Thread: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program? Reply to Thread

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3rd March 2016 08:23 AM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

I am 2nd year B.Tech chemical student. I wish to apply summer internship ship training in Chennai
9th November 2013 06:37 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

which companies i can apply for electronics enggineering (EC) for summer internship?
29th October 2013 10:21 AM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

Em a 2nd year B.Tech branch is IT n i wish to do internship in my field or in any athr field wher i can learn many practical things.. can i get any chance..??
7th June 2013 03:12 AM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?


you can apply to all electrical company for internship. If they find any post or vacancy suitable for you, then they would revert back to you.

Some of the good electrical companies are as follows

Bajaj International Private Ltd

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL)

Crompton Greaves Limited (CGL)

Dev Denso Power Ltd

Info Edge (India) Ltd

Penguin Engineering Ltd

Bristol Fire Engineering

Kelvin Electrical

Siemens Ltd

Wipro Lighting.

Another way is to try to find out your alumni working in these company and ask them to forward your CV. Alumni are always happy to help

Try to find any good source/friend etc working in these companies at reputed post and ask them to push your CV to HR

All the best
5th June 2013 11:59 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

someone please tell me the procedure to apply for summer internship programme in any company
23rd May 2013 07:22 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

LIST OF Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Mechanical engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?
11th May 2013 08:50 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

is there tata power in pune.
16th February 2013 03:08 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

sir, how can i apply for internship programm in tata power, please tell me.
28th August 2012 01:53 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

I am B.Tech (Electrical Engineering) student at DIT Dehradun. Please tell me which company can offer me internship in Electrical Engineering in 3rd year during Jun-Jul 2013 (6-8 weeks).
23rd July 2012 12:25 PM
Re: List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

~~~Companies you may apply for intrenship(electrical)~~~

Mostly electrical work is done in every industry. Some of the companies who take students for intrenship are as follows.
1 Tata power.
2 Bhtshan steels.
3 Garodia tronics.
4 KDL Biotec ltd.
5 India Steel ltd.
6 Wortsila enggineering.
8 ALTA electrical.
9 You may also get chance in railway(Dadar)
10 Uttam galva.
6th November 2011 06:12 PM
List of companies a B.Tech(Electricial engineer) 2nd year student can apply for summer internship program?

i am 2nd year student .my branch is electrical engineering .i want to do summer internship in company or please tell me the name of company or colleges which provide summer internship in electrical engineering.

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