Thread: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted? Reply to Thread

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6th September 2014 03:10 AM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Mewar Universities after studying from Vinayaka Missions University [2010-2011] in M.Sc (Applied Psychology), a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?
Dhiman Biswas
25th December 2013 02:58 AM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Are you know bharath institute of science and technology is the blaklisted colleg in 2013
24th December 2013 02:58 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

I passed PG (english) in 2010 IGNOU but I am not content with pecentege of my marks .May I again fresh enroll ?
23rd May 2013 09:53 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Kya jaipur national university farji h kya yani black list m h kya pleas tel me
20th January 2013 07:31 AM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

I am doing Ph.d from CMJ Univercity Meghalay . CMJ Univercity Meghalay is Blacklisted?
4th October 2012 02:37 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Respected sir,
am i eligible to do phd in government university after stuying Vinayaka Mission University which is now black listed?
29th June 2012 06:17 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

My son is reading at Veltech Engg college in 2 nd year mech. Recently I came to know that college is black listed. What to do please advise.
7th June 2012 01:20 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Hello,at present i am studing in a deemed university. i want to do phd from the same university . is it possible or if affect my carrier? phd from deemed university is vaild or not?
5th June 2012 07:39 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

i have just earned my doctorate from Vinayaka missions in the subject of english
,do i qualify for Principalship or any other financial benefit
31st December 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

i got a job in africa and now m applying for employment viza, I've done BCA from bhartiya shiksha parishad in 2003. It's not UGC recognised. m worried coz i need HRD attestation to be done my certificate. Is my certificate eligible for HRD attestation?
22nd December 2011 11:19 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

dear sir , i completed my post graduation in (2004-2006) in ghandi vidya mandir (study center is viswa viswani highier learining) college in hyderabad.i got the offer from phd in taiwan. this certificate is vallied are not let me please inform me as soon as possiuble! due to it is in black listed university ? if you give possive note i can proceed further .


17th November 2011 09:46 PM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

am i eligible to do MBA from any university after studying from a blacklisted college?
8th October 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

You can very well pursue ypur Ph D in Govt University. Absolutely there will not be any problem for you as you have been already enrolled before the verdict from court. Cheers

1st October 2011 07:35 PM
malek basit
Re: Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Dar friends......

After conducting a search for deemed universities in India, we conducted a small research to make a list of Deemed or private universities in India those offer engineering degrees and approved by UGC and their degrees are accepted for master degree in engineering by AICTE.

We only included private deemed universities and excluded all government run institutes and International Institute of Information Technology (IIITs). This list of taken from Ministry of HRD web site a government organization for education in India. The original list includes non-technical universities too. We extracted only private universities that offer bachelor degrees, master degrees, and/ or PhD degrees in Engineering domain.

All the Best
8th June 2010 03:05 PM
Am I eligible to do Ph.D in Government Universities after studying from a deemed university which was recently blacklisted?

Hi i am studying in a DEEMED UNIVERSITY AVADI Chennai and its in one of the 44 deemed universities that are in the blacklisted universities for disaffiliation recently the matter is in the supreme court and the court kept it in abeyance.
I need to know am i eligible for doing phd in government universities ????
I asked several eminent personalities but i cant get a clear answer and i expect some knowledgeable person to reply for my question...

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