Thread: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure? Reply to Thread

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28th April 2017 11:34 AM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

How can I apply for training at bhel with CSE branch ? Please reply on my mail [email protected]
13th July 2013 09:04 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

i m a computer science student, can i do training in bhel ??
16th June 2013 07:48 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
from which dept in bhel can i take training for computer science branch,as only electrical and mechanical branches are given priorities for training in bhel the scope of computer science becomes very less but i have already paid the fees so i need your help sir.
please reply.on
my id [email protected]
14th June 2013 04:49 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

i am a computer science student...i have to do training in bhel bhopal
i had already submitted a request letter from my college.

please send details on my contact..
reply on my
no 9039495687
13th June 2013 10:12 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

sir i want to apply for minor traning what is fee and procedure
4th September 2012 09:49 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

sir i need your help. i have scored 402 in gate in computer science and engineering. Can i gat any Goverment Jobs. And also what i want to do sir... Please Reply. My id is [email protected]
4th June 2012 07:27 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

from which dept in bhel can i take training for computer science branch,as only electrical and mechanical branches are given priorities for training in bhel the scope of computer science becomes very less but i have already paid the fees so i need your help sir.
please reply.
my id id [email protected]
23rd April 2012 09:36 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

sir i need your help.
i have no source in bhel bhopal
i had already submitted a request letter from my college.
but there is no positive responce
please send details on my email..
reply on my id r
[email protected]
23rd April 2012 09:29 PM
Re: How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

does bhel provides training for computer science branch
reply on my id [email protected]
19th June 2011 11:44 PM
[email protected]
How can a CSE student apply for training in BHEL(bhopal)? What's the procedure?

sir i need your help.
i have no source in bhel bhopal
i had already submitted a request letter from my college.
but there is no positive responce
please send details on my email..

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