Thread: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University? Reply to Thread

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5th May 2014 03:53 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

can i get admission in any govment engenearing college of uttarakhand through jee rank as i have not domicile of my own state uttrakhand plz help me
20th June 2013 11:18 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?


7th April 2013 08:12 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

can i get addmission in jadavpur university thru wbjee, 'm not from west bengal
24th March 2012 03:46 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

what is the max rank for chemical engg in jadavpur university through aieee 2012?
13th January 2012 01:49 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

Sir,i'm a living in bengal since my birth.and i also passed 10 and 12 from west bengal.but due to my father business we frequently changes our i didn't have domicile crertificate.pls tell me can i get admission in govt. Collage through my 12 admit certificte
28th December 2011 10:41 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i hav a domicile of wb..can i get admission in ju?
5th August 2011 12:53 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

I am a resident of Assam and not a domicile of West Bengal. Can I apply for admission in MCA course in Yadavpur University ? Is there any reserved seat for other state student for the course MCA?
23rd July 2011 03:33 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i hAVE GOT 245 rank in wbjee..i am from bihar.can i get admission in jadavpur university
7th July 2011 07:42 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i have w.b domicile. my wbjee rank is 77357.
and plz reply me that can i eligible to;8239235382.
7th July 2011 07:36 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my rank is77357.what is my domicile rank.and can ieligible to councling now.
i am from west bengal.
2nd July 2011 03:55 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i have got wbjee2011 rank 915. i am not domicile of west bengal. can i get admission in jadavpur university?
28th June 2011 09:36 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my wbjee rank is 46288 in gen category. i m frm jharkhand.can i be called for counseling?
pls reply
16th June 2011 03:26 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my wbjee rank is ~650 and aieee rank is ~15000 .. can i get any of the top branches in Jadavpur University ?? i am from bihar ...
plz reply soon
16th June 2011 03:23 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my wbjee rank is around 600 and aieee rank is arnd 15000 .. can i get any of the good branches in JU ?? i am from bihar .. plz reply soon
12th June 2011 12:57 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my air rank in aieee is 500000 and state rank is 23000 in sc category.can i get seats in any good colleges
13th May 2011 04:08 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

what marks should i get in wbjee to get admission in jadavpur.......... plz reply

vishal gupta
e-mail; [email protected]
15th January 2011 03:48 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

first of all it not yadavpur it is 'jadavpur university' (JU)

you have to RANK below 2,000 in wbjee for addmission to engineering courses in JU.

15 percent seats are for students from other state.
domecile is required only state level exams, if you are get admission in own state then domecile is required otherwise its not required.

29th December 2010 06:27 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

To apply for the 15% seats for non domicile students which application form do we fill? do we have to fill any separate form for jadavpur university , or the wbjee or just filling the aieee form will work?
2nd December 2010 10:43 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

I donot have a domiscile certificate of bengal.can i apply for jem and get admission in private colleges
14th July 2010 03:35 AM
vanshu sharma
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

there is not any university which u have named
only 15 % seats are reserved for students outside the state
13th July 2010 09:17 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i am resident of Bihar i passed 10th CBSE from West Bengal . now i want to take admmission in 2 in delhi. can i eligeble for Delhi pre medical test?
5th July 2010 08:28 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

Yes you can apply through your AIEEE rank . as generally the state tecnical universities conduct counselling for aieee students as they have reserved seat for that. so through this you can aplly for that.
5th July 2010 01:13 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

Other states student need not to submit the domicile because the 15% seats are available for the outer states students.

Domicile are required only for the home state students that for those which belong to the west bengal as well.

All the best.
4th July 2010 01:23 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

i have got 1333 in wbjee .can i get ju?
11th June 2010 03:02 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

My brother has got 700 rank in wbjee 2010 and has 23000 rank in aieee. he is from jharkhand. will he get a seat in JU?
6th June 2010 07:18 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

my, rank in wbjee is 8530. Will i get in any gov college of bengal for electronics&communication?
31st May 2010 10:24 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

is there domicile requirement to take admission in state enginerring colleg in aieee throug state rank? if i passed 10 2 from that state
then will i get
admission through my aieee state rank in that state engineering colleg?? plz reply

abhishek uttarakhand.
31st May 2010 02:06 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

dear friend,
you can get admission in Engineering course in Jadavpur University as you belong to different state but only through AIEEE
31st May 2010 02:04 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

dear friend,
yes it is true that for getting admission in the jadvpur you must have domicile certificate other wise you can not take the admission.there is no any option for you regarding the jadapur such get other college.
31st May 2010 11:56 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

you need a hs pass out from any part of wb.
outside state students are not allowed.
though good ranks makes you eligible.only 15 % seats are alloted for students from other state.
31st May 2010 03:55 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

dear friend,
if you donot belong from west bengal then you can't get
admission in Yadavpur university as because they will demand for domicile
31st May 2010 12:58 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

what advantage do I get for haryana domicile certificate for admission to engineering colleges
21st February 2010 07:36 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

hey friend,
in the jadavpur university 85% sheet is reserved for the domicile candidate of west-bengal,
and the rest of 15 % sheet of the total sheet is open for the students of all India,
and for this sheet the admission is taken on the basis of a i e e e rank,
and your marks/score should be very good to taking the admission in the Jadavpur.
all the best.
15th February 2010 10:29 AM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

if you have no domicile of west bengal then do not worry,15% seet is filled up by the aieee result.
so you should get good score in aieee for taking admission in jadavpur university.
13th February 2010 11:06 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

you have to get good rank in wbjee for getting admission in engineering courses in JU.only 15 % seats are alloted for students from other state.
12th February 2010 10:04 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

if you are a domicile of WB then you can get admission in it other wise you have work very hard as only 15% seats are available for other state students.
9th February 2010 10:41 PM
rahul k
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

domecile is required only state level exams, if you are get admission in own state then domecile is required otherwise its not required.
6th February 2010 01:37 PM
[email protected]
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

there is no need of domicile as it is required for the state level examinations
you will have the benefit of 15% reserved seats
30th January 2010 11:15 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

no there is no need for the domicile as it is required if you apply for any state level colleges so that you will be having the advantage of 15% reserved seats.
21st January 2010 02:00 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

no only state domicile student can get chance by wbjee ...........aieee new norms allow few seats by aieee rank.........
8th January 2010 05:46 PM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

domicile certificate is required only for those students who are applying for their home state college ,

so only the students of west bengal need to submitt domicile certifiacte,

since you are applying against the 15% seats that are for outside students,then you need not give domiscile cerificate.
15th December 2009 04:13 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

domicile is only required for state leel exams and there too 15% of the seats in every college is reserved for other state candidates..........
6th December 2009 10:58 AM
Re: Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

first of all it not yadavpur it is 'jadavpur university' (JU)

you have to RANK below 2,000 in wbjee for addmission to engineering courses in JU.

15 percent seats are for students from other state.
29th November 2009 04:35 PM
Domicile requirement for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University?

I am a resident of Jharkhand and not a domicile of West Bengal. Can I apply for admission in Engineering course in Yadavpur University ?

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