Thread: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK? Reply to Thread

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4th September 2020 12:29 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I join in this college cbit iam sc student complete diploma please
14th June 2018 04:16 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

How much rank should required to get seat in kitswgl by ecet in eee BCD boys?
5th June 2018 02:43 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I got 521branch rank and 2978 integrated rank in ECET in the stream of ECE. And I'm belonging to SC. I have reservation. Can I get seat in Andhra university,JNTUK/A
28th June 2017 02:03 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I am a oc candidate with a rank of 856 could I get seat at jntun in eee branch through diploma
22nd May 2017 08:18 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

My caste bc-d yadav. My ecet rank 3035 branch rank and integrated rank 18232. My branch ece, which college offered in Hyderabad
12th January 2017 10:13 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I am lakshmi and studying polytechnic final year electronics. How much rank required to get seat in Jntu Kakinada in ecet exam? i don't have any reservation.
12th January 2017 10:09 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I am lakshmi and studying polytechnic final year electronics. How much rank required to get seat in Jntu Kakinada in ecet exam? i don't have any reservation.
22nd May 2016 11:55 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I'm Pradeep my ECE branch rank in ecet is 502.. Which college can I prefer better ?
10th April 2016 08:24 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

How much rank get in ecet in civil eng to get admission in ou, jntuh, and cbit i am belongs to st categari
28th September 2015 09:50 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My caste oc how much rank get seat in cbit
CBIT(Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology) is one the most reputed engineering college in Telangana state.

The rank you need to get in ECET to get admission in CBIT being an OC candidate are as follows.

For all the streams it varies from
OC BOYS-52-200,
OC Girls-313-600,

This information is based on the 2015 statistics and this may vary by next year.
7th July 2014 04:05 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I got 464 Rank in E-cet, the year of 2014 in Civil Engineering , Can i got the JNTUK, pls reply me
26th June 2014 03:03 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

My caste is sc madiga my ecet rank 6000 branch rank and integrated rank 24000 which colle fffered
6th June 2014 12:16 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I got a 295 branch rank in ecet.. May i get seat in OU,JNTUH,CBIT,VASAVi
24th May 2014 02:30 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

sir am karthik am cmpleted my diploma'14 i got 1378 rank in ECET am sc candicate,,can i get seat in CBIT r VJIT r VASAVI plzz inform me [email protected]
20th May 2014 02:31 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

i am a diploma civil student.
i got 833 rank in ecet can i
get admision into cbit , ou,jntuh
is it posible to get seat in second
year in those colleges
pls answer my questions
1st March 2014 06:12 PM
Srikanth Radhi
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

Hi. i am diploma mechanical student. How much rank i will get in ECET to get a seat in JNTUH karimnagar. i am bc-b caste.
27th February 2014 08:32 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

am diploma civil student how much rank iwill get in ecet to get a seat in kits warangal am bc-d caste
23rd February 2014 06:16 PM
vinod kumar mudhiraj
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

with caste reservation
Originally Posted by scharankumar View Post
i am a diploma mechanical student. how much rank i will get in ecet to get admision into cbit , ou,jntuk
is it posible to get seat in second year in those colleges
pls answer my questions
27th October 2013 04:23 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

iam diploma in mechanical engg how much rank will be get CBIT join iam ST please send my Email:[email protected] pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
25th October 2013 08:51 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

sri how seat get in JNTU,CBIT
5th October 2013 12:19 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

how much rank should i get in intermediate to join in jntuk
5th September 2013 05:09 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

how much rank will be get in computer science seat
23rd June 2013 11:29 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

sir i got 372/836 rank in eee i have bc-b@ncc resurvation should i get srkr
18th June 2013 12:29 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

What are the cutoff of ranks in different colleges
13th June 2013 11:24 AM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

i got ecet rank 808 in civil can i get seat in mj college and i belong to bc-e category ?
7th June 2013 09:05 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

My ecet integrated rank 1398 i get seat in jntu campus?
5th June 2013 03:48 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

What is admission procedure for maths (ECET)
2nd June 2013 09:46 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I got 1630 rank in ecet .can i get seat in civil in griet.
2nd June 2013 09:35 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

I got 86 ece branch rank in ecet and i have bc-a reservation can i get seat in jntu k
30th May 2013 02:52 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

Can I get seat in mahaveer CLG in Hyd my rank is 3835 mechanical category sc
23rd May 2013 04:09 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

how much i should get 2 get seat in kits warangal.
13th May 2013 08:34 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

My caste oc how much rank get seat in cbit
11th February 2013 12:47 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

how much rank get into seat in kits warangal engineering college caste BC-D mudhiraj send this mail [email protected]
24th January 2013 08:47 PM
Re: How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

i am a diploma ece student. how much rank i will get in ecet to get admission into cbit , ou,jntuk
is it possible to get seat in second year in those colleges
pleases answer my questions

31st December 2012 02:02 PM
How much rank will I get in ECET to get admission into CBIT, OU, JNTUK?

i am a diploma mechanical student. how much rank i will get in ecet to get admision into cbit , ou,jntuk
is it posible to get seat in second year in those colleges
pls answer my questions

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