Thread: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream? Reply to Thread

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14th January 2014 05:51 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

sir please tell me
ager 12 pcm se ho to kya hum b.pherma meh addmission le sakte h
sir please help me
25th January 2012 10:14 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

sir i'm Vimali. doing my 3rd yr B.Pharmacy in Madras Medical College,Chennai. i want to pursue any P.G. course in medical field itself but not in pharmacy. can i've any option to do like that?
24th January 2012 04:26 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

After completing your 12th in PCM stream which your not interested.Now,its better that you stay in the stream which your in like you can go for the M.Pharmacy course through which you can try out for jobs like Medical Representative,Drug Inspector else through this specialization you can try out jobs in Pharmaceutical Companies like Ranbaxy,Reddy Labs,Apollo and other such companies.The above mentioned streams then you can better pursue MBA if your interested in Business management.You can take up subjects according to your interest.But,since your a student hence its always better.
26th July 2011 07:52 PM
Test, just a testcv

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15th July 2011 05:17 PM
pabolu pradeep
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir,i am varsha.i am in 3 rd year b pharmacy.i am from mpc strem in +12,after taking of pharmacy i feel nt wel.which strem culd i select after my answer.
dear friend , there is no need to worry for joining in after your 12th with mpc stream, because nowadays pharmacy field is booming up in INDIA very fast and there are a lot of job after your, but it is advised to go for . you have different branches available like pharmaceutics , pharmacology or analysis . you can also opt for pharma MBA and regulatory affairs.
10th July 2011 03:02 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

sir m 23 year old female, and i have done my 12th with arts, and i want to do B.Pharmacy, is it posible??
1st July 2011 10:24 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Hi. I am Nilanjan Goswami, a student of B.Pharm, 4th year. All I want to know is what are the future prospects of managerial studies like MBA after completion of B.Pharm?????
Please reply........
5th June 2011 12:10 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

After 10 2 with science stream does the future is bright with bca?
10th April 2011 06:05 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

hi dear
I hope you have committed a mistake by joining in the course after completing your 12th in PCM stream which your not interested.Now,its better that you stay in the stream which your in like you can go for the M.Pharmacy course through which you can try out for jobs like Medical Representative,Drug Inspector else through this specialization you can try out jobs in Pharmaceutical Companies like Ranbaxy,Reddy Labs,Apollo and other such companies.

If your not interested in the above mentioned streams then you can better pursue MBA if your interested in Business management.You can take up subjects according to your interest.But,since your a student hence its always better that you try out for MBA in Pharmaceutical Management.
6th April 2011 11:01 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

is its better to opt for law after b. pharma?
29th March 2011 01:35 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

I hope you have committed a mistake by joining in the course after completing your 12th in PCM stream which your not interested.Now,its better that you stay in the stream which your in like you can go for the M.Pharmacy course through which you can try out for jobs like Medical Representative,Drug Inspector else through this specialization you can try out jobs in Pharmaceutical Companies like Ranbaxy,Reddy Labs,Apollo and other such companies.

If your not interested in the above mentioned streams then you can better pursue MBA if your interested in Business management.You can take up subjects according to your interest.But,since your a student hence its always better that you try out for MBA in Pharmaceutical Management
29th March 2011 12:11 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

science with computer science group is enough to take D PHARMACY
23rd March 2011 03:59 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

How can I establish my own Pharmaceutical company after completing M.Pharm
25th February 2011 09:11 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

do wht u like with confidently
17th February 2011 07:05 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Be confident about yourself
you have wonderful opportunities in career
you can go for Business management. or BCA/Bcom and MCA/Mcom OR M Pharm
by doing M pharms you wonderful opportunities
16th February 2011 10:19 PM
disha marwaha
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

there are many streams for maths studenta u can do,,statistical course,etc
16th February 2011 11:40 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

I think you should believe in yourself. Just don't mess up your career like this. If you think you are good in computers, go for BCA and then MCA or MScIT. You can opt for BBA and MBA if your managerial skills are good. Commerce stream is also open with courses like BCom and then MCom. Since you were a PCM student, it will not be difficult for you to go for BCom or BBA. But the most important thing is you have to decide what is good for you. And whatever you decide, this time make it your final decision.
16th February 2011 11:06 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

After completing your graduation in B.pharm and doing your 12 the from PCM group, you have completed your graduation successfully.You are now eligible for all the vocational courses, two year MBA programmes, Diploma programmes in management or Post graduate Diploma (PGDM) in any field of interest which you like. This all will count in your post graduate study.
16th February 2011 11:06 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir,i am varsha.i am in 3 rd year b pharmacy.i am from mpc strem in +12,after taking of pharmacy i feel nt wel.which strem culd i select after my answer.
Hello .............

Greeting for the day;

Pharma is reckoned as a growth industry of the future.Pharmacy is good field and there is a great career too but why you feel disinterest in pharmacy.After B.pharma you are able to do M.pharma and you can choose specialization in (pharmacology, pharmaceutics, hospital pharmacy or quality assurance) study, you can opt for research.
Apart from the drug manufacturing industry, pharmacists are also employed in the chemical industry and food and drug control organizations.

Another Area for you is MBA,if you are good in communication then HR is a good field for you.

16th February 2011 10:52 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

after completition of your B.Pharm if you are not interested to study B.Pharm then i will suggest not to continue your study or work in B.Pharm field. without interest you can not get success in any field. so you should choose your subject according to your interest.

now again you can start your study from the first year of your graduation in your preferred subject. just forget about your B.Pharm study and take admission as like after 12th. you will face some difficulty like your marks will be deducted when you will take admission and also you have to give proper reason to take admission again in graduation.

if you don't want to take admission again in graduation then take admission in MBA. after graduation in any field students are eligible for MBA. the scope, job opportunity after MBA is very high. but to study in MBA a little bit expensive. go towards it only if you are interested.

you may also go for any one of the professional graduation course like BCA, BBA etc. after these also good career option there.

you may try to get job in the field which is not related to B.Pharm. like join in Indian Army, try to appear in civil services examination and go for civil services. different type of jobs are available for graduate student in any discipline. apply for them according to your interest.

best wishes.
16th February 2011 10:27 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir,i am varsha.i am in 3 rd year b pharmacy.i am from mpc strem in +12,after taking of pharmacy i feel nt wel.which strem culd i select after my answer.

This usually happens with student after their graduation, well you always have an option to get out of your stream by opting into the MBA courses, since you have a PCM, a maths background you can go for MBA(finance).
or If you are interested you can apply for courses like renewable engergy sciences., they are the best courses to put yor hands onto right now.
16th February 2011 06:41 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

I hope you have committed a mistake by joining in the course after completing your 12th in PCM stream which your not interested.Now,its better that you stay in the stream which your in like you can go for the M.Pharmacy course through which you can try out for jobs like Medical Representative,Drug Inspector else through this specialization you can try out jobs in Pharmaceutical Companies like Ranbaxy,Reddy Labs,Apollo and other such companies.

If your not interested in the above mentioned streams then you can better pursue MBA if your interested in Business management.You can take up subjects according to your interest.But,since your a student hence its always better that you try out for MBA in Pharmaceutical Management.
16th February 2011 01:44 AM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

So you want to switch from one field to another.
You can go for MBA thats best if you nolonger want to continue with this field.

You can also try for MSc. or MPhill.
15th February 2011 11:09 PM
Re: Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

There is a good field of Clinical Trial Management for which pharmacy graduates are eligible.
It involves assisting the professional companies in carrying out safety and efficacy trials.
It also involves tasting the profile of newly introduced drugs in the market.
The scope is good in this field as there are very few qualified persons.
10th February 2011 10:34 PM
Stream to choose after B.Pharmacy and PCM in 12th standard after being dissatisfied with pharmacy stream?

Sir,i am varsha.i am in 3 rd year b pharmacy.i am from mpc strem in +12,after taking of pharmacy i feel nt wel.which strem culd i select after my answer.

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