Thread: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering? Reply to Thread

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6th November 2019 03:38 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir, I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have not completed my all fifth and sixth semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected]
8th September 2017 03:08 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir, I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from board of technical examination banglore. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last two years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected]
16th January 2017 03:15 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I want last 5 years drawing question papers with solved answers of 4th sem please send as much as possible thank you sir....
28th February 2016 08:34 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

[QUOTE=abbas-wgl;1845145]Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in civilengineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in civil engineering l schem sir
. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected]
23rd August 2015 05:50 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear sir
I want the blue print of the curent sem of 2,3&4sem pleace give the information of that and i need 5 sem blur print also plz plz give sir i have a 4 backlog that i want to pass in all subject and in 5th sem plz help me
11th August 2015 01:43 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear sir,
i am studying in diploma Mechanical Engineering so completed my course but i have some back locks so i need Mechatronics, basic management & indian costitution, mechanical metrology & measurements, & esti mation & costing so i need this 4 subjects question papers new syllabus of 2009 series from that til now so mail me those papers.
thanks & warm regards :-
Vijay kumar M
Email id:- [email protected]
30th April 2015 11:47 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of haryana . I have completed my all six semester of diploma. So I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below.
[email protected]
26th April 2015 08:58 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

DEAR sir,
i am studying 1st year diploma mechanical engneering from sbtet i need last two years question papers in work shop technology sir please send me
([email protected])
10th April 2015 02:52 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

dear sir ,
i am studying in diploma in mech. engineering from prestige institute of indore i m in 4 th sem i want only 4th sem questions paper so plse send me papers in my email id which are given below
6th April 2015 10:09 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in
mechanical engineering from
technical examination board of chennai. I have completed my all six
semester of diploma but still I have
not clear mathematics 2 and thermal engineering 1 subject of diploma.
So, I want to last six years question
paper of diploma in mechanical
engineering. So, I request you if you
have Please send me in email I
sending you my email id as below
[email protected]
4th January 2015 08:19 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Interview and retten test question for DME
16th December 2014 06:48 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?


28th November 2014 12:24 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

er of diploma in mechanical engineering?
I am studying in diploma in mechanical
engineering from direct of technical education
in chennai I have completed my all six
semester of diploma but still I have not clear in
electric drives and control and fluid mechanics
and fluid power. So, I want to last six years
question paper. send me this id
[email protected]
1st October 2014 09:23 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering
from Dr.M.G.R.polytechnic college I want last six year question paper so
please send me my email ID ([email protected])
26th September 2014 10:59 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering so I wand to last six years question paper please send me in email my email ID ([email protected])
26th September 2014 10:46 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from Dr.M.G.R.polytechnic college. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma so, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. so, I request you if you have please send me in email I sending you my email ID as below ([email protected])
14th September 2014 09:48 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

i have completed diploma mechanical engineering but i have one subject in 4th semeister production drawing only. so please give me 10 years previous question papers and please give me question papers
29th August 2014 12:12 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I'm studying diploma in mechanical engg III Year At tamilnadu dote .i want(V&VI SEM) last 5 years solved question can i get question papers any body pls help me
19th August 2014 10:06 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

sir iam studying in tamilnadu polytecnic college madurai i need last six years question papers for 4th, 5th, 6th semester please send me on my email id as below
[email protected]
23rd June 2014 12:30 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

How can I get last six years ouestion papers of diploma mechanical engineering ?

please can you send me all first year ouestion paper of both sem
please send me on my email id as below
[email protected]
18th June 2014 07:55 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Please send Fluid Mechanics previous 6 years question papers for III Semester for Diploma in Mechanical Engineering to my mail ID, [email protected]
6th June 2014 04:31 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

sir iam join in direct secand year in diplamoo but how to study sir pls give me a tips sir and last 6year qustion bank sir please help sir i send my email id pls send me in email [email protected]
11th April 2014 01:18 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected][/QUOTE]
28th March 2014 02:52 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in
mechanical engineering from
technical examination board of psr,sivakasi. I have completed my all six
semester of diploma but still I have
not clear my all subject of diploma.
So, I want to last six years question
paper of diploma in mechanical
engineering. So, I request you if you
have Please send me in email I
sending you my email id as below. ([email protected])
14th March 2014 10:53 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I am studying Diploma mechanical 2nd year I need Thermal Engineering 1 question paper or blue print
K.P. Bharath kumar
21st February 2014 10:56 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

How can i get ongc written test paper of last few years for diploma mechanical?
20th February 2014 07:11 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Please send me last six year question paper of 4th semester in all subject
Please convey my regards
My email I.d is [email protected]
8th February 2014 01:01 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

i want the question papers for engineering mechanics,engineering drawing and mathematics 1......of previous years .....pls send me email of these question papers

my email id:[email protected]
29th October 2013 01:11 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

design of machine element
28th October 2013 08:21 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I want coming exam question paper pls sir
20th August 2013 09:56 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from direct of technical education in chennai I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear in electric drives and control and fluid mechanics and fluid power. So, I want to last six years question paper. send me this id [email protected]
18th March 2013 06:57 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

question papers
16th December 2012 05:45 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

how can i get ongc written test paper of last few years for diploma mechanical?
send me on my mail id [email protected]
11th November 2012 06:49 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

[QUOTE=abbas-wgl;1845145]Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request
16th October 2012 11:47 AM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected]
11th May 2012 07:07 PM
Re: How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

is diploma after 10th equl 12th?
2nd March 2012 06:23 PM
How can I get last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering?

Dear Sir,
I am studying in diploma in mechanical engineering from technical examination board of vmr, rampur. I have completed my all six semester of diploma but still I have not clear my all subject of diploma. So, I want to last six years question paper of diploma in mechanical engineering. So, I request you if you have Please send me in email I sending you my email id as below

[email protected]

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