Thread: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering? Reply to Thread

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15th July 2016 03:59 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?


completed Diploma In mechanical engineering in 2002. i have 11 years experiences. i want do a list of collage for Distance learning Bachelor of engineering collage with AICTE approved?

Please help.

my mobile no. 9819755537.
1st July 2015 01:08 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?


Mechanical engineering is the course which has practical as their part. So institutions cannot offer distance education on such courses.

You can only go for regular or full time mechanical engineering course.

There are no such universities offering distance course as it not valid and a government rule.

All the best
16th April 2015 12:16 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

No, according to the rules of AICTE, a graduation course which contains at least 40% of its part as practical, cannot be done through the distance learning.

Engineering a degree whose all the stream contain a vital part as practicals.

So, you cannot pursue Engineering through this mode.

If any university claims this, then do not trust them. You will just waste your money and time and all will go in vain.
20th July 2014 01:16 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

I have two year exprience & I want admission DME.
My Mobile no: 8925212312
26th March 2014 10:28 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Sir, i want list of colleges for mechanical diploma in andharapradesh my mail id ; [email protected]
14th March 2014 11:24 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Iam Rajesh kumar in govt contract work shop staff.
My Qulefication 10th pass and ITI Diesel mechnic 1995
Bach & ITI Eletrician 2005 Bach so iam diploma mechanical
Engginer second year elgibul. Yes/No.
Please repaly. Email Id : [email protected]
Thankyou Sir.
KADAPA (District).
14th March 2014 11:15 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Iam Rajesh kumar in govt contract work shop staff.
My Qulefication 10th pass and ITI Diesel mechnic 1995
Bach & ITI Eletrician 2005 Bach so iam diploma mechanical
Engginer second year elgibul. Yes/No.
Please repaly. Email Id : [email protected]
Thankyou Sir.
KADAPA (District).
13th December 2013 11:47 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

I P.Arun working in railways, i completed my ITI in fitter trade (2 yrs) now i want to do DME is there any college offering DME through Distance / CCC. Pl. inform me on [email protected]
11th June 2013 12:20 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

is jiwaji university offers diploma in mechanical engineering course in distance mode
27th May 2013 05:31 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Sir, i am Paresh Joshi. My education qulification is Diploma machanical . And i want to do be in BE machanical engineering through distance education. So plz suges me good distance universities & collages. .

Thank & Regards,
Paresh Joshi
27th May 2013 04:41 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

7th April 2013 08:14 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Sir,can u pls tell me UNIV that offers M.S(CFD)OR THERMAL in dist education?
12th February 2013 08:58 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

I am a diploma holder in Mechanical Engineering. Can I complete BE in distance Education.? Suggest me a good institution
5th October 2012 06:28 PM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Hi everyone... Im a mechanical engineer. I have a work exp of 2-3 yrs.. I am to do master's in mechanical engineering. Can anybody suggest me a good university which holds AICTE or UGC approval? Also some universities ask for GATE score which i dont have. Can anybody help me out? Its ok if its any foreign university too. All i need is approval from Indian govn and distance education without any entrance test or gate score.
18th July 2012 09:47 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

tell me institute of offering in distance mode
19th February 2012 10:25 AM
Re: List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

this cource is AICT approved
2nd July 2011 06:43 PM
List of institutes offering distance education program in Mechanical Engineering?

Sir, i am shailesh kumar. My education qulification is 4 year diploma in tool & die making. And i want to do be in machanical engineering through distance education. So plz suges me good distance universities & collages. Thank you

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