Thread: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal? Reply to Thread

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5th June 2018 08:41 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

My PC rank is 204 . So will I get admission in Polytechnic Government college????
1st October 2017 01:32 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

Up to how much OBC rank i can get a chance to get admitted in government engineering collages from west Bengal?
1st July 2013 10:42 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

sir pls tel me CAN I GET A CHANCE IN ANY W.B GOVT.COLG... WITH RANK 15850????
13th June 2013 12:11 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

Sir, i have scored 67384 rank in Gen category will i get admission in Govt. Polytechnic
13th June 2013 12:03 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

How much rank should i obtain to get electronix & communication yo get admission in goverment engineering collages in west bengal?
12th June 2013 01:39 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

sir, this year my rank in WBJEE is 2564 sc, can iI get any government engineering college in WB?
what rank is necessary to get government eng. college?
11th June 2013 10:58 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

can i get a chance to get an admission in west bengal engineering college with 40 percent in HS and my wbjee rank is 26249?
11th June 2013 01:44 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

after scoreing 1664 in sc which government college can i get..
22nd October 2012 08:02 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

how much rank in JECA should i obtain to get admission in government M.C.A collage in west Bengal
15th July 2012 08:02 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

can i got a chance iti ? i have got 440 in mp.
10th June 2012 07:22 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

sir,i failed in hs this year.can i seat for hs and wbjee next year?how much i need to score in hs and wbjee to get admission in good engineering colleges in bengal?
4th June 2012 09:56 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

counselling date of wbjee exam?
list of top college under wbjee?
which college i get after scoring 2399(sc) and 31433(g) rank in wbjee?
31st May 2012 12:19 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my jexpo rank 2012 is 3382.which government college will i get in mechanical?
31st May 2012 12:16 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my jexpo 2012 rank is 3382.which government college will i get in mechanical?
25th May 2012 01:28 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my rank in the JEXPO 2012 is 6079. Can i get chance in any government college?
if yes then what are the colleges into which i can get into?
17th May 2012 08:23 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

If my rank becomes 1167 in WBJEM, then is there any chance to get admission in a Govt. Medical College of W.B.for MBBS course?
7th November 2011 04:51 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

your rank is below 2500 then you have chance for govt college.

college like ceramic , textile , leather ,bpharm etc.

but JU and Besu should be closed within 1700 rank.

so best of luck dear.
7th October 2011 01:21 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

please tell me if i score 85 percent marks on H.S board then can i get direct admission to any govr. College? Pls reply
7th October 2011 12:52 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

I hav got around 78000 rank in wbjee will i able to take admission in good engineering colleges,rly me soon as am only waitng on ur rly......
4th August 2011 12:00 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my jeca 2011 rank is 416. which gov. college should i get
13th July 2011 06:46 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

My wb rank is 27060 , will i get any good top 10 private college , plz help me
which will be best college a/c to this rank
8th July 2011 11:28 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my pc rank is,can i got goverment engineering college
2nd July 2011 02:11 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my wbjee rank is 3803...can i get kgec for b tech in it
27th June 2011 10:55 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my SC rank is 1205.
Can i Get admission in ceramic tech. college in 2011
24th June 2011 11:04 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

my wbjee rank s 40,882. in wich colleges can i get admitted into?awaitin 4 reply. thnks n regards..
21st June 2011 05:34 PM
Re:How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Up to how much rank i can get a chance to get admitted in goverment engineering collages from west bengal joint?
I'm sending you the docx file where you can see the opening and closing rank for best government college through WBJEE.

good luck

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i got 22600 in wbjee.will i get any government college in west bengal in any discipline?
i check it out and i found that all the branch even lower branch closed under 14858.

14858 is the last guy who get addmission in civil engineering in University Institute of Technology, Burdwan University

so,i don't think so you can get any govt college.
for your more info i send you that closing rank for govt college.

i hope you get it what i'm telling.

good luck

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
which college will i get if my rank in wbjee is 12000?
I'm telling..........
you have a chance of getting following college with following branch:

institute branch
Faculty of Engineering & Technology Architecture
, Jadavpur University

Bengal Engineering and Science Architecture
University, Shibpur, Howrah.

University Institute of Technology applied elect-
, Burdwan University tronics,civil,

here i suggest you govt college which you can get.

good luck

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My wbjee'11 Engg(genl) rank is 10300. Which college will I get for B.Tech in IT ?
i check out the govt college where you can get IT branch:

1> Burdwan University University Institute of Technology

2>University Instrumentation Center,
Kalyani University

3>West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata

good luck
17th June 2011 11:48 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

My wbjee'11 Engg(genl) rank is 10300. Which college will I get for B.Tech in IT ?
16th June 2011 01:34 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

which college will i get if my rank in wbjee is 12000?
16th June 2011 01:33 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

i got 22600 in wbjee.will i get any government college in west bengal in any discipline?
14th June 2011 11:21 PM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

I like to search the government Engineering colleges in West Bengal for AIEEE result of rank 485 in sc catagory
11th June 2011 10:58 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Up to how much rank i can get a chance to get admitted in goverment engineering collages from west bengal joint?
if your rank is below 2500 then you have chance for govt college.

college like ceramic , textile , leather ,bpharm etc.

but JU and Besu should be closed within 1700 rank.

so best of luck dear.
11th June 2011 03:33 AM
Re: How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

for govt clleges in west bengal your score in WBJEE should be less than 2000. then only you can get into govt colleges...
10th June 2011 11:50 PM
How much rank should I obtain to get admission in government engineering colleges in West Bengal?

Up to how much rank i can get a chance to get admitted in goverment engineering collages from west bengal joint?

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