Thread: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services? Reply to Thread

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24th March 2013 07:25 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Originally Posted by SUNIL GAIKWAD View Post
Syllabus for UPSC in civil services&which are the subject get sellected those easy for paeparation
For details visit
5th December 2012 07:05 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

since you did not mention whether it is a preliminary exam or the main exam you could use the following link to obtain the syllabus for prelims and main exam.
For more information about the exams and their schedules:

15th May 2012 12:27 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

hi friends,
Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

the website--
is the ultimate one you can easily find all study material....and syllabus along with the subjects.......

best of luck
bikarant rai
12th May 2012 05:26 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

i m studing architecture and i want to prepare for upsc for dat what are the subjects for that
6th March 2012 01:09 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

hi im preparing for civils.I want to know about what is the suggested books for antropology and public adminstration in telugu version .
26th September 2011 02:54 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

my dear
the following subjects
1.general studies
2.general knoeledge
4.economic india
and more details please log in following official website
good luck
24th September 2011 12:26 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

i am doing my btech 4th year i want to attend the civils exams,when wil b the prelims nd main please tel me about exam details
23rd September 2011 02:35 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

hai,iam from HYD.please send the complete syllabus of upsc civils as per the new notification 2011,and how to prepare NEWASPIRANTS(IMPORTANT TIPS) for the upsc civil service.
23rd September 2011 02:25 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

what is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil service?
hai ,send the complete syllabus as per the latest notification,and how to prepare NEW ASPIRANTS(tips) for the exam. please help [email protected]
13th September 2011 01:10 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

I am doing Architecture at kolhapur, i want to give upsc exama after complission of my graduation, can u pls tell me what are the subjects related to my field?
28th August 2011 06:42 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Hi dear,

Examination Syllabus
Part A - Preliminary Examination - Optional Subjects

Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Botany Chemistry
Civil Engineering Commerce
Economics Electrical Engineering
Geography Geology
Indian History Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering Medical Science
Philosophy Physics
Political Science Psychology
Public Administration Sociology
Statistics Zoology

Part B - Main Examination - Optional Subjects
List Of Optional Subjects For Civil Services (Main) Examination

Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Anthropology Botany
Chemistry Civil Engineering
Commerce & Accountancy Economics
Electrical Engineering Geography
Geology History
Law Arabic
Assamese Bengali
Chinese English
French German
Gujarati Hindi
Kannada Kashmiri
Konkani Malayalam
Manipuri Marathi
Nepali Oriya
Pali Persian
Punjabi Russian
Sanskrit Sindhi
Tamil Telugu
Urdu Management
Mathematics Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science Philosophy
Physics Political Science and International Relations
Psychology Public Administration
Sociology Statistics

21st August 2011 09:13 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

what is the syllabus of upsc?
28th June 2011 11:35 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Hello, i am vinod from Bbsr, Odisha. i m continueing B,tech in EEE branch.i want to know about how to apply for civil services exam....& prepare for preliminary.. please help me. [email protected]
28th June 2011 02:21 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

when the result of nda 2011 april will be anounced
23rd June 2011 07:33 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

how can i prepare upsc exam
27th May 2011 09:02 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

please send material for civil services.
[email protected]
2nd March 2011 05:35 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?


Here is the complete Syllabus for UPSC Preliminary Examination 2011

Best Luck all of you
1st March 2011 01:20 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

What about the subjects anthropology in upsc exam?
15th August 2010 05:00 PM
ravi k
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

dear frnd,

you can get your UPSC syllabus either in employment news of nov or

you can log on to

all the best.
14th August 2010 03:53 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

The Civil Services Examination consists of two successive stages: (I) Civil Services Preliminary Examination; and (ii) Civil Services Main Exam(Written & Interview) for selection of candidates

UPSC Interview Questions 2009 Part A - UPSC Preliminary Examination - Optional Subjects
General Studies
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Indian History
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science
Public Administration
15th July 2010 10:11 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

dear friend,
select only those subjects in which you have full command and that subject is very interesting for you,so that you can score more and also you can get good score in the exam,
and you can get the syllabus on the
syllabus is also given in the information brochure of the application form.
12th July 2010 03:19 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Dear Friend
You can get the complete syllabus from the following website

So log in to the website and download all the syllabus in,

# General Studies
# Essay
# Compulsary Eng and Ind Lan
# Agriculture
# Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
# Anthropology etc...........

All the best.
5th June 2010 11:01 PM
rahul k
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

dear friend

The syllabus of upsc exam in civil services are availiable in the below
attach file, so please download syllabus from there and more syllabus
of UPSC exams are availiable in this given sites-
31st March 2010 02:01 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

all the best
12th February 2010 01:47 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

In upsc exam questions asked are mainly based on general reasoning, general knowledge, quantitative and qualitative techniques, aptitude test, general awareness etc.
10th February 2010 03:30 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

please write your question very clearly,
you have not mention the subject for which you want to know the syllabus,
10th February 2010 12:59 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

you have not specifie the specific course syllabus you want so i cant tell you the syallabus which you want. it will be better for you to visit for all kind of information you will need in future also.
8th February 2010 01:32 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

in my openion you must be a bit specific regardingthe subject's of which you want the sylabus because it is not possible to send you syllabus of all the subjects... but if you can search the sylllabus you need then the sites are given below:::----
For more information about the exams and their schedules:
these are the sites that you can visit for more detials on the vast syllabus regarding the civil services all the best and good luck dear...
7th February 2010 05:08 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Public Administration,psychology,Anthropology are the subjects easy to study ...
27th January 2010 04:29 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

please give The syllabus of electrical engineering in csp exam.
26th January 2010 10:40 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Examination Syllabus
Part A - Preliminary Examination - Optional Subjects

Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Botany Chemistry
Civil Engineering Commerce
Economics Electrical Engineering
Geography Geology
Indian History Mathematics
Mechanical Engineering Medical Science
Philosophy Physics
Political Science Psychology
Public Administration Sociology
Statistics Zoology

Part B - Main Examination - Optional Subjects
List Of Optional Subjects For Civil Services (Main) Examination

Agriculture Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Anthropology Botany
Chemistry Civil Engineering
Commerce & Accountancy Economics
Electrical Engineering Geography
Geology History
Law Arabic
Assamese Bengali
Chinese English
French German
Gujarati Hindi
Kannada Kashmiri
Konkani Malayalam
Manipuri Marathi
Nepali Oriya
Pali Persian
Punjabi Russian
Sanskrit Sindhi
Tamil Telugu
Urdu Management
Mathematics Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science Philosophy
Physics Political Science and International Relations
Psychology Public Administration
Sociology Statistics
20th January 2010 09:39 PM
[email protected]
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

you must mention in which field you are applying in UPSC exam....and there will be detailed notification of the syllabus for each subject in employment news...on 2 jan 2010
15th January 2010 02:44 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

the syllabus for every subject is given in the notification which was released on 2-1-2010 in employment news
15th January 2010 09:35 AM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

for complete preparation and syllabus of general awareness paper buy the book GENERAL AWARENESS by TMH publications
8th January 2010 08:08 PM
Ghulam Mehdi
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Friend you should mention the subjects for that
Anyway go through
you will find the syllabus of relavant subjects there
7th January 2010 04:42 PM
kusum singal
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

for syllabus, you can visit and
and for subjects its depnd on you that i which subject you have interest n you can study must have to prepare very well.
best of luck
6th January 2010 10:54 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

I will advice you to choose the subject which is easy for you to handle.

Its does'nt matter which subject is easy,its depends upon you which subject is easy for you to handle and for which subject you will able to deliver your best.

Best of luck
10th December 2009 08:59 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Dear friend,
Better you visit the site
here whole syllabus is briefed,..
here you can get sample papers also,.. please visit,...
All the Best & Be the Best.
9th December 2009 08:15 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

since you did not mention whether it is a preliminary exam or the main exam you could use the following link to obtain the syllabus for prelims and main exam.
For more information about the exams and their schedules:
9th December 2009 07:33 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

the syllabus for general paper is general topics and current affairs,
9th December 2009 06:49 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

the website--
is the ultimate one you can easily find all study material....and syllabus along with the subjects.......

best of luck
9th December 2009 01:50 PM
Re: Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

you need to tell the subject for syllabus to be told to you
1st December 2009 05:30 PM
Which is the syllabus of upsc exam in civil services?

Syllabus for UPSC in civil services&which are the subject get sellected those easy for paeparation

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