Thread: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics? Reply to Thread

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16th December 2013 09:02 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

I am interested in astronomy and aeronautics. which course will help in graduate level and in distence mode?
22nd October 2013 12:02 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

Hi i have completed my Bsc electronics in 2010 right now working in oracle dba i want to do a higher studies which course should i prefer
27th June 2013 02:21 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

is msc distance education better or not for bsc maths candidates?
27th June 2013 02:16 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

is msc distance education better or not for bsc maths candidates?
7th June 2013 08:20 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

Which higer education should i prefer after bsc
24th May 2013 11:47 AM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

how many % need to take addmisson in m.b.a or please help me or at what time cat mat forms r fill up in a year
12th May 2013 08:14 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

after bsc computer and electronics complete to go for pg diploma in tele communications in distance education
6th November 2012 08:29 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

after bsc electronics which one is better option mba or msc
12th June 2012 06:42 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

Is B.Sc Computerscience or Electronics a better option to choose?
12th June 2012 06:41 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

Is B.Sc Computerscience or Electronics a better option to choose
31st May 2012 09:50 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

i have passed intermediate vocational in c.s.e. what shall i do to get admission in engineering i have appeared eamcet 2012 and bridge course intermediate examination
21st May 2012 06:25 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

I had completd my bsc ele what ids the best root after my graduation is ths bettr to do mca how many ways r there to jin in good unversities for my mba
20th January 2012 12:49 AM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

I have completed my bsc in biotechnology but now i am interested in computer. What should i do?
3rd October 2011 03:00 PM
Re: After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

There are various options after B.SC both higher studies and in case of jobs also. If you are interested you can go for the post graduation in the same subject area. You can also go for MBA, MCA etc which will give you better job opportunities. You can enter in to the academic section with your post graduation through attending the NET exam. You can apply for various jobs in different government companies and also attend different competitive examinations like IAS, bank PO which are conducted for giving jobs in various government sectors.
9th June 2011 12:35 PM
After BSc which higher education courses should I prefer after BSc Computer and Electronics?

iam studing Bsc computers&electronics after Bsc wich type of heigher educationsds&jobs avoilable

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