in zoology or micro biology as I have scored 85 marks in bio nd eng nd in chem nd physics I have scored 63 nd I want to take admission in du arsd college do u thnk dat I can get admission in dis college if yes or some suggestions u want to give u can contact me at my id
4th March 2014 11:12 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

I have 12 class with biology & maths in year 2004 from a private school in north delhi. I got 68 percent as aggregate marks. Due 2 some personel reasons i left studies & started my business. Now can i do immunology / zoology from distant learning or correspondence from a reputed university in Delhi, as i'm highly highly keen to do something in immunology - looking forward 2 do P.hd. in future.
21st June 2013 01:05 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

I have 70% in 12 class can i get admission in Bsc
12th June 2013 09:05 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

Re: Can I get admission for Bcom
course in Delhi University having
scored 66% in 12th Class
30th May 2013 09:28 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

i got 62% in 12th..
eng:69 ,phys:52, chem:56, maths:45, ph.ed:89

do i have any scope in du for admission??(B.SC in Eng honours)
25th May 2013 10:02 AM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

I got 70% in 12 class, So i can take admission in du
12th May 2013 09:41 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

can i got the admission in delhi university for bsc i have scored 65% in 12? i am also have catagory.
20th June 2012 02:03 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

sir i want take add. In b.s.c. In delhi unverstiy i have pass xii class with 69% mark plz give suggestion
5th June 2012 11:20 PM
Re: Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

i got 63% in in xii class & i want to do B.Sc; so PLEASE suggest me some colleges in north delhi .
5th June 2012 11:10 AM
Can I get admission for B.Sc course in Delhi University having scored 66% in 12th Class?

i got 66 pecnet marks in 12th then will i take admission in bsc in delhi uneversisty

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