Thread: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics? Reply to Thread

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3rd August 2019 10:30 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I took Bsc in chemistry .can I do msc in statistics.. I studied pu in statistics
7th July 2019 09:51 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I want to do msc statistics but i am unaware about the syllabus for it. Please help me
3rd May 2018 04:04 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

The minimum eligibility for admission to which is completion of B.A. (Honors)/ B.Sc.(Honors) in Statistics or Mathematics /Bsc MAths with computer and statistics as one of the subject, or graduation with min. 60% in a related discipline (Mathematics and Statistics as main subjects at the level of graduation ) from a recognized university.
The best colleges to study Msc Statistics are:

ISI- Indian statistical institute


Delhi university

Lovely Professional University

St Xavier's college mumbai

Lady shri ram college for women

Indian school of mines

Loyola college chennai
29th July 2015 09:09 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Sir i completed my bsc withs the subjects maths, physics and computer science. Is iam eligible for doing msc statistics in osmania university
23rd June 2015 11:38 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by pandeyshekhar89 View Post
The common basic eligibility criteria for taking admission in the M.Sc Statistic is given below:

3 - year Bachelor’s degree with Statistics as full subject, or a B. Stat./B. Math. degree or a Statistician’s Diploma/ Senior Diploma in Statistics

All the best
I have finished my bsc degree with maths,physics and statistics with 81%
. I want to do msc in statistics through ignou university so what is the procedure and requirements for getting admission
26th June 2014 11:13 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I'm a (taxation) graduate. I would like to take up statistics a s my P.G course.There was statistics in my first year (1st and 2nd sem).
Am I eligible to apply for it?
please reply as early as possible!!!
18th July 2013 11:01 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

im studing B.S(Agri Business Management )in TNAU.I would like to do M.SC(Agricultural Statistics).but will i take M.SC(Agricultural Statistics ) eligible for my course? after completed B.S(ABM) i will take agricultural statistics eligible for my course i have doubt this one doing 3ird yr B.S(ABM) still 5th semester is going on sir. i will prepare now itself sir so then only i hear sir.....kindly reply answer to my question sir... statistics is one of the course in my 4th and 5th semester.i will attach my course schedule . kindly send me my mail id sir........... thisis my mail id [email protected]
7th June 2013 05:30 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i want to take physics,statistics and computer science in bsc but i didnt have In 12 class . Is it advisable to take it now.i am taking this subject because i dont want to take maths. is there any other option.and i want to also tell u that i didnt have bio also.
18th February 2013 04:43 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I Am studying final year, after this am i eligible to study MSc statistics or not?
23rd October 2012 12:58 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Eligibility of Statistics:

candidate must have passed Degree with statistics from any recognized university.

Candidate must need the subject of mathematics in statistics in

Candidate also completed diploma in statistics eligible to do the Statistics.

20th October 2012 02:51 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Hi Friend........

Eligibility Criteria for M.Sc Statistics : -

Candidates for admission in to M.Sc statistics should have passed the B.Sc degree examination with statistics as the main branch of study, or candidates who have passed the B.Sc degree examination with mathematics as the main branch of study, with statistics as an ancillary / allied subjects or as one of the papers, or a graduate in any subject with additional diploma in statistics/health statistics from an institution of repute, or an examination of some other university accepted as equivalent.


20th October 2012 11:55 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Dear sir,
I have completed my i eligible for in statistics.Please can you Leave a message.
2nd September 2012 03:08 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i am persuing graduation from DU of pass course Bsc. phy sc (chem) so can i go for study in Msc. in statistics after completing my graduation?
22nd June 2012 06:07 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I am a student of bsc statistics 3rd year. i want to persue msc in statistics from du. can u tell me the procedure ?
also if i wanna go in for operational research, what shd i do?? what all entrance examz do i need to write?
16th April 2012 12:06 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i have cmpleted my bsc in ecomics, mathmatics n statistics. Now i hv nt apeard for iit or isi. How can i pe[
21st March 2012 11:25 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

hi i have completed b.e biotechnology. am i eligible to do msc in statistics?
3rd March 2012 11:32 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Hi, I'm Siddu

I m persuing final year and i would like to join M.Sc statistics after my B.Com completion.
I had maths and stats in 1st year, am I be eligible for Msc Statistics???

Thank you in anticipation,
3rd March 2012 09:08 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I am doing B.B.A final year, I had statistics in 1 st year and operations research in 2 Nd year. can I do M.SC in statistic
5th February 2012 05:36 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

dear friend,
Eligibility criteria for M.Sc in statistics:-

1.Candidate must have maths/stats in Bachelor degree..

2.Candidate has to secure 60% marks in maths or stats in Bachelor degree course..

These are the eligibility criteria you have to fulfill to get admission in M.Sc in statistic course..

All the best..
5th February 2012 04:35 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?
Eligibility :
A candidate for being eligible for admission to the M.A./ M.Sc. degree in Statistics must have passed the Bachelor of Science or Arts degree examination with Statistics as the major subject of university of Mumbai or an equivalent examination of another recognized University.
5th February 2012 03:41 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

The common basic eligibility criteria for taking admission in the M.Sc Statistic is given below:

3 - year Bachelor’s degree with Statistics as full subject, or a B. Stat./B. Math. degree or a Statistician’s Diploma/ Senior Diploma in Statistics

All the best
5th February 2012 03:23 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Dear Friend;
Greeting for the day;

yes,you are 100% eligible,no need to worry.The Basic Eligibility Criteria for M.SC Statistics is you have completed graduation with Either math,Physics,Chemistry or Arts (but math is a compulsory subject).
so go ahead and choose Best college .

All the very Best
Good luck

THe common eligibiliy criteria is that you must have a Bachelor degree in Science or Arts stream with Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

So according to what you have mentioned I think you are eligible as You have bachelor degree with Maths subject

So go for it

THe common eligibiliy criteria is that you must have a Bachelor degree in Science or Arts stream with Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

So according to what you have mentioned I think you are eligible as You have bachelor degree with Maths subject

So go for it

you are eligible for MSc statistics.

as one should have maths/statistics at graduation level, but some universities conduct enterance test and some not.

So you can opt the institution according to your choice.

The eligibility criteria for MSc statistics is graduation in science or Arts stream from a recognize university. Candidate of B.Sc or B.A honour must have minimum 55% marks in the average in the Honours subject. Candidate of other graduate course must have minimum 55% marks in graduation. So if you have 55% marks in graduation then you are eligible for MSc statistics.
20th December 2011 09:08 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I m doinng pass course nd i had maths and stats in 2nd year cn i do Msc in stats???
1st December 2011 02:49 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Hi I have done my BE IT how can I do MSc statistics
22nd October 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i have done a graduation with economics but i want to get the admission in msc statstics. can i get it?
22nd August 2011 11:25 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I am studying Economics as my Honours subject and Mathematics and Statistics as my Pass subjects .After completing graduation shall I be eligible for M.Sc in Statistics?
3rd August 2011 02:36 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

what is the minimum cut of marks in Subsidiary subjects to eligible for in Statistics in Calcutta University ??
11th July 2011 10:49 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

is there applicable for msc in mathematics after BE in infomation technology
7th July 2011 03:11 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i am doing i eligible for statistics hons.??
8th June 2011 12:15 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i am B tech in electronics and communication engineering and in this course having three papers of mathematics. can i do m sc statistics
6th June 2011 12:48 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

can i no which college is the best to do the in statistics in bangalore
6th June 2011 12:40 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

can you please informe which is the best college to do in bangalore
24th May 2011 01:36 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

can i do statistic after there any option,kindly reply me
2nd May 2011 09:02 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
i completed bsc maths,physics,chemistry. But now i want to do msc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?
hi friend
i am happy to say that after graduation you are eligible for msc degree in any college .

With regards
sumit thakur
2nd May 2011 06:05 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

You can do M.Sc statistics as you have done B.Sc with Maths as one of your subject.
2nd May 2011 02:03 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I have completed B Sc physics(honours) with Mathematics and Chemistry as subsidiary papers,but i want to do M Sc statistics. am i eligible or not?
5th April 2011 10:21 PM
venkat raju
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;373036]i completed BSc mathematics statistics computerscience. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics? because iam instrested that subject and tell about career
2nd April 2011 08:47 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

I did english literature and presently doing mca final year. Can anyone guide me if I can pursue msc statistics. I had maths in higher secondary
21st February 2011 08:18 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

which universities offer msc statistics course
12th February 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?

The eligibility criteria for MSc statistics is graduation in science or Arts stream from a recognize university. Candidate of B.Sc or B.A honour must have minimum 55% marks in the average in the Honours subject. Candidate of other graduate course must have minimum 55% marks in graduation. So if you have 55% marks in graduation then you are eligible for MSc statistics.
12th February 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

dear friend,
you can get all the information about the eligibility criteria from this link
all the best
12th February 2011 10:28 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

[QUOTE]i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?/QUOTE]

M.Sc Statistics.

For applying For M.Sc statistics a guy or girl need to have Mathematics as Degree level

And according to your information that you have done your B.Sc with maths , physics and chemistry then Yes !! you are Eligible for admitting yourself in statistics..
12th February 2011 12:32 AM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?
Dear Friend;
Greeting for the day;

yes,you are 100% eligible,no need to worry.The Basic Eligibility Criteria for M.SC Statistics is you have completed graduation with Either math,Physics,Chemistry or Arts (but math is a compulsory subject).
so go ahead and choose Best college .

All the very Best
Good luck
11th February 2011 11:55 PM
swati biswas
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?
hello dear
I am happy to inform you that in order to pursue MSc statistics, main and compulsory subject at undergraduate level is mathematics/ statistics irrespective of discipline. Thus you are for sure eligible to pursue it. Though some institutional admissions are based on entrance exams, some take according to merit list. study hard and focus on your goal.
best wishes
11th February 2011 11:46 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

THe common eligibiliy criteria is that you must have a Bachelor degree in Science or Arts stream with Mathematics as a compulsory subject.

So according to what you have mentioned I think you are eligible as You have bachelor degree with Maths subject

So go for it
11th February 2011 11:21 PM
Re: Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

you are eligible for MSc statistics.

as one should have maths/statistics at graduation level, but some universities conduct enterance test and some not.

So you can opt the institution according to your choice.
10th February 2011 12:21 PM
Eligibility criteria to do MSc statistics?

i completed BSc maths,physics,chemistry. but now i want to do MSc statistics.what is eligible criteria to do msc statistics?

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