Thread: What is the salary of UPSC officers? Reply to Thread

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30th July 2015 02:01 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers ?

Junior officer scale :
Pay band: Rs 15600 - 39100 , Grade Pay 5400

Senior Scale Officer:
Pay band : Rs 15600 - 39100 , Grade Pay 6600
29th July 2015 04:35 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Dear all,
What is the take home salary of upsc combined geo scientist & geo chemist grade 1 ?????
26th November 2014 12:30 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

i m a B.A.M.S GRADUATE . I WANT TO GO IN MEDICAL FIELD through pcs examination .what type of jobs are available in medical field after doing pcs and what will be the salary?
6th September 2014 01:10 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

What is salary of food security officer in up ??? Dis post belongs to lower pcs or upper pcs??
21st February 2014 03:08 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Upsc exam preparation ke liye market me kaun si book available hai?
23rd August 2013 02:47 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what is the monthly income of up pcs service and ias ?
13th January 2013 04:59 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Hello dear , the initial pay for the UPSC Medical Officer is:

Rs. 15,600 - 39,100 + Rs. 5400/- (Grade Pay).

13th January 2013 03:52 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what will the pay for upsc medical officer
21st April 2012 11:46 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

yearly how many candidates required as a ias officers jobs by govt of india
17th February 2012 12:47 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what is the revised pay scale of uppsc officer
26th November 2011 02:28 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what is the salary of sales tax officer with new revised pay scale
22nd October 2011 02:37 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

What is the topmost payment of IAS officers in India?
1st October 2011 12:13 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

hi dear
The Government of India has fixed salary grades for Civil Servants. Approximately the range of salaries drawn at various levels is as follows:

Salary Grade Range of Salaries
Junior Officers Rs. 8000-275-13500
Senior Officers Rs. 10650-325-15200
Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
Selection Grade Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
Additional Secretary Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary Rs. 26,000/30,000
good luck
28th September 2011 10:44 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Rs.15600 (Basic) + Rs.5400 (Grade Pay) + Rs.3200 ( T.A) + D.A. @58% of Basic + Grade Pay + H.R.A. @ 30%/20%/10% of (Basic + GP) depending on place of posting + D.A. on T.A. on Rs.3200 @58%= Rs.21000+3200+12180+6300+1856=Rs.44536 (in metros)
26th September 2011 04:47 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

it depend on rank .................the senior most gets around 61000 with many facilities ......juniormost gets goes up by your rank
27th July 2011 09:38 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

tell any best training centre in chennai for ias
. and is the benfit in the ias ,
4th May 2011 06:49 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what is work of upse officer
29th April 2011 04:37 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

It is between 15,000 to 25,0000.
the salary amount is good and reliability of job is also nice and well..
15th April 2011 11:30 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Salary of UPSC civil servants includes basic pay plus other amenities.
Also, there are different levels of officers , so it depends on level of your service.
For full information , please refer:
18th March 2011 08:55 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

The Government of India has fixed salary grades for Civil Servants. Approximately the range of salaries drawn at various levels is as follows:

Salary Grade Range of Salaries
Junior Officers Rs. 8000-275-13500
Senior Officers Rs. 10650-325-15200
Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
Selection Grade Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
Additional Secretary Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary Rs. 26,000/30,000
18th March 2011 07:05 PM
sahib alam
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

what is the age limit to appear for the income tax officer?
18th March 2011 04:54 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Hello friend,

UPSC conducts many exam and salary is varies with the post.

As an officer:- almost 27000/- per month.
18th March 2011 12:54 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Originally Posted by mogilirakesh View Post
salaries of upsc officers
Man different jobs different salary!!
Bt if u want a estimation den it cud bbe hmmm 15,500 to 30,100 INR and also other additional funds!!!
Bt one thing is sure that he get class 1 officer job with all prides!!
18th March 2011 10:53 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

The Government of India has fixed salary grades for Civil Servants. Approximately the range of salaries drawn at various levels is as follows:

Salary Grade Range of Salaries

Junior Officers :Rs. 8000-275-13500
Senior Officers: Rs. 10650-325-15200
Junior Administrative Grade :Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
Selection Grade : Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
Additional Secretary: Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary :Rs. 26,000/30,000

(The above scales only provide an idea of the pay scales Different branches of the service have different scales of pay.)

In addition to the salary civil servants receive various allowances such as Dearness Allowance, City compensatory Allowance, Leave Travel Allowance, Medical and subsidised housing.

IAS Renumeration Scheme,ias accounting,ias financial
18th March 2011 10:42 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Originally Posted by mogilirakesh View Post
salaries of upsc officers
within Rs, 15,600 /- to Rs. 25,800 /- per month initially.
18th March 2011 02:18 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Originally Posted by mogilirakesh View Post
salaries of upsc officers
it is equivalent to the lecturer of degree colleges.
IAS is a passion than career.
don't go there just for the sake of salary.
go for the changes in the system and for betterment of an individual.
18th March 2011 01:51 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

the salary of UPSC officers is according to their post:
Senior Officers Rs. 10650-325-15200
Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
Selection Grade Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
Additional Secretary Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary Rs. 26,000/30,000
best of luck.
18th March 2011 01:16 AM
rahul k
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Salary Of UPSC Officers -

The Starting Salary Of UPSC Officers Was 13,000 Per Month Excluding All Other Allowences.

But The Salary Has Fixed For Civil Servants, So Please Check The Range Of Salary At Various Level Are As Follows -

For Junior Officers - Rs. 8000 - 275 - 13500

For Junior Administrative Officer - Rs 12,750 - 16,500

For Senior Officer - 10,650 - 15,200

For Additional Secretary - Rs. 22400 - 525 - 24500

For Cabinet Secretary - Rs. 26,000 - 30,000

For Selection Grade - Rs. 15,100 -400 - 18,300.

17th March 2011 02:14 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

hi m priya m pursuing m looking forword in income tax field i dont no any thing abt it.. can u guide me? which course to do? n how to give exams? s thr any institute for giving certain exams? can u mail me the details? my id is [email protected] pls help
17th March 2011 11:08 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

It basically varies from post to post.There are number of exams conducted under UPSC some of the exams conducted by the UPSC are NDA,CDS,IES, CSAT.
So, if you tell the post which your writing for then I could have helped you in a better way.The salaries are fixed by the Government for various posts.
17th March 2011 08:18 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Dear friend this is depend on past on which post you stand then salary is depend..............

you must know salary b/w rs.35000 to 60,000 this is the salary for any UPSC officers...............

but its depend on your seat is also from which rank and on which post you stand...............

for more information you can visit this website............
17th March 2011 01:01 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

UPSC conducts various exams through which officers and workers for different departments of Central and State Government are recruited .

So please specify the rank and department for which you want to know the salary !!

For giving you a general idea , salary ranges from 15k to 54k + various benefits.
17th March 2011 12:25 AM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

The salaries basically depends upon which post you are in IAS, IPS, IFS, IES
As per Government norms you will get pay scale
as I know depending upon your rank, you are recruited to services such as the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and other departments including Finance, Post and Telegraph, Revenue, Secretariat and so on
The Government of India has fixed salary grades for Civil Servants. Approximately the range of salaries drawn at various levels is as follows:
1. Junior Officers: Rs. 8000-275-13500
2. Senior Officers: Rs. 10650-325-15200
3. Junior Administrative Grade: Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
4. Selection Grade: Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
5. Additional Secretary: Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary: Rs. 26,000/30,000

The above scales only provide an idea of the pay scales. Different branches of the service have different scales of pay.

In addition to the salary civil servants receive various allowances such as Dearness Allowance, City compensatory Allowance, Leave Travel Allowance, Medical and subsidized housing.

As there is sixth pay commission the pay off will be slightly more i guess.
16th March 2011 10:29 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

hello friend,
If you tell the post which your writing for then i would have helped you in a better way.
basically its ranging from 35,000 to 55,000 depending upon your post.
16th March 2011 10:16 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Hi friend

The Government of India has
fixed salary grades for Civil
Servants. Approximately the
range of salaries drawn at
various levels is as follows (not
updated according to the sixth
pay commision - will update
1. Junior Officers: Rs.
2. Senior Officers: Rs.
3. Junior Administrative Grade: Rs.
4. Selection Grade: Rs.
5. Additional Secretary: Rs.
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary: Rs.
26,000/30,000 (The above scales
only provide an idea of the pay
scales. Different branches of the
service have different scales of
In addition to the salary civil
servants receive various
allowances such as Dearness
Allowance, City compensatory
Allowance, Leave Travel
Allowance, Medical and
subsidised housing.
16th March 2011 10:06 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Originally Posted by mogilirakesh View Post
salaries of upsc officers

well the salary varies from person to persom according to their rank...

so as literate or professional you are !!!!!!

more will be your salary.

thank you.........
16th March 2011 09:21 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

It basically varies from post to post.There are number of exams conducted under UPSC some of the exams conducted by the UPSC are NDA,CDS,IES,CSAT.

So ,if you tell the post which your writing for then we would have helped you in a better way.The salaries are fixed by the Government for various posts.

You can get all the information regarding the salary at the release of Notification in the official website of the UPSC.You can visit the following link which will be helpful for you in clearing your doubt.
16th March 2011 08:54 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Government's Salary !!

Lot of Exams like CSAT , NDA , CDSE etc are conducted by upsc every year.

& These jobs are very Reputed one.

As salary concern :- Salaries are Given by Government for higher Authorities varies from 15,500-39500 rupees Per month.

for Example :-
Salary for IES Engineering is 39k to 54 k as per as the Position, & these digits are total Monthly payment Given to Engineer including all allowances.
16th March 2011 06:20 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

In training period the officer get 8000rs.after training period the basic salary of an ias officer is 13500rs(excluding alowances).
16th March 2011 06:03 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

Salary of UPSC officers:

The first year fresher salary is approximately around Rs. 21,000 per month. It may get changed as per the new schemes. The salary increases considerably after experience.
16th March 2011 05:28 PM
simran kaur20389
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

There are many fixed salary in upsc....
16th March 2011 05:22 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?

depading upon your designation but minimum pay is 9300+ grade pay min 2000
16th March 2011 05:21 PM
Re: What is the salary of UPSC officers?


Salary of UPSC officers is in between Rs, 15,600 /- to Rs. 25,800 /- per month

+ (Plus)

TA & DA & Other facilities etc.

Good Luck
16th March 2011 02:30 PM
What is the salary of UPSC officers?

salaries of upsc officers

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