Thread: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court Reply to Thread

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14th July 2015 09:20 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of restorer in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
19th May 2015 09:34 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir I wants samole paper of restorer post in punjab and chandigarh high court pls send it to my

pls as soon as possible
5th January 2015 05:37 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of restorer i request plz send me the old question papers for the post of restrore e. Mail -
Plzz as soon as possible
2nd January 2015 12:39 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of restorer in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
22nd December 2014 07:30 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz sir tell me syllbus of restorers punjab and haryana high court 2014 -2015 plz sir
to send
12th December 2014 11:57 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir plzz send me the question paper for the post of restorer on my email id plzzzz send me sirrr
10th December 2014 02:32 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have cleared the exam of restorer of punjab & haryana high court. plz tell me how to prepare for the computer proficiency test.
sir pls send restorer previous question papers & give some tips to clear exam
my id
4th September 2014 06:12 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please mail me previous papers for punjab and haryana highcourt at
26th June 2014 04:01 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
26th June 2014 03:59 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
2nd May 2014 12:22 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

pls send me question papers for punjab and haryana high court clerk exams to be held on 8th Sept 2013 on thanks in advance for helping me...[/QUOTE]
2nd May 2014 12:21 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

pls send me question papers for punjab and haryana high court clerk exams to be held on 8th Sept 2013 on
thanks in advance for helping me...[/QUOTE]
30th March 2014 06:40 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

send me previous papers of punjab and haryana high court as soon as possible on my email
25th August 2013 01:35 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

pls send me question papers for punjab and haryana high court clerk exams to be held on 8th Sept 2013 on
thanks in advance for helping me...
16th July 2013 01:41 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me high court clerk and steno grapher solved question papers plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

15th July 2013 08:44 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir i have cleared the exam of restorer of punjab & haryana high court. plz tell me how to prepare for the computer proficiency test.
13th May 2013 09:54 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me the old ques paper for restorer
my id is
9th May 2013 12:32 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me the old ques paper for restorer
my id is
9th May 2013 12:18 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

my id is
plz snd me old question paper high court post for restorer
6th May 2013 12:47 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

i applied for the post of Restorer in the punjab and haryana High Court.... pls send me old exam paper
and now my id is
5th May 2013 06:05 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Pls snd me previous paper of punjab and haryana high court for restorer post my email id is
5th May 2013 04:56 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

restorer old question paper
22nd March 2013 11:36 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Plz send me prvs sample paper punjab high court clerk exam my email
11th March 2013 02:58 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me punjab and haryana high courtclerk question paper on
my email id
24th February 2013 04:39 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please send me question papers of punjab and haryana high court on my email id
13th February 2013 11:18 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
11th February 2013 12:28 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Sir plz send me sample papers of haryana and punjab high court xam ..and my id is
8th February 2013 05:44 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Plz send me prvs sample paper punjab high court clerk exam my email
31st January 2013 06:18 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please send me last year punjab and haryana restorer question paper
18th January 2013 09:06 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

Punjab and Haryana High Court is located at Chandigarh and serves as a High Court for both the states of Punjab and Haryana and also the Union territory of Chandigarh. Interested and eligible candidates can apply through prescribed application format
Eligibility Conditions:
B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. or any equivalent degree with Computer Basic
Age Limit
Candidate maximum age limit should be 30 years.
Application Fee:
Rs.300/- is the actual fee for all candidates, which includes application and examination fee. But reserved candidates will only have topay Rs.150/-.
How to Apply:
Eligible and interested candidates can apply through prescribed application form by filling in all the required fields and sending itto the below address.
Registrar Recruitment,
Punjab and Haryana High Court,

syllabus for high court clerk 2013 chandigarh, high court restorer exam, previous question papers of high court clerk, solved question papers of high court clerk, punjab high court clerk exam paper, punjab and haryana high court sample papers, syllabus for high court clerk 2012 chandigarh, syllabus for restorer, syllabus for high court clerk exam, syllabus of chandigarh high court clerk exam

Good luck.....
18th January 2013 05:53 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please send me the previous papers of punjab and haryana high court
15th January 2013 10:04 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please send me the previous papers of punjab and haryana high court
15th January 2013 11:50 AM
aditya nischal
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
15th January 2013 11:44 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir pls send me the prevoius qouestion paper of Punjab and Haryana High Court and my email id is -
14th January 2013 12:15 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me the prevoius qouestion paper of Punjab and Haryana High Court and my email id is -
7th January 2013 06:11 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court
31st December 2012 12:59 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

pls send me previous question paper punjab and haryan highcourt exame my
31st December 2012 12:57 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

pls send me previous clerk exame question paper punjab and haryan highcourt my email
28th December 2012 11:59 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

please send me previous year ques papers for the post of restorer as well as clerk in punjab and haryana highcourt on my email id -
27th December 2012 01:11 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

i applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana session and district .... pls send me old exam paper
and now my id is
27th December 2012 01:06 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir i applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana district courts pls send me the old entrance exam paper.....
my e-mail id is
24th December 2012 07:37 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir,plz send me previous year paper on my id
24th December 2012 01:47 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
20th December 2012 10:51 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.
17th December 2012 08:15 PM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

plz send me the previous question paper for the post of clerk in punjab and haryana high court on
17th December 2012 11:49 AM
Re: Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

sir , pls send me old question papers of post of clerk in chandigarh & Haryana high court on my email id
5th December 2012 05:40 PM
Old question papers of punjab and haryana high court

I applied for the post of clerk in the punjab and haryana highcourt. Pl send me the old questions paper for this post on my email id- Send me also the sample questions based on general knowledge and english.

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