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28th September 2018 10:04 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

I born in maharashtra obc category but i got married in mp before 8 years. But my caste is not listed obc category in mp, I got d ed degree in please suggest me how i apply to obc category?
3rd February 2018 04:13 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

Reservation is not applicable for Migrants in Maharashtra it applicable only from native state and central govt.
21st June 2014 03:50 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

If I am fitting in obc category. Can I ask for the relacation in age while applying for the grade A post in general category..??
6th June 2014 02:35 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

i m sanket panchal, i have caste certificate of karnataka state my caste is listed in maharashtra OBC-NCL list i will be now applying for engineering will i will get benefits of OBC caste in maharashtra state i have received certificate recently my college is not accepting the certificate they want proof of someone relatives of my caste of 1967 i dont have it plese help
6th February 2014 01:42 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

My name is Dinesh Malviya. i am maharashtra student (OBC caste). i want to take admission in architecture engineering in Sir JJ college or any other government colleges. I have caste certificate of rajasthan and then i made my caste certificate from maharashtra (kalyan) but it is migrated. This caste certificate is not valid for any other concession or benefits.. what i have to do give any suggestion.....i have to take admission in march for archititecture.This document will make my future bright and i am self dependent... so reply me ASAP....PLEASE its a humble request to uuu.. thhank you.. :-):-):-):-)
31st January 2014 06:02 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

does other state's caste certificate works in maharashtra....? coz m appearing fr my 12th exam nd i have my caste certificate of andhra pardesh as i was born there but we stay in mumbai frm last 14-15 years.........i need to know it ASAP!
31st January 2014 03:11 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

My name is Vishal Pawar. I am Maharashtra student (OBC caste). I want to take admission for full time MBA in Maharahstra. I already cleared CMAT exam. Now Maharashtra government is again planning for MH CET. So I am eligible for OBC scholarship (Fees discount) on basis of CMAT test or I have to give MH CET exam also. Please suggest.
20th November 2012 10:32 AM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

respected sir,
my name is R.K.muralisingh,i complete btech(mechanical with 70%)& iam writing railway exams, sir my doubt is i am from bondili cast in andhrapradesh Bc-B.sir we are migrated from bundelkhand so thats wy we r called named as bondilis in A.P. but in diferent states like maharastra(slno: 183 rajputs),karnataka(slno: 165rajputs),tamilnadu(slno: 34bondili) our bondili(singhs) called as rajputs,bondili,thakurs in diferent,diferent states.the govt of india puts our cast in O.B.C, but in andhrapradesh only we have no O.B.C reservation. sir plse tell me weather iam eligible or not to write the exams under O.B.C category from andhrapradesh. if posible fr hoom i will approach plse tell me sir, fr this reason i miss one job chance in railway. if u dont mine i will give my email id : [email protected], ph no 8099763143 sir get me out of this stage
22nd June 2012 07:09 PM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

Originally Posted by lakhantalekar View Post
I have an OBC reservation certificate from the state of Karnataka.
But my caste is not listed under OBC category in the state of Maharashtra.
However i am a domiciled resident of Maharashtra and my family has been living in Maharashtra & my birth place is Pune, Maharashtra. My father's birth place is Karwar-Karnataka (the date from which Maharashtra state upholds the obc reservation status of migrants)

Will i get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State??

My caste is Padti-156
reservation for OBC given by government is 13%
but as you are not listed in maharasntra it is difficult for you
you will have to produce caste certificate as well as non-creamy layer certificate from the nearby muncipal corporation office
your previous caste certificate and domicile of maharashtra will make it eay for producing the certificates
for any exams it is neccessary to produce non creamy layer certificate
best of luck
may god bless you
22nd June 2012 02:17 AM
Re: Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

Originally Posted by lakhantalekar View Post
I have an OBC reservation certificate from the state of Karnataka.
But my caste is not listed under OBC category in the state of Maharashtra.
However i am a domiciled resident of Maharashtra and my family has been living in Maharashtra & my birth place is Pune, Maharashtra. My father's birth place is Karwar-Karnataka (the date from which Maharashtra state upholds the obc reservation status of migrants)

Will i get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State??

My caste is Padti-156
yes you can get a seat for maharastra board

but you have to provide all the documents

1 obc documents certificate(original and xeroz and aateste)

2 you should also have a certificate of that state profing tha u are obc

3 from school or college also you will have the certificate that proofing that you are a obc
8th November 2011 07:13 PM
Will I get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State?

I have an OBC reservation certificate from the state of Karnataka.
But my caste is not listed under OBC category in the state of Maharashtra.
However i am a domiciled resident of Maharashtra and my family has been living in Maharashtra & my birth place is Pune, Maharashtra. My father's birth place is Karwar-Karnataka (the date from which Maharashtra state upholds the obc reservation status of migrants)

Will i get OBC reservation benefits for exams held by Maharashtra State??

My caste is Padti-156

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