Thread: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same? Reply to Thread

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3rd January 2014 03:27 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Are companies providing part time internship to 3rd B.Tech(IT) students?if so how to apply?is there any websites for more details?
16th September 2013 09:55 PM
Md Imtiyaz Alam
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

hello dear,

if you want to do training then you must contact training & placement officer of your college regarding Training and through your college you may contact to the personnel department OR HR department of any company.

Send one letter from your college to the HR department of any company. They will mail you regarding that information.

seat is limited there that's why you must apply quickly..........

with best wishes
15th August 2013 02:02 PM
Aj Arya
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

The companies offer internship or training after 3rd year . If you do the internship in the upcoming summer i.e, 2014 will save your time and this is the last chance to do the internship so please don't miss it.
I don't know the companies providing the CSE internship
But don't waste the time in summer instead do the internship along with some preparations like GATE or IES or GROUPS it will be better if you are interested to go for higher studies.
If you know the companies providing internship in CIVIL please inform to 9866430119 .
18th April 2013 01:52 AM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

tell me list of companies providing internship to 3rd year electrical and electronical engg student
27th February 2013 10:46 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Sir plz tell me list of compnies in rajasthan which offer 6 months training of ECE students

my emai - [email protected]
22nd February 2013 07:33 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

sir i want to know about best company for ece which is giving internship or training (best in ece) for my 7th sem training program please sir help me to choose company where i go..i request u please give me the answer as soon as possible on my email [email protected]
16th January 2013 06:32 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

our colleage not support our placements our batch students are 1st batch of our college we need training and etc our percentage also very poor which company is suitable to get internship
30th December 2012 10:59 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I am doing B.E(cse) 3rd yr.I was interested in doing part time internships in reputed companies to gain my knowledge.Kindly suggest me some companies which offers internship in the locality of coimbatore.
21st June 2012 08:32 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

1.if you want to go for training then you must contact training & placement officer of your college regarding Training
2.then,through your college you may contact to the personnel department OR HR department of any company.
3.Send one letter from your college to the HR department of any company. They will mail you the confirmation letter that confirms your training that it may or may not be there.
4.seats are limited in all the companies that's why you must apply as soon as possible.

with best wishes!!!!!
from navjot sidhu.
go ASAP.
10th June 2012 01:43 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Iam a 3rd year student... I didnt attend any of the training programes during my 2nd year summer hldays and i wasted my tym.. so i dnt to waste my 3rd year summer hldays too... i wanted ur hel[p.. can u plz tell me the best training companies in hyd..??? I wuld be very thankfull to u sir...
thanking you sir... :)
Alekhya reddy
Email id: [email protected]
30th April 2012 01:00 AM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I m a 3rd year CSE student from GEC Raipur cn u please tell me how to apply for internship at microsoft hyderabad...

It wud b a thankful effort by you if u could please tell me d same as early as possible...

Email id: [email protected]
24th April 2012 03:38 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

i done my 2nd year training in core java, now i want to do something else except java but that help me in strengthen in my programming skills.tell me about some courses for my 3rd year training
31st March 2012 04:50 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

please give me the list of compaines which offer internship for 3rd B.Tech (IT) students
30th March 2012 04:24 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Training institues like NIIT etc., provide training in programming languages like java etc., in lieu of huge prices. I am not interested in doing such courses (or only these are the options.

If companies provide training(or internship whatever, please clarify), then please tell me the process for applying for the same.
1st March 2012 07:16 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

hi i'm Mukund kumar 3rd year civil engineering student.i would like to attain one month training .so plz help me sir..
9th February 2012 02:40 PM
subesh dutta
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
please,sir i dont get whatever link given as above?sir ,please tell me how to apply for these companies?please..
Iam a student of electricals&electronics,Iam doing course in kalinga Institute Industrial Technology,Bhubaneswar,Orrisa,this is my 3rd year,Iwant to take internship training in a famous electronics company.So please help me.
9th February 2012 01:51 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

i,am a student of b,tech.eee of kiit,Iwant to take internship training in famous electronics company,so please help me.
4th January 2012 02:31 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I am a 3rd year B -Tech E.E. girls student. I like to work in the computer related jobs. How I can get the same.
18th December 2011 01:50 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

please,sir i dont get whatever link given as above?sir ,please tell me how to apply for these companies?please..
16th December 2011 01:44 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

myself vidhun kumar ,student of B.Tech (ece) III yr from anna university chennai. i would like to attend any kind of short term internship or provide training for the students. and as well as i would like to get the ideas for starting up the projects for my final year . sir please send me the procedurehow can i do that in any company in chennai or coimbatore.
thank you.
email id- [email protected]
25th November 2011 08:31 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I am Verma Anubha ,student of B.Tech(CSE) IIIrd year from Banasthali university jaipur .I would like to do Summer Training 06 months in TCS Ahmedabad in , June 2012 ,Sir Please send me the procedure How I can do summer training in TCS Ahmedabad.
Email ID [email protected]
9th October 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

procedure to apply for internship:

if you want to do training then you must contact training & placement officer of your college regarding Training and through your college you may contact to the personnel department OR HR department of any company.

Send one letter from your college to the HR department of any company. They will mail you regarding that information.

seat is limited there that's why you must apply quickly..........

with best wishes!!!!!
9th October 2011 03:03 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I am doing B.Tech in ENGINEERING PHYSICS.Where do i get summer intership 2012.Please help to find a proper organisation or reputed company which provides summer internship for engineering physics graduates
4th October 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

sir i am btech 3 rd year student now from hyderabad.can u please tell me what are the internship provided for me?
3rd September 2011 01:46 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

Sir plz tell me list of compnies in rajasthan which offer 6 months training of civil students
17th August 2011 05:20 PM
Re: Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

i want to do internship in Building Construction & i'am final year Student of Civil Engineering.
12th July 2011 06:29 PM
Are companies providing training or internship to 3rd year B.Tech students? Procedure to apply for the same?

I am really confused, please help!
I am not able to understand whether companies provide training OR
internship (work in the company as a trainee, right?) to third year B.Tech students.

I could not do any training or internship during summer holidays after my second year due to lack of knowledge about what to do in order to train in a good company ( I didn't even know whether copanies give training to 2nd year students...).

I dont want to waste my next year's summer holidays, and since I have only one chance to train, I want to do it properly.

Training institues like NIIT etc., provide training in programming languages like java etc., in lieu of huge prices. I am not interested in doing such courses (or only these are the options??).

If companies provide training(or internship whatever, please clarify), then please tell me the process for applying for the same (I mean the company is not going to come to me, then how do i go to it???).

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