Thread: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering? Reply to Thread

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24th August 2015 09:33 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

How to get in isro through mechanical and what is the cut off for gate to enter into isro
14th November 2014 04:09 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

Halo sir
i wanna ask a question admirably.we are final year student ,and our project is plane with fire is there any scope to get job after getting success .
13th January 2014 04:59 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

Procedure to get job after completing B.E. in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering or any other job opportunities for BE student in ISRO?
20th December 2013 01:48 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

i am mechanical first year student. plse send me how to prepare for isro scientist/engineer exam from first year itself.......
from: venkat.
[email protected]
5th November 2013 04:15 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

Respected sir,
I am pursuing final year mechanical . I want to determine the scientist job ISRO. What is the procedure there to apply and when they releases notification.
Hope you will respond to my queiry.
Thank you
5th November 2013 12:42 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

i am mechanical 2nd year student.I have strong determination work in ISRO.So pls tell me the procedures which I need to follow after completing my degree.Should I have to do any further courses?...Please help me.

from: abhijith.k.s
[email protected]
9th October 2013 01:36 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

Respected Sir,
I am Civil Engineering final year student at Agartala NIT whether I am eligible to get job after completing B.TECH from NIT. If so, when the advertisement published.
28th August 2013 12:31 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

I am doing my BE in mechanical engineering wat are the requriements????
24th July 2012 02:07 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

I m a final year student from mechanical branch. i want to apply for the ISRO exams. Please provide me the necessary details for the same and also the procedure to apply for it.

somya saxena
[email protected]
20th July 2012 11:25 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?


ISRO will bublish the recruitment notification frequently..

Per year they will publish thrice per year..


*should have passed with 70% in their careers..

And objectitve test,gd,pi are the selection round have to clear..

19th July 2012 03:06 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

I AM doing mechanical engineering final year , how to join ISRO ? PLEASE HELP ME
18th May 2012 11:08 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

what mechanical engineers do in isro?i mean what is work done by them
5th January 2012 02:56 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

after interview what is the procedure?
22nd December 2011 09:14 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

even ece students have oppurtinity in isro
16th December 2011 12:23 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
I am a final year btech mechanical engineering studant.I have a strong determination that is to work in ISRO. So please help me ,how to applay and what are the procedure to get job in ISRO.?
Dear friend,

Every year ISRO select the candidate in one process those are qualify GATE exam with good score are called for direct interview.

And 2 nd option , first you have to cleared written exam then you will be called for interview.

Yes, B-TECH(MECHANICAL) student are eligible for ISRO exam.

Those candidate have completed B-TECH degree or final year student are eligible for ISRO exam.

but your graduation marks must be above 65% .

The age criteria is given below-

For general candidate - 35 years
For OBC candidate - 38 years
For SC/ST candidate -40 years.

Exam Patterns are-

Total No. of question:80
Total time:90 mins
Marking system:+3 for corerct answer, -1 for wrong answer

15th December 2011 01:13 PM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

ISRO- INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION to apply for this job you may log on to the official website to down load application form for which you have to pay Rs.100.00 as application fees. After generated prited application form with signature and relevat documents as asked for, sent to authority of ISRO.

You must be a engineering graduate with minimum65% marks within the age of 35 years can apply for the post of Scientist/Engineer in ISRO.
15th December 2011 09:30 AM
Re: Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

There is no form for applying ISRO you need to go to isro website and fill your form but before that you need to make a D.D of 100/- and then you need to apply to website..then you need to note down your application form no and take print of the generated form and sent to the ISRO address.

Education qualification for ISRO is

we need to have a qualificatio of BE/B.Tech or equivalent in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters for which results are available).



Candidates who are in final year can also apply for the same.

With age limit of 35 years.
15th December 2011 08:39 AM
[email protected]
Procedure to get Job in ISRO being a candidate of pursuing final year of B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering?

I am a final year btech mechanical engineering studant.I have a strong determination that is to work in ISRO. So please help me ,how to applay and what are the procedure to get job in ISRO.?

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