Thread: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges. Reply to Thread

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18th August 2013 02:54 PM
4wc ee
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

Hi... Friend...

You can get significant chances suitable for you in neuro-scientific medicine.

1st, that will possibly be M.B.B.S. The sheer numbers of seats available for the same is quite lower for the same during Govt. Medicinal colleges.

Meant for holding a fabulous govt cinema seat, you want to report the best show up during more common entry ways exam.

That other regions where one can practice a career may be caregiving, online pharmacy as well as Ayurvedic medicine.

These types of derricks of medication are formed in great marketplace demand from present.

Thanks a lot
17th August 2013 04:04 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

I am in 12th std.n there is semester system, in 1st sem I have 72% n in sem 2 I scored only passing marks which is 36% n 3rd sem is running.i want to go in mbbs which field is demanding after 4,5 years.n which college is right for me n how much percentage I have to scored in 12th n entrance exam
17th August 2013 04:01 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

I am in 12th std.n there is semester system, in 1st sem I have 72% n in sem 2 I scored only passing marks which is 36% n 3rd sem is running.i want to go in mbbs which field is demanding after 4,5 years.n which college is right for me n how much percentage I have to scored in 12th n entrance exam
6th April 2013 10:07 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

i would like to take medical field after my 2 ,above 85-90% which course is eligible for me?i took bio-maths group.
4th December 2012 01:45 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

tell me about coarses to do after 2 in medical which have scopes in abroad.
31st May 2012 08:45 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

I want to go for a good medical line but i have scored only 65% in 12th science.i don't know what will be my score in MHT-CET but i am not expecting good marks in it too.i would like to go for medical only & need your suggest in seiecting career.But i would like to do medical through government colleges as i cannot afford fees of private medical colleges.Any other career having good opportunities & big money will also do but want aided universities.
25th May 2012 02:46 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

what i do lst year i passed 12th with science stream with 60% marks now what i do except medical and B tech.?????
5th April 2012 02:18 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

what is the career prospect are available after scoring 60%
28th February 2012 11:31 PM
Re: What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

There are lot opportunities for you in the field of medicine. First, it would definitely be M.B.B.S. The number of seats for the same is very low for the same in Govt. Medical colleges. For securing a government seat, you need to score a good rank in the common entrance exam. The other areas where you can pursue a career would be nursing, pharmacy and Ayurvedic medicine. These fields of medicine are in huge demand at present.
27th May 2011 11:07 PM
What career prospects are available after scoring 60% in 12th? I would preferably choose medical stream and government aided colleges.

I want to go for a good medical line but I have secured only 60% in 12th science stream.
I dont know what is going to be my score in MHT-CET but i am not expecting good marks in it too.
I would like to go for medical only and need your suggestion in selecting my career.
But I would like to do medical through government colleges only as I cannot afford the heavy fees of private medical colleges.
Any other career having good job oppurtinities and big money(as every student studies for earning money only) will also do but would want only aided universities.
Requesting your help soon.
Thank You.

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