Thread: What can I do after passing 12th commerce? Reply to Thread

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20th May 2016 09:46 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

My interest is in painting and scratching and I also want to do some banking jobs at good post what should I passed with 60%.
18th March 2015 11:31 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

sir I have completed 12th in commerce I want to do bbi but what r the steps I don't know please let me know the procedure
28th February 2015 11:02 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

i m cnfsd what to do after 12 commerce plzz advice which is the best field where thr. Is lot of scope in future
plzz rply ..
8th July 2014 06:53 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

I am from Kerala. I am studying in 2 commerce in a private institute.What should i do to become S.I. in POLICE ?in which course i want to join for this?
30th May 2014 09:47 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

i want to write CA foundation course after 12th . Will i get any couching at any collage for the same?
17th April 2014 11:11 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

My ques. is what the course is bettre life in the student. Am think motor mechanic
14th April 2014 06:08 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

i can't understand which subject i am choose after 12th comm.but i also thing i am choose arts in any field which i intrest plz... u suggest i m right or not
26th November 2013 05:05 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

i want become a callector so whai can i do
5th October 2013 02:57 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

what is qulification for CA
2nd September 2013 07:11 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

you can do any course except medical and engineering other than you can do any course like BBM, BCA, BA, BBA.ETC
2nd September 2013 02:49 AM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Sir I aminterested in business economics. Please tell me about the colleges offering the same. I found that admission to Delhi university is is not quite possible asi don't satisfy their criteria of maths a compulsory subject.i am plus two student and I don't have maths as one of my subsidiary subject.i would be very pleased to join a college in Kerala which offers BBE. Please do tell me about the scope of the job. Whether Top class job s in commerce like CA could be considered as a better option if one does not go by passion in choosing the career
1st August 2013 07:28 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

if i got 60% then what would be the best line 4 me ?
31st July 2013 08:33 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is there is any cumpulsory to do after 12th?
yes it is
29th July 2013 11:51 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

How many scopes of fashion designing now adays...??
23rd July 2013 03:53 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

hi i just passed 12th i want a good course and a
good job with good salary and i want to go to
gulf for job what should i study
30th June 2013 06:42 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

what should i do after 12......!!!
Plz reply me ?????
Now i in 12th commerce (cbse) college......!!
Plz reply as early as u can.......!!
24th June 2013 08:32 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Iam a commerce student and i got 59% in isc this year. Can i do CA course?
21st June 2013 06:58 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

hi! i am in 12 commerce and i am intrested in doing law but i dont know all information about law like what will be the steps after passing 12 for law and suggest me some best law colleges in nashik
14th June 2013 09:44 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

is there is any cumpulsory to do after 12th?
12th June 2013 10:18 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

how is india level exam ?
11th June 2013 07:59 AM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

I have done 12th with commerce in 2010. Which job i can do?
21st May 2013 08:18 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

dear sir/mam

m a student of 12th commerce wd maths.want 2 pursue 4 further studies in business mgt,what is d exact way 2 go for mba event mgt.please guid eme wd the procedure..........
17th April 2013 02:37 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Dear There,

There are lots of options that you can do after passing 12th with Commerce discipline.

If, you want to do study further, then you can do graduation and so on.

If, you want to prepare for competitive exams, then after graduation, you can do.

You can do many courses if, you want. The courses are prescribed as below:-

* ICFAI (Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India).

* ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountant of India).

* Diploma course.

* ICSI (Institute of Company Secretary of India).

* ICWAI (Institute of Cost and Work Accountant of India).

16th April 2013 10:19 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

There are so options to choose after 12th with commerce.

Don't be get confused.

I provide the list what can you do after 12th with commerce.

Choose according to your interest.

>>BBA and BBM are similar courses of study and most of the colleges providing BBA courses also provide BBM courses.

->The B.Com(Bachelor of Commerce) courses:

->B.Com(honors in accounting and finance): B.Com honors is a three year long degree course which mainly deals with the study of accounting, economics, banking, financial planning, etc. This degrees also provides entry to work in banks, audits and other private sectors as well as government financial sectors.

->B.Com in banking and insurance: This field of study deals with banking, accounting, insurance related subjects. With this degree, one can continue further specialised studies or enter the professional world with jobs in banks or insurance companies.

->B.Com in Marketing: This course of study deals with identifying the customers and managing a market. They mostly study about the strategies to boost the sales of the products, develop business with effective sales and communications techniques.

I hope this information will help you.

All the best...........
16th April 2013 10:19 PM
The Mask Man
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

This Image Will Help You ALot

16th April 2013 10:18 PM
The Mask Man
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

This Image Will Help You ALot

16th April 2013 07:34 PM
No 1
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?


After 12th commerce complete high courses like ::

*** M.Com

*** B.Com

*** Hotel Management

*** CWA

*** Diploma

*** CA

*** CS

*** Fashion Design

*** ICWA

*** BBA

*** BBM.

All the best.......................
16th April 2013 07:13 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

After 12th Commerce there are so many career options to be opted as per one's interest and ability.

First of all you may go with any under Graduate studies like:-

-B.Com.- Bachelor of Commerce
-B.A.- Bachelor of Arts
-BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
-BCA - Bachelor of Computer Application
-LL.B. - Bachelor of Law

Otherwise one may go with any professional courses like:-

-CA - Chartered Accountancy
-CS - Company Secretary
-CWA - Cost & Work Accountant

After 12th commerce the options are:-

Hotel Management
Mass Communication etc.
16th April 2013 03:24 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

after passing 12th Commerce:

For Higher studies:




**Bachelor of Business Management (BBM).

**B.Com hons.

**Fashion Designing.

**Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).

**Cost and Work Accountant (CWA).

**Chartered Accoutancy.(CA).

**Interior Designing.

**Company Secretary (CS).

**Hotel Management

Jobs in Protective Services for 10+2:

Protective service has three different department or force in which the government jobs available for 10+2 in different position.

Central Reserve Police Force

Recruitment of Assistant Sub Inspectors (Stenographer) and Head Constable (Ministerial)


Assistant Sub Inspector (Tech.)

Constable (Bugler in CRPF

Indo-Tebetan Border Police Force

Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographers) and Head Constable Ministerial
Recruitment of Constables (GD)
Recruitment of Sub Inspectors (Oversear)

Border Security Force (BSF)

ASI (Steno) Constables (Ministerial)
Assistant Sub-Inspector (Clerk)
Sub-Inspector (Pioneer)
Assistant Sub Inspector (Radio Mechanic)

Sashastra Seema Bal

Assistant Sub-Inspector (Steno)
Head Constable
Constable (General Duty) Male
Constable (GD) Female

Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)

SI (Pioneer) in Special Service Bureau
Asst. Sub-Inspector (Clerk/Typist) and SI (Stenographer)

India Reserve Battalions (IRB)

Recruitment of Male Constable

Assam Rifles

Rifleman (GD) in Assam Rifles

Railway Protection Force (RPF)

Recruitment of Constables (Executive)

Delhi Police

Temporary Constable (Executive)
Constable (Driver), Constable (Women)

Haryana Police

Female Constables (General Duty)
Constables (Sportsperson)
Constables/Wireless Operator

**Public sector Banks

all the best............
16th April 2013 01:24 AM
sirimulla srikanth
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Best Career Option after 12th:

List of some Options:



Bachelor of Business Management (BBM).


B.Com hons.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).

Cost and Work Accountant (CWA).

Fashion Designing.

Chartered Accoutancy.(CA).

Company Secretary (CS).

Hotel Management,etc.

Interior Designing.

15th April 2013 01:10 AM
Bread and butter
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Dear friend, as your subjects are commerce it means you can make your career in busines. Therefore from me you have to do BCOM,BBA etc which will help you in your career.After that you can do MBA(master of business and administration),after doing this if you are very good in all these you get placed in any company.Dear, you must update what is happening in the world about business, due to which you get benefit in your interviews. Best of luck.
14th April 2013 10:32 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Dear Friend

Do not worry ,there are lots of career options after 10+2 in commerce.It depends upon your intention and motive that in which field of commerce you want to make your career .
There are different diploma programs ,degree programs and the profession courses also.So please decide your goal and select the course depending upon it.

The various degree programs are as below:

>>Bachelor of commerce

>>Bachelor of law

>>Bachelor of business management

>>Bachelor of computer applications

>>Bachelor of arts.

The different diploma programs are as below:

>>Diploma in travel and tourism

>>Diploma in Hotel management

>>Diploma in education

Some of the professional courses for the commerce students are :

>>Chartered accountancy

>>Company secretary course

>>CFA program


Now I hope that you have the various options and please select any one depending upon your interest and goal.

Hope the information helps you.If you have any other confusion or query,please leave it here ,we will solve it as soon as we get it.

All the best for your life.

14th April 2013 09:58 PM
sravya sravi
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

thanks for ur information sir...its for my a 1 st year student of the stream cse.i would like to get some scholarships.ready to attempt any kind of +12 percentage was 90%.if u have any information regarding any institute that offers such scholarshps within the state of A.P please do let me know that.i would be greatful for ur valuable information.@@sravya.
14th April 2013 05:19 PM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Wat i do after 12 exam of commerce...Pelase send to me the details

Dear Aspirant,

There are Various Option available after Passing 12th Commerce, you can Go Further Study for your Graduation like B.Com (Bachelor in Commerce), BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application), BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), BBM (Bachelor of Business Management) etc......

For Concerned with Job then you can get job in Bank Clerk, Railways, Post office, Data Entry jobs etc.....

Higher Study in Government Section that you can join after completing your Graduation is IAS (Indian Administrative Service), IPS (Indian Police Service) etc.......

Some Other Courses are Listed Below:-

$$ ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountant of India)

$$ ICWAI (Institute of Cost and Work Accountant of India)

$$ Hotel Management

$$ Bachelor+Bank PO (SBI/IBPS)

$$ ICFAI (Institute of Chartered Financial Analyst of India)

$$ ICSI (Institute of Company Secretary of India)

$$ BMS

$$ Diploma course

$$ Bachelor+MBA

All the best

With Regards......
14th April 2013 09:26 AM
Re: What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Hi Friend..................

There are some courses after 12th commerce

Bachelor of Commerce

Bachelor of Commerce in Computers







Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Insurance

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance

Bachelor of Commerce in Computer Application

Bachelor of Computer Application

Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Communication

Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

Bachelor of Business Studies

Bachelor of Business Management

Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Accounting and Finance

13th April 2013 08:31 PM
What can I do after passing 12th commerce?

Wat i do after 12 exam of commerce...Pelase send to me the details

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