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6th June 2017 12:05 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

Yes, you can get admission in M.Sc (Masters of Science) Psychology in Punjab university. To get admission you need to follow the below mentioned procedure.

Punjab university has different type of courses. There is an entrance exam for the post graduation course called CET. The candidate who wanted admission in their desired course then they need to clear the entrance test. The eligibility and application process and last date details are mentioned below.

Eligibility criteria:
- The candidate should complete their graduation with minimum 55% for general category, 50% for SC/ ST/ OBC category from any recognised university.
- Failed candidate are not eligible for applying CET exam.

Application process:
- The candidate need to visit the official website, register and fill the details.
- Take print out of the bank slip then pay the fees through bank slip.
- In general the application date is given in the 1st week of May and the last date will be in the 2nd week of June.
- The exam will in the 1st week of July and the results will be out in the last week of July.

Paper pattern:
- The paper pattern will be an objective and multiple choice which has 4 options.
- The duration of the exam is 1 hour 30 minutes.
- There 75 questions and each question is of 1 mark so the total is 75 marks.
12th May 2015 12:21 AM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

How i can get admissions for Msc psychology. Please tell me
26th May 2014 06:26 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

i have got 82.33 % in 2 medical i want to take patiala university for honours ..plzz sir tell me the prducre of addmission
12th June 2013 08:42 AM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is the procedure of getting admission in B.Sc MICROBIOLOGY at punjabi university,patiala.please reply soon.
7th June 2013 06:30 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is procdure of admnission for bsc hoursand b parmacy
1st June 2013 01:23 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is procedure of admission for m tech in Punjabi university ?? Do they prefer gate cleared students?
27th April 2013 10:44 AM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

sir how i take admisson after plus 2 in punjabi universty ptiala
23rd March 2013 07:07 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

procedure to get admission in physics in punjabi university,patiala?
22nd December 2012 03:04 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

Sir i want to do my from punjabi university .what is procedure for taking admission?
4th August 2012 06:24 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

sir i have got 60% in diploma and i want to take admission in punjabiuniversity,patiala and my councling date also expired,my councling is done before the result how ptu can do it,plz give me any suggestion about admission in university your thankful khan.
6th June 2012 02:03 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

i need to know which application i have to fill up to get admission in pu
22nd May 2012 07:20 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is the procedure to get admission of btech in punjabi university after plus 2

Hamanpreet singh sodhi 98144412820

e.mail [email protected]
10th May 2012 10:16 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is the procedure to get admission of btech in punjabi university after diploma?
30th April 2012 03:14 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

sir i want know about the procedure of taking admission in patiala university for
22nd April 2012 08:31 AM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

what is gate score required for at punjabi university patiala?
17th April 2012 12:17 AM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

How can we get admission in thapar university
26th March 2012 10:47 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

mydaughter gatescore 20 is eligiblefor M.TECH.AT tHAPER
9th March 2012 09:14 PM
Re: Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

What is the system of admission of M.Ed & M.Fill ?
18th March 2011 10:36 PM
Admission procedure of Punjabi University Patiala and Thapar University?

I have a low gate score..kindly help me with the mtech admission procedure of Punjabi university Patiala and Thapar university Patiala...also let me know with their entrance exam dates and application forms..???

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