Thread: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges? Reply to Thread

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8th February 2012 10:50 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

I have got 75.6 percentile in DEC MAT 2011. I want to know some good MBA colleges in Bhubaneshwar having good placement record .Kindly reply on my id- [email protected] you.
1st February 2012 07:01 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

i have got 75.95 percentile in XAT 2012, are there chances for me to be eligible for XIMB?
also, are IMIS and KSOM good? plz help me decide!!
20th August 2011 08:20 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

Dear friend

it will be better to decide the college yourself as far as my openion is concerned i will rate them as IBS hyderabad, IMIS, IIF,etc so look you need to decide because the last decision is always gonna be yours but if you can apply some more good colleges then its better for you.i will request you to give each and every interveiw because that will give you more idea about the college as well as their faculty and placement records go them very sharply and then decide.

1st April 2011 03:58 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

imis good for study and placement
15th February 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

imis good college about placement record..............
5th February 2011 04:40 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

no IBS are self sponsered, autonomous, IMD is very good college
2nd February 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

are IBS colleges recognized by UGC or AICTE?
28th January 2011 06:07 AM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

i have got 70.41 percentile in xat.
please tell me which colleges i would prefer.?
27th January 2011 09:47 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

Am i elgible for XLRI bhubaneshwar, as i got 93.57% in XAT 2011
15th January 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

i hv got 78 percentile in december MAT........n i got a call from IMIS bhuwneshwar should i go for GD/PI or not..........
22nd December 2010 12:03 AM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

these colleges are not very good as compare to IIT or XAVIER but these are not bad for study.
if you have ability to do something in life than you can prove yourself anywhere or in any college
31st May 2010 03:30 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

i got 645.5 score in feb mat 2010. can anyone give me colleges that i can apply for.
27th February 2010 02:01 AM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

dear friend..
i am sorry to tell you that this percentile is not so good..
so its better for you that you do not take admission into those colleges...
if you want only the M B A degree which has only average value then you can take the admission into these colleges...
good luck.
22nd February 2010 02:04 AM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

i think you try again because this percentile is not good enough to
take admission in good colleges ...XLRI,S.P JAIN...
if you can not wait then ...
see which colleges have good capsusing then join college
..good luck..
20th February 2010 09:22 PM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

look dear al these colleges are well rated and in my openion all of these colleges send call letters to most of the candidates who have appeard in the exams so it will be better to decide the college yourself as far as my openion is concerned i will rate them as IBS hyderabad, IMIS, IIF,etc so look you need to decide because the last decision is always gonna be yours and i will request you to give each and every interveiw because that will give you more idea about the college as well as their faculty and placement records go through them very sharply and then decide.. well i hope you will.. good luck and take care ,,, bbye take care..
20th February 2010 12:43 PM
rahul k
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

congratulations for good marks in xat exams. i think these colleges are good, but if you can apply some more good colleges then its better for you. but overall these colleges are also good. so apply them. good luck.
20th February 2010 12:00 AM
Re: Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

well these colleges are not in the same leaugue as the xavier college or iit or spjain,they provide a degree which is of average value ,if you want to go for only the mba degree and not the quality only then go for these colleges.
moreover these colleges are very costly
19th February 2010 10:19 PM
Got interview call letters from few colleges (imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs,iif) on getting 60 percentile in XAT, are these good colleges?

my que is dat i got 60 percentile in xat & received interview call letters from imis,ksom,imd,ibsar,ibs(icfai), please suggest me should i go 4 dese clgs or not??
how are dey rated??????

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