Thread: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering? Reply to Thread

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30th August 2013 12:55 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i am pursuing my btech from mechanical branch in 6 sem what are
The options for mein air force
You can apply for the UPSC conducted CDS exams

CDS exams are conducted to fill seats in Airforce, Navy Army

Eligibilty to apply for CDS :

Indian Military Academy (IMA) - Graduation Pass in any Stream
Officers Training Academy (OTA) - Graduation Pass in any Stream
Indian Airforce- Graduation Pass with Physics and Mathematics as subjects in class 12th or BE/BTECH
Indian Navy - BE/BTECH

IMA- Between 19- 24 years
OTA Between 19- 25 years
NAVY - Between 19- 22 years
AIR FORCE - Between 19- 23 years

You can also apply for the AFCAT exams
AFCAT exams are conducted by Indian airforce

AFCAT recruitment will be done for the below streams:
>> Flying Branch
>>Ground Duty Branch

Flying Branch:
Education- Graduates in any stream with Minimum 60% marks and should have studied the subjects Physics and Maths in class 12th or BE/BTECH Pass with minimum 60% marks

Age- between 19 to 23 years

Education- Graduates in any stream with Minimum 60% marks
For the Accounts section-B.COM with minimum 60% marks

Age- Between 19 to 23 years
30th August 2013 12:52 AM
Anandkp 44
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?



If you want to join in IAF you need to write the CDS exam this exam is conducted by the UPSC twice a year.

Candidate should complete graduation or equal qualification from a recognized university.
Age limit for this exam is 19 to 24 years.
Only unmarried male candidates are applicable

Candidate should be a citizen of india.

29th August 2013 11:00 PM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Both male and female candidates can join Indian Air Force( Technical Branch) after their engineering (Btech and BE). Mainly there are two branches for which the student can apply for after his Btech or BE. The first one is Aeronautical Engineering Electronics branch and the other one is the Aeronautical Engineering Mechanical branch. The Electronics branch deals with signal and communication stuff while the Mechanical branch has to take care of the maintenance, servicing and other engine related tasks.

Eligibility criteria for joining the Indian Air Force:
18 to 28 years (At the time of commencement of training)
Branches in Btech / BE: Electronics,Tele-communication, Electrical, Electrical Communication, Electronics & Communication, Instrumentation, Computer Science & Engineering
Salary Range: approx. 17000 along with benefits and various allowances.
Percentage in Btech / BE:
60% or above
29th August 2013 08:20 PM
HUM 00
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?


You join the indian air force first you crack the CDS exam.

CDS stands for
Combined Defence Service.

This exam conducted by the upsc twice in a year.

Eligibility Criteria:
Candidate must complete the graduation from a recognized university.
You should have physics and mathematics at 10+2 level compulsory.
candidate should be citizen of india.
candidate age limit should be between 19 to 24 years.
Only unmarried male candidates are eligible for this exam.
The candidate should be physically and medically fit for this exam.

CDS has three wings:

Indian Military Academy

Indian Navy

Indian Air Force

29th August 2013 01:56 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Sir i am pursuing my btech from mechanical branch in 6 sem what are
The options for mein air force
12th November 2012 01:48 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

i want to join IAF..preferably in flying branch or technical.should i apply after HS or is it a better idea to join after graduation in engineering or general?please i really need to know as i have no idea in these things.
PS-i am physically quite fit and i dont think it would be much of a problem
12th November 2012 01:43 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

well,i am samprit,from west bengal....i want to join IAF preferably in the flying branch.but technical would do too,i just want to be in the air,how do i apply and should i apply after HS(2013) or should i wait till graduating in engineering or general...i need some suggestions.also,do i get educational training after i get into IAF technical??
8th May 2012 01:18 AM
sirimulla srikanth
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

IAF means INDIAN AIR FORCE.If you want to join in IAF you need to write the CDS exam this exam is conducted by the UPSC twice a year.


Candidate should complete graduation or equal qualification from a recognized university.

Age limit for this exam is 19 to 24 years.

Only unmarried male candidates are applicable

Candidate should be a citizen of india.


1.Written exam


3.Medical test

For more information visit

6th May 2012 07:31 PM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Education Qualification
To apply for the CDS examination a candidate
should be
graduate in any discipline from a recognized
Those appeared in the final year examination are
also eligible
to apply for this examination.
Age Limit
For the CDS examination candidate age should be
For IMA 19 - 24 years
For NA 19 - 22 years
For AFA 19 - 23 years
For OTA 19 - 25 years
For more information on CDS examination visit
the UPSC web site
6th May 2012 01:06 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

you join the indian air force first you crack the CDS exam.

CDS stands for Combined Defence Service. This exam conducted by the upsc twice in a year.

CDS has three wings:

Indian Military Academy

Indian Navy

Indian Air Force

Indian Air Force Eligibility Criteria:

the candidate must complete the graduation from a recognized university.

You should have physics and mathematics at 10+2 level compulsory.

The candidate should be citizen of india.

The candidate age limit should be between 19 to 24 years.

Only unmarried male candidates are eligible for this exam.

The candidate should be physically and medically fit for this exam.

The candidate physical standards are attaching the file.

For more details visit the website

all the best.
5th May 2012 10:38 PM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

After B.Tech. one can join Indian Air Force basically in two ways:-


AFCAT - AIR FORCE COMMON ADMISSION TEST conducted by Air Force for selection of officers for:-


The candidate must be an unmarried Indian male having completed Graduation Degree with Physics, Chemistry and mathematics or B.Tech. in any stream with 60% marks from a recognised University within the age of 18 to 23 years for Flying Branch and 18 to 28 years for Technical Branch, is eligible to apply for AFCAT.

For more information you may log on to

CDS- COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICE exam conducted by UPSC twice every year for entry in to Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officer's Training Academy of CDS.

The eligible candidate must be an unmarried Indian male having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any stream from a recognised University within the age of 19 to 22 with good Physical and Mental health, is eligible to apply for Indian Air Force of CDS.

The selection is through written exam followed by personal interview along with Physical Fitness and Medical Test.

For more information you may log on to
5th May 2012 10:22 PM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i am the student of 6th sem of aeronautical engg, i want to work for iaf after completion of my b.e
pls suggest me the criteria for recruitment in iaf?
please reply soon..
Sorry i forgot to attach the pdf ..

here it is
5th May 2012 10:20 PM
What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i am the student of 6th sem of aeronautical engg, i want to work for iaf after completion of my b.e
pls suggest me the criteria for recruitment in iaf?
please reply soon..
Hello Friend,

IAF stands for Indian Air Force

I have attached the details of the eligibility criteria .
Kindly make note of it

All the best
5th May 2012 10:06 PM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i am the student of 6th sem of aeronautical engg, i want to work for iaf after completion of my b.e
pls suggest me the criteria for recruitment in iaf?
please reply soon..
There are various entry scheme through which you can join Indian Air force as an officer. You can join Indian Air force through Combined defence service examination or Air force common admission test. The details of both of the entry schemes is given below:

AFCAT examination is conducted by the Indian Air force for the selection of candidate as an officer. This exam is conducted for the Flying Branch, Technical Branch and Ground duty branch. The eligibility required for this entry scheme is given below:

Education Qualification
Candidate should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university. For the Technical Branch only the engineering students are eligible. Candidates who are in the pre final year can apply through University entry scheme.
Also candidate should have physics and Maths at 10+2 level.

Age Limit
Flying branch
18-23 years

Technical branch
19-28 years

Ground Duty branch
20-23 years

Combined defence service examination
You can also join Indian Air force as an officer through combined defence service examination. This examination is conducted by the UPSC twice a year. To apply for this examination a candidate needs the following eligibility criteria:

Education Qualification
Candidate should be graduate in any discipline from the recognized university.
Those appeared in the final year examination are also eligible to apply for this examination.
For the Indian Air force and navy candidate should have physics an maths at 10+2.

Age Limit
Indian Military Academy 19-24 Years
Air Force Academy 19-25Years
Naval Academy 19-23 Years
Officers’ Training Academy 19-25 Years
28th February 2012 08:33 AM
Re: What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

You can join IAF through UES and CDS and AFCAT exam which you can take in your final year of B.Tech. You can take after graduation too not only UES entry as it is for final year students only. CDS and AFCAT held twice in a year. Once is FEB or second in AUG- SEp
2nd May 2011 12:40 PM
What's the eligibility criteria to join IAF after completion B.Tech in Aeronautical engineering?

Sir i am the student of 6th sem of aeronautical engg, i want to work for iaf after completion of my b.e
pls suggest me the criteria for recruitment in iaf?
please reply soon..

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