Thread: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE? Reply to Thread

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6th May 2019 10:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Minimum marks required to get a seat in nit for an electronic student of OBC candidate
1st July 2014 02:59 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Sir how much gate score or v need average to get through the nits?? Plz let me knw sir
Email id- [email protected]
28th March 2014 11:48 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

I have got 53 marks in general category in mechanical stream...which college i will get??
28th March 2014 11:34 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

My gate score is 393 in EC category. Is it possible to get admission in IIT/NIT/COCHIN UNIVERSITY? Also, could you please let me know the gate score for M.Tech admission in govt. colleges in kerala to my mail id [email protected]...
11th February 2013 12:33 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Sir I have scored 32 marks in GATE Mechanical Can G get admission in Top NITs?
8th July 2012 01:55 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

is it necessary to have 60% mark in our BE degree course .
17th April 2012 06:50 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i have got 440 marks and my rank is 7596 and i am from ece.please tell me the names of institute in which i can apply.???
guy same case here i hav also got 440 marks and my rank is 7597 and i am from ece...if u get any information......plz share with me also....
3rd April 2012 12:27 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i have got 30.63 marks,my gate score is 425, iam in ee branch.can i get a seat in any nits.
29th March 2012 06:29 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i have got gate marks 24, my gate score is 276 and also having ( in sc)reservation can i get m tech seat in nit?
29th March 2012 12:57 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

I am a Btech ME final year student. i had appeared for Production &Industrial Engineering in the GATE 2012.
My mark is 27.33,with All India Rank 373.I am a OBC candidate
will i get admission in any of the nit's in any course
24th March 2012 10:57 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

sir, i have got 32 out off 100 in gate....
gate score=468
percentile=96.81 in intrumentation branch...
can i get any nit or iit in general category??????
plz reply
22nd March 2012 04:49 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i got 19 marks in electronics and communication stream.i am female candidate.can i get seat in any one of NITS
22nd March 2012 12:27 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i have scored 49.33 out of 100 (general) in gate 2012 . can i get chance to get iit or nit to do in computer science & engineering???????
21st March 2012 07:09 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

sir i got 33.33 in gate
can i take any nit
19th March 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i got 36 marks and my AI rank is 2055 in EE dept ... can i get admission in iit or nit
19th March 2012 02:51 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

sir i got 40.33 marks in gate 2012 and my gate score is 429 (OBC) is there any chances to get nits???????
18th March 2012 07:08 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Originally Posted by sawan.123 View Post
currentely iam persuing BE in electronics and communication and in future i want to do masters from any iit or nit's . so how should i have to score for this.. marks for GATE 2012 in Computer Science (general category) is 34/100. score = 343, AIR - 16368, percentile = 89.55. what is my chance of getting into any nits???
17th March 2012 08:46 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i got 27.33 marks with 312 gate score in gate exam and 15500 rank in all india....i am frm mech.....can i get admisn in nit rkl....
17th March 2012 02:38 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

my stream is cs. i have scored 39/100 my rank is 9125. i m belong from obc there is what kind of chance for good nit
17th March 2012 12:20 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

My GATE-2012 score is 443,Gate marks(41.33/100),95.57 percentile.
10th-86.6% and 12th-65.5% , &th sem)-8.19(cpga).

what are my chances in getting good college for give me details i am confused from where to start.Please suggest.
With Regard
sumit satyam
[email protected]
17th March 2012 12:15 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

dear sir,
i have got 10094 rank in gate(ee) and my gate score is 347, obc category will i get a seat in nit (any course) plz tell me sir......... sir send reply to my mail plzzzzzzzzzzz.......... my mail id is ([email protected]) plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sirrrrrrrrrrr
17th March 2012 09:33 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i am from ece branch in gate 2012
my gate score is 404
marks 25
air 10358 (open category)
percentile 94.14%
plz can any1 tel me where i.e which institutes can i get admisssion!!
thank u
17th March 2012 07:53 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

hii i got 4607 rank,with gate score 500,shall i get any nit for my post graduation
17th March 2012 12:43 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

sir i have got 440 marks and my rank is 7596 and i am from ece.please tell me the names of institute in which i can apply.???
16th March 2012 09:48 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

I qualified gate exam2012. my marks=26.67,my score-434. can tell me which college will i go?
16th March 2012 01:07 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

I scored 37 marks in gate 2012.
gate score: 393
AIR: 10672

can anybody plz suggest me where can i apply, i mean for which NIT am eligible or are there any other good institutes.
16th March 2012 12:40 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

Sir,i m getting 96%tile in gate exam 2012 in xl,and having academic record above 60%,where can i apply for phd or integrated phd while i belong to botany stream in msc.?
15th March 2012 10:55 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

sir i want to know that how we will know that what is the cut of mark for sc category in any NIT..
sir i belong to sc category & i scored 20 marks with cut off for sc 17marks..this is my score for last year which is still pls tell me will i got admission in any NIT with ths marks & reservation..
15th March 2012 10:11 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i got 33 marks in gate 2012 with air 3303 and gate score 473.can i get a seat in any of iit for rply plzzzzzzzzzzzz
15th March 2012 07:41 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i hav got 92 percentile 365 marks in gate 2012 frm eee branch,is ter any chance of gettin nit ?
am belongs to oc category
15th March 2012 02:59 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?


i m doing final year BE (Aeronautical engg), appeared GATE 2012, my result is

Marks obtained : 26.33 out of 100
GATE score :194
All India Rank :1237
I am under OBC category.

so can i join in NIT for PG?? If not can you give any suggestions please.

Thanks & Regards,
15th March 2012 01:59 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i have got 3000 rank in gate(ec) will i get a seat in nit (any course)
7th March 2012 07:29 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

i am getting 44 marks in gate 2012 in ec what are my chances of getting admisson in iit delhi
25th February 2012 05:02 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

how much marks enough for got a sheet in IIT'S of MBC candidates for M.E
9th January 2012 03:06 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

cut of of iit and nit for sc/st ?
8th October 2011 02:20 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?


Here I am attaching, last years IIT-DELHI cut-off list of GATE exam for your refrence in this post..

I hope you will get idea from this list.

all the best!!!!
7th October 2011 04:40 PM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

this is totally depend on the cut-off marks or score for these institutions.

for this you have to check that the previous year cut-off to these institution for gate.
7th October 2011 05:31 AM
Re: Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

you should have 60% in your college record. then by cracking gate exam with 90 percentile you'll get chance to take admission in IITs &NITs. all the best.
6th October 2011 11:02 PM
Minimum marks required for admission in IIT or NIT college through GATE?

currentely iam persuing BE in electronics and communication and in future i want to do masters from any iit or nit's . so how should i have to score for this..

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