Thread: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board? Reply to Thread

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26th May 2018 07:43 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Sir i have a compartment in chemistry so i wanted to ask uh that can i m able to do a medical course after clearing of compartment?
10th July 2017 05:27 PM
ranjan Ayush
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Yes, you will be eligible to appear for NEET entrance examination next year. To get admission in MBBS course candidate have to appear and qualify in NEET examination.

The eligibility to appear for examination is candidate must have passed 12th with PCB as main paper and scored minimum 50%.

The age limit to appear for examination :

Minimum - 17 years.

Maximum - No upper limit.

So, you can appear for examination next year. For detail information visit at
9th July 2017 12:59 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I have written my supplementary for maths exam I am sure I'll clear it. I have qualified in NEET am I eligible to get a medical college by Karnataka government. My aim my passion everything is to be a doctor idk how I failed in math . other subjects I have more than 80% in PCB subjects I am fully depressed I need to do medicine plz help me out ..
3rd February 2017 11:42 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I am not able to give the NEET exam in this year...because I already gave the exam three I want to study in a private college for MBBS I want to know the lowest fee for this...and the colleges...please help me...
5th August 2016 07:34 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Sir,I failed in physics this year from AHSEC board,so if I give compartment in physics next year will I be able to get admission in medical entrance after qualifying?? please suggest me, my e-mail id is
[email protected]
I m vry stressed..please reply as soon as possible. .
3rd April 2016 11:43 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

If I get fail in 12th cbse exam but cleared aipmt, then what should I do???? Can I give nios board exams in this same year. Will it be legal??
I am also tensed because in application form of aipmt I have mentioned cbse as my board,so can I show certificates of nios during counselling? Plz help me. I really need ur help.u can email me at [email protected]
30th June 2015 07:45 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Sir I have given my CBSE 12boards n scored good marks in all subjects except physics .I have got compartment in physics n I have given medical n paramedical competition exams n I have qualified will I l be able to get admission I l surely pass my compartment in physics .plzzz sir help me I m totally stressed out I don't want to waste this year plzzz reply me ..
29th June 2015 05:03 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

This year i will give compart exam i will pass then i m elligible to give medical exam next year or not
10th June 2015 05:26 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I have passed 12th in 2015 but 11th in 2012 is there any problem to take adm in mbbs???
8th June 2015 03:29 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir i am very sure i get good marks in aipmt 2015 ...i am frm cbse board..i get marks above in all sub. but i get supply in physics...i want to know that if i got selection in aipmt that college is waiting for my compartment result or not ..sir rply
14th May 2015 08:37 PM
amruta aras
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after supplymentry in 12th standard mp board?

I am from M.P board . I got supplymentry in physics. so , if I takes good marks in supplymentry exam . so can I eligible for aipmt and is my marksheet of 12th standard will be allowe in aipmt's documents.
Please sir answere me in my e-mail id [[email protected]]
2nd May 2015 05:36 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Can I get admission in medical college after 12th compart exam in chemistry JAC board???
30th March 2015 11:00 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
if m geeting compartment dis year in physics ..tehn can i give mbbs exam dis year? or shud i repeat 12th and deb give mbbs exams?i knew evry question of d paper still i was unable to write parents want me to be a doctor..i will seriously gonna die....plzz help me out ...tell me wat to do? plzzz my email id is [email protected]
I'm in the same situation as you.Tho my results is yet to be out.I'm freaking confused and depressed.I can't happiness in anything that I do nowadays.All I am is a ghost waiting for the result to be out and be free from this mess.When does medical depends on physics in everyday life?okay maybe a little but why the freaking hell should that relate to anything that we do on becoming a doctor in the future..
27th October 2014 01:04 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

II hv completed my intermediate i passed compartmentallyvth 55%. so i want to do mmbs! Kn i get a seat? Du i hv a chance to write eamcet? Hw much da rank shuld b? Nd if payment wt was it costs?
11th August 2014 10:02 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i am giving 2nd time compartment if i pass in this would it affect on aipmt and the marksheet would be same as for pass students
30th July 2014 01:41 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Can i get admission for forensic after passing compartment in biology , if yes then please give me the list of colleges.
14th June 2014 09:48 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I have got compartment in physics in class 12th C.B.S.E. board exam. Can I get admission in Govt. Medical colleges for M.B.B.S?
2nd June 2014 02:29 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I am class improment student.I got 51.66% in PCB.but fail in maths.can I get admission in MBBS colg.plz tell me.I am really very upset.plz help me
22nd May 2014 12:40 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir I got compartment in chemistry...because of illness I was not able to write the paper....if I am selected in aipmt? can I attend the councling...and result of compartment is late???
22nd March 2014 09:15 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir i want to do suicide nothing left in my life.there is a chance of failing 12 in second attempt that means loss of 3 years
7th December 2013 03:59 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

after intermediate in bi.p.c passed in compartmental.elligible for which exams.
18th July 2013 11:46 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir,i 'm compartmental passed student with 69 percent....
i'm selectd in NEET UG.
Sir, kya mje koi medical government college mil jayegi...
compart kuch problem create kr skta hai kya ????
18th July 2013 11:44 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir,i 'm compartmental passed student with 69 percent....
i'm selectd in NEET UG.
Sir, kya mje koi medical government college mil jayegi...
compart kuch problem create kr skta hai kya ????
1st June 2013 11:26 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i got compartment in physics theory 2013 can i attend neet counselling if i got selected
plz answer fast
31st May 2013 02:43 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I had subjects pyhs, chm, bio, eng n maths ol in 11th n 12th in cbse board...
Nw I failed in maths.

Ri8 nw I m preparing fo compartmnt in maths..
Nw aftr clearing ma compartment will I b able to do mbbs in any reputed medical colleges? ??

Plz rply me soon if possible as I m too stressd...
Thanking u..
27th May 2013 07:18 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

we are able after passing compartment for mbbs
27th May 2013 12:54 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I failed in cbse board in chemistry with 40 marks can i get seat in mbbs
5th April 2013 01:16 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

can sumone give neet this time if he had compartment (cleared it) last year?
6th March 2013 02:12 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

if i have a compartment in physics bt clear d medical entrance examination will i be provided admission in d clg or whether dey would resrve d seat untill i clear up d compartment??????????plz do help...........plz or a year is wasted???????????
24th August 2012 08:40 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

anybody want admission in mbbs under management quota then send his/her scaned color copy of 10th,10+2th certificate and passport size photo to email adres : [email protected]

thanking you

cel : 9540512968

am in stress what should i do. i got compartement in physics in cbse board exam held in 2010 either of giving compartment i am giving cbse exam in 2011. but god knows i failed to clear exam in 2010 due to noise by the student n also cheating by the students. i have biology as a main subjects so i m preparing for medical exams (mbbs) so i want to know is i am eligible to admit in any medical collage. if this not happens i will commit suicide.[/QUOTE]
18th August 2012 11:05 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I too want dis answr do tel me if u got the answer
10th July 2012 01:56 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i have got chem.this year.can i give pmt exam next year after passing in comp.
28th June 2012 06:22 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

whether failed in maths in cbscxii eligble for mbbs
29th May 2012 01:13 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

hello ,
now i got compartment in chemistry is it possible to join mbbs after passing the compartment
28th May 2012 07:37 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir, i have compart in 12th, can i appear for counselling?
28th May 2012 07:27 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

28th May 2012 05:30 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

when is the compartment exam is gana held??
28th March 2012 01:26 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

If you are a good student then you will get good marks this year.So you can appear for competitions.You have one year gap in between your studies but don't worry many students take a gap year so don't take tensions.
17th March 2012 09:35 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

if my son doesnt clear 11th std in his cbse school exam , can he still appear for all kinds of entrance exams? will he be kept back in 11th if he doesnt clear the retest?
31st January 2012 09:56 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Dear these type of doings does not let you up-wards, you just think straight forwards for your studies.

success is in you, you will sure get sucess, just think positive.

your future is bright and these hurdles makes you strong dear.
10th January 2012 07:43 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

9th August 2011 01:03 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i have a compart in chemistry subject in cbse board. I want admission in mbbs. I m loosing my focus plz help me out what to do.
This is my id [email protected]
plz help me out.
3rd August 2011 09:59 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

sir, i have passed cbse 12th board examination 2011 by giving an compartment exam in phy.with 56.8% so kindly tell me am i eligible for mbbbs?also can i get mci eligible certificate to get admission in foreign medical colleges?
26th June 2011 12:11 AM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i got flukd in phys and i wana proceed my mbbs this year only cn i do it aftr clearng my comprtment exam plz do ans me mam/sir
i got admsn in gud colge bt canot go bcs i got flukd in phys
1st June 2011 12:24 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

PLEASE REPLY TO MY EMAIL ([email protected])
26th May 2011 03:36 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Sir , I have a compartment in chemistry subject , but I wish to study with computer science ahead in engineering , I am losing all hope . Please tell me what should I do ???? I expect a good rank in AIEEE . So is there any hope for me this year ......
my email id is [email protected] Please reply as soon as possible since I'm finding my self in dark...
26th May 2011 01:51 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

reservation of seats for cbse students gujrat board
23rd May 2011 08:51 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

I got 35 marks in chemistry and 33 marks in physics in 12th cbse board in 2011.Should i give a supplementary exam?Also can i get admmision in any MBBS college this year or next year?PLEASE POSITIVELY HELP ME OUT.
13th May 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

Admission in any engineering college after compartment in physics in12th standard CBSE board?
4th May 2011 09:18 PM
Re: Admission in any Medial college for MBBS after compartment in 12th standard CBSE board?

i will face comp in phy am i elible for pmt
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