Thread: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course? Reply to Thread

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9th August 2015 04:11 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Sir, i want choose Indian history and malayalam as my optional subjects.can you please suggest the correct study material for my IAS preparations ?
14th February 2014 02:14 PM
sirisha 33
.sir nw i am studying my btech 1st year nd i will become an IAS officer in my future pls give me some important information fr my preparation

sir i am so intrested fr my IAS career and frm my btech 1st year onwards i want to improve my skils towards my profesion pls help me sir fr my career il do my hard work frm my btech starting pls help me sir
20th January 2014 01:42 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

How to prepare for IAS course. I was completed B.E in Computer Science, Which subject can i take (after 10th, i join to diploma in computer science after that i finished B.E in Computer Science). Now i've to become an IAS Officer please guide me?
30th September 2013 03:38 PM
sakhi jaiswal
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Originally Posted by p ch View Post
sir i have completed my b tech 2 year i want to prepare for IAS course parallel to my b tech would it be better to go for an institute or should i collect preferred books for respective subjects regarding IAS course and prepare at home plz suggest me
hie friend.
if you are looking to prepAre for IAS along with your, then i guess u must opt for the online courses available as they'l suit u the most.
Check :
Hope it was helpful.

6th July 2013 04:48 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Sir,I am a third year cse student and I want to start my preparation for ias but I'm in confusion about which books to use and about subjects to choose??? Can I have any suggestions for books to be referred and about subjects yo choose???????
26th May 2013 12:14 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir,i had completed my first year of civil btech and i aspire to crak upse exam.
can you pls suggest me books and meathod of preparatio.
9th May 2013 03:13 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Sir,i am B.Tech ECE 4th year student so can you plz tell me how can i prepare for ias exam.
18th March 2013 10:21 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir if we take upsc can we crack d all exams group I,g II,etc and suggest books name and authors ana i completed my btech in eee i cant take d coaching but i want to prepare without coaching is it possiblw?
27th January 2013 08:43 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

List of optional subjects

Agriculture Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science

Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Political Science and International
Public Administration
3rd November 2012 09:26 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir iam btech 2nd year student of ece branch. preparing for ias preliminary exams does how many optional subjects are chosen is there any limit for chossing the subjects.
26th October 2012 10:44 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir iam an engineering computer sc. Finall year student .so can you plz tell me how i prepair for ias examination and some ias books and the subbjects .
23rd October 2012 09:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir i am a engineering IT second year student and i want to prepare for IAS from now then how can i do plz tell me
4th October 2012 08:41 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir i am a btech mechanicl fist year student and i want to prepare for IAS from now ownwards so kindly please help me
14th September 2012 09:21 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

how can a mechanical engineering student perpare for ias
31st August 2012 05:22 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

i am doing btech 2 year (ec) from recogized university and want to pursue ias as my career.Is this a late starting for preparation ? i can give the prelims exam on 2014 . could you guide me on the tips required to crack it?
14th August 2012 04:07 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir,i have completed my intermediate .so, i can start my preparation for IAS. I am thinking to take EEE as group in B.Tech. which subjects are benefical for me??
12th August 2012 04:58 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir,i am a btech 2nd year student of mellallurgy.I am interested to study LLb along with it possible ???plssssss suggest me ...what should i do .which is beneficial for me ??
22nd July 2012 03:21 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in IAS
Then the good news is you can prepare for IAS while doing B.Tech
But you shou8ld follow these books as well.



IAS Mains Exam Pattern

The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov,
it comprises of 9 papers in all
Duration of each paper is 3 hrs.

Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and
Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from
two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects
is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations
are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

IAS Preliminary Exam Syllabus 2012

(Paper 1) (200 marks) - Duration : Two hrs.

* Current events of national and international importance
* History of India and Indian national movement
* Indian and World Geography- physical, social, economic geography of India and the world
* Indian Polity and governance – constitution, political system, panchayati raj, public policy, Rights issues, etc.
* Economic and social development – sustainable development, poverty, inclusion, demographics, social sector initiatives etc.
* General issues on environmental ecology, bio-diversity and climate change-that donot require subject specialization
* General science.

(Paper II) (200 marks) – Duration : Two hrs

* Comprehension
* Interpersonal skills including communication skills
* Logical reasoning and analytical ability
* Decision making and problem solving
* General mental ability
* Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude etc. (Class X level), Data interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency etc. –Class X level)
* English language comprehension skills (Class X level)
* Questions relating to English Language Comprehension skills of Class X level (last item in the Syllabus of Paper-II) will be tested through passages from English language only without providing Hindi translation thereof in the question paper.
* The questions will be of multiple choice, objective type.
16th July 2012 07:41 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir, i m in 4th yr doing btech .my branch is chemical . i want to prepare for IAS .. so can u please tell me what should i do .................
14th July 2012 07:03 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir, i am in 2nd year doing btech. from IEM....
i want to do start preparing for I.A.S with my btech. degree, please guide me what should be my first step towards my goal?
i have to start from 0
5th July 2012 04:01 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir,i am doing my btech ece 3rd year student.want to prepare for ias exam in parallel to btech.please suggest me books to prepare for general studies and which optional subject can i opt?
1st July 2012 06:13 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Hello,i am BE ECE 3rd yr to prepare for IAS exam?how to start prepare?please give me idea,
25th June 2012 12:09 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?


->You are now in B-TECH 2nd year of IT so after completion of your B-TECH degree you are applicable for IAS exam.

->So you can start the preparation for IAS exam.

->You can choose some books and daily prepare those books with one hour because you are a student now.

->I have listed the optional subjects you can choose those subject as your strength.

->In optional subject list their is no subject which are related to computer science or IT.

List of optional subjects
1. Agriculture
2. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
3. Anthropology
4. Botany
5. Chemistry
6. Civil Engineering
7. Commerce and Accountancy
8. Economics
9. Electrical Engineering
10. Geography
11. Geology
12. History
13. Law
14. Management
15. Mathematics
16. Mechanical Engineering
17. Medical Science
18. Philosophy
19. Physics
20. Political Science and International
21. Relations
22. Psychology
23. Public Administration
24. Sociology
25. Statistics
26. Zoology

10th June 2012 11:24 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

i am doin btech bioinformatics and i m in 3rd year now.kindly suggest me which subjects should i chose as there are no subjects related to my graduation.
24th May 2012 05:58 PM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

how to prepare for IAS entrance exam parallel to in EEE?
16th May 2012 10:14 AM
Re: How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

Originally Posted by p ch View Post
sir i have completed my b tech 2 year i want to prepare for IAS course parallel to my b tech would it be better to go for an institute or should i collect preferred books for respective subjects regarding IAS course and prepare at home plz suggest me
You are now in B-TECH 2nd year of IT so after completion of your B-TECH degree you are applicable for IAS exam.So you can start the preparation for IAS exam.

You can choose some books and daily prepare those books with one hour because you are a student now.

I have listed the optional subjects you can choose those subject as your strength.In optional subject list their is no subject which are related to computer science or IT.

So you can choose one of these scoring subject like History , Pol science , Philosophy etc.



I have listed some books name you can prepare well those books this books are really helpful for you.This books are available in market with low price.


16th May 2012 03:32 AM
p ch
How to prepare for IAS course parallel to B.Tech? Books to be referred for IAS course?

sir i have completed my b tech 2 year i want to prepare for IAS course parallel to my b tech would it be better to go for an institute or should i collect preferred books for respective subjects regarding IAS course and prepare at home plz suggest me

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