Thread: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary? Reply to Thread

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2nd January 2017 01:13 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Sir I am electronic engineering student ,which field I choose for IES exam electrical or electronic and telecommunications,because there is no option for just electronic engineering....
4th November 2015 12:42 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

If someone attempts IES exam for 4 times(open category) and he/she can't crack it, then is it so that he/she can't apply for other upsc exams like CSE or IFS .
Are these no. Of attempts common for all UPSC exams?
16th July 2015 03:20 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Hello sir,

After completion of my PG in engineering I have started working with global comapany in which I got selected in college campus. It is a core branch and work is satsifactory. I got impressed by IES and cadre satandards. So Is it really worthful to work with IES and I belongs to mechanical Engineering.
23rd May 2015 12:32 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

i am doing my mtech structures and have done btech civil in andhra university i want to know whether i can attempt this exam with the subject i have learned
10th January 2015 09:21 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Sir I'm civil engineering first year student so how to prepare the ies exam every day give me suggestion.....
30th December 2014 06:52 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

please tell me that all tha IES Officers having blue light vehicle.
yes or No
31st August 2014 04:07 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Please give me salary structure All India Services Engineer i.e selected by IES by UPSC vs IBPS PO, SBI PO and Specalist officer
10th June 2014 08:16 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Sir please tell me what to do in ies electronics and telecommunications job. And. How scope of in railways and defence services?
2nd April 2014 07:02 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

sir in 2014 ies notification electronics and telecommunication scan a electonics and communication graduate can apply for it
9th February 2014 09:44 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

30th January 2014 02:52 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

can we carry on our higher studies even though we are in IES?
23rd January 2014 10:26 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

what are the working sectors and departments for civil engineers?
16th January 2014 09:47 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

4th January 2014 02:00 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

sir you have mentioned above that a pass student are eligible for the IES Exms, i wanted to know that a b.e. pass person can also apply for the IES Exams or not?
17th December 2013 01:19 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Does Candidate belonging to instrumentation engg can apply for IES exam..????
27th November 2013 09:20 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Sir..I m serving in indian airforce as an airman post(group c) I am studying in amie in iei in mech. Branch & last paper is remaining .my orthopaedic condition is left femur is broken in an accident in leave period & I could walk& jog...but doctor opinion is not to do any heavier work. My question Is can I apply for this IES post in normal physical fitness or in orthopaedic physical handicapped category ?My age is 26 & my cast is OBC. What will be my relaxation age limit ?Please give me a suitable ans.thank you.
27th November 2013 10:17 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

can amie passed students can apply for lies examination
15th September 2013 10:53 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

sir, how much percentage of marks to get IES. IN Sections A and B of the Institution Examinations of the Institution of Engineers (India)
9th September 2013 12:23 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

what is the reality work for ies officer and please tell me the starting salary?
26th August 2013 11:27 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

can u please tell me the books for ies general studies
23rd August 2013 01:15 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

20th August 2013 10:53 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

sir my daughter is doing electrionics snd instrumentation under which branch she can apply for IES
11th August 2013 11:52 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

which books have to study for ies exam?pleas tell me the names of books,authors,previous
8th July 2013 06:14 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

is it possible to crack IES in one year???
5th July 2013 02:15 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

I m an B.E. Electrical student of finalYEAR ,can I apply for this exam
12th June 2013 01:35 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Hello sir, can i write ies exam with my minor degree in electrical engineering?
30th May 2013 06:31 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

I am an engineering student branch IT can eligibile for ies ???
28th May 2013 02:25 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Can't students of applied electronics and instrumentation apply for I.E.S?
27th May 2013 05:04 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Is there any number of attempt for ies(engineering service)?
3rd May 2013 12:57 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Sir,can u tell me which department will b best for mechanical guys as per working as well according to income basis.
27th March 2013 03:21 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

no of marks required to get into interview
9th March 2013 03:56 PM
vikash kumar prajapati
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Originally Posted by krrshi View Post
please tell at what are we employed after clearing the IES exam for Mechanical branch.what is the starting salary and what is the future oppurtunities and career as an IES officer
The Basic Requirements which you will have to fulfill in order to appear in IES(Indian Engineering Services) Exam are :-

Age :-
-->>Your minimum age should be 21 years.
-->>Your age should not be above 28 years.

Age Relaxations :-
-->>All Reserved Category Candidates will get 5 years of age Relaxations.

Pattern of Written Exam :-

-->>There will be 2 sections :- Objective and Conventional.
-->>Total marks of Objective will be 600/3(Paper).
-->>Total marks for Conventional will be 400/2(Paper).
-->>Total duration for each paper of Objective paper will be 2 hours.
-->>Total duration for each paper of Conventional paper will be 3 hours.

Syllabus :-

-->>General Ability Test & General studies.
-->>Mechanical Engineering Paper I.
-->>Mechanical Engineering Paper II.

-->>Mechanical Engineering Paper I.
-->>Mechanical Engineering Paper I.

The Departments under which you will able to get jobs are :-
-->>Damodar Valley Corporation.
-->>Indian Railways.
-->>State Commercial Departments.
-->>Exchange Department.
-->>Construction Department.

Basic Starting Salary - Rs 24,500 Per Month + HRA + TA + DA.
9th March 2013 03:46 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

sir , my branch is information and telecommunication engineering .
I am eligiable for IES exam or not
19th February 2013 05:49 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

which job is better?ies or psu jobs???
28th January 2013 11:50 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Can anyone tell how ll be the work for IES officer?
26th November 2012 11:52 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Hello Sir, My branch is Instrumentation and Control Engineering.Could i apply for IES exam?
21st November 2012 09:57 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

I am working as Executive in BHEL, New Delhi. I am from Electronics engineering background. What is a better option for me: Preparation of IAS or IES.
30th September 2012 11:09 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

wether interview marks have equal weightage as written ?
9th September 2012 02:37 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

IES which stands for the Indian Engineering Service. The name itself is sufficient to explain everything.
Along with good reputation in the country it's payscale is also good of range up to Rs 70,000 per month.
There are various jobs after passing the IES exam:
Indian Ordance Factories Services

Indian Naval Armament Service

Central Engineering Service

Central Power Engineering Service

Indian Defence Service of Engineers
Good Luck
9th September 2012 02:14 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

IES is the Indian Engineering service for the post under the government of India for which post entrance exam has been conducted by the UPSC departments

Only four engineering trade students can apply for the exam:

Electrical engineer
Electronics and communication engineer
Mechanical engineer
Civil engineer

Eligibility for the IES exam:

Educational Qualification: should be passed the engineering degree from any recognized univeristy

age limit: age must be between the 21 to 30 years

nationality: Indian citien.

selection process:
Written test paper 1
Paper 2
Final interview

IES exam notification issues : april
IES exam dates: june

Below are the salary of an IES Officer at various levels

Junior Officers Rs. 8000-275-13500

Senior Officers Rs. 10650-325-15200

Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,750-375-16,500

Selection Grade Rs. 15,100-400-18,300

Additional Secretary Rs. 22400-525-24500

Secretary/Cabinet Secretary Rs. 26,000/30,000

All the Best
8th September 2012 11:46 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

IES Stands Indian Engineering Services

Eligibility Criteria :

Educational Qualification :

A Degree in following courses

Electrical Engineering
Electronics & Communication Engineering
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Equivalent degree from recognized university

age limit :
Candidates must be a Indian
Candidates age limit not less then 21 years & not more then 30 years as on August 1st on year of conduct of examination
Upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC candidates

Apply Process :

UPSC application are available for Rs.20/- at notified post officers all over India
Rs.100/- through central recruitment fee stamp only shall be attached
There is no fee for SC/ST/PH Candidates
applications can be made online also :

books :

6th September 2012 06:32 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?


IES- Indian Engineering Service.

IES exam is conducted by the Union Public Service commission(UPSC) in India.

IES exam is only open for Engineering Candidates which who are graduated in the various streams of the B.Tech.

*Electronics and Communication Engineering

*Mechanical Engineering

*Electrical Engineering

*Civil Engineering

Eligibility for IES Exam:

*The Candidate should be a citizen of India

*Final Year students of B.Tech course can also apply for IES Exam

*The Candidate age should be between 21 to 30 years.

*The age relaxation in upper age limit is available for the OBC and SC/ST Candidates.

Jobs after passing the IES Exam:

*Indian Ordance Factories Services

*Indian Naval Armament Service

*Central Engineering Service

*Central Power Engineering Service

*Indian Defence Service of Engineers

all the best....
3rd September 2012 11:34 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

IES which stands for the Indian Engineering Service has become dream of every Engineering graduate in India. The Engineering graduates in India basically look for top options:

IES Exam

PSU Jobs

These two are considered as the safest options for Engineering candidates. IES exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in India. The aim of the exam is to fill more than 5000 Engineering posts in India available in various central government departments.

The Indian Engineering Service exam is only open for Engineering candidates who have graduated in one of the four following streams of the B.Tech.

Civil Engineering

Electrical Engineering

Mechanical engineering.

Electronics and Communication Engineering.

There are wide range of jobs available in wide range of government departments after passing the IES entrance exam. Some of these departments are:

Indian Railway Service of Engineers.

Central Engineering Service.

Central Power Engineering Service

Indian Naval Armament Service

Indian Defence Service of Engineers (Civil Engineering Posts).

Indian Ordance Factories Services etc

Eligibility for IES

Candidate should be Indian Citizen

The age limit for the IES exam is 21 to 30 years as on the August 1 of examination year.

Relaxation in upper age limit is available for the SC/ST/OBC candidates.

You must complete B.Tech course in Electrical, Electronics & Communications, Civil and Mechanical Engineering.

Final year students of B.Tech course can also apply for IES Exam.

Pay Scale

The pay for IES officer starts from Rs 15,000 and could go up to Rs 70,000 per month.
2nd September 2012 11:39 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

10th August 2012 09:31 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

what are the posts for IES officer(mechanical)?
7th August 2012 06:21 AM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

Junior Time Scale (JTS)/ Assistant Director/ Research Officer
Pay Band-3: 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay

Senior Time Scale (STS)/ Deputy Director/ Assistant Economic Adviser/ Senior Research Officer
Pay Band-3: 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay

Junior Administrative Grade (JAG)/ Joint Director/ Deputy Economic Adviser
Pay Band-3: 15,600-39,100 plus Grade Pay
Pay Band-4: 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay

Senior Administrative Grade (SAG)/ Economic Adviser/ Adviser
Pay Band-4: 37,400-67,000 plus Grade Pay

Higher Administrative Grade (HAG)/ Senior Economic Adviser/ Senior Adviser
67,000- (annual increment @3%)

Higher Administrative Grade (HAG )/ Principal Adviser
80,000 (fixed)
5th August 2012 03:20 PM
Re: What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

please tell at what are we employed after clearing the IES exam for Mechanical branch.what is the starting salary and what is the future oppurtunities and career as an IES office
15th June 2012 09:47 PM
What is the future of IES officer? What is the starting salary?

please tell at what are we employed after clearing the IES exam for Mechanical branch.what is the starting salary and what is the future oppurtunities and career as an IES officer

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