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30th May 2013 02:27 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Originally Posted by BISWARUPYOGI View Post
Following are the optional subjects of civil service examination.

Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Civil Engineering
Political Science
Electrical Engineering
Public Administration
Indian History

you can choose the subject from above mention subjects.
Respected Sir,
I Abhishek Tiwari doing engineering 1st year ,I want to know that how much subject we have to choose from these list that can help to crack the IAS,IS exam
it would be very helpfull if u send your reply on my account as i am not login in this site
my address [email protected]
10th December 2011 06:13 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

how prepare for IAS exam? what subjects should be choosen by electrical student recommand reference books.
27th October 2011 08:41 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

I am maajid ali wani from budgam kashmir doing btech in civil and i want to crack IAS ...but my interest is in public administration and strength of it a good or strange combination of subjects....plz guide me
27th October 2011 08:38 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

I am maajid ali wani from budgam kashmir doing btech in civil and i want to crack IAS ...but my interest is in public administration and strength of it a good or strange combination of subjects....plz guide me
28th September 2011 02:26 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

hello sir,
i am pursuing btech nw in 3rd year with mechanical.I want to prepare for civil services exam from now.So how should i choose optional subs., not have any interest in history like sub as i hate craming.I have intrst in physics & maths but i heard about the scaling system as a negative point for science background subs. in addition of these i want to attampt for ies too for which i will have to command on mechanical.but first preference goes to CSE.
Plz guide me-
1. what subs should i choose ?
2. for which paper should i prepare at this time PRE or MAIN ?
3. which books should i prefer ?
4. which newspaper or magazines should i start to read ?
I have 2 to 3 hrs daily to prepare this.
thank you.
30th July 2011 04:44 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

hello sir.
I am bablu 3rd year mechanical engineerig students from SHAAZ college of engineering&technology hydrabad and i have aspirant of
SO plz guide me how to prepare and what subject should i have to choose..
24th July 2011 06:34 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

respected sir
actually i am a btech(it) 3rd year student and i am interested in starting the ias exam preparation now.I have read your answer about optional subjects.Can you please tell me if I can choose English along with history or Public Administartion? And also tell me if its a good combination or shall i think of some other one? I also know German at the beginner level.So should I choose that in the combination ?
10th July 2011 12:35 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Originally Posted by roshni mishra View Post
hello sir,
I am a first year student studying in silicon institute of technology,BBSR and want to crack IAS exam after the completion of my studies. sir please guide me how to prepare and what subjects should i choose.
Following are the optional subjects of civil service examination.

Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Civil Engineering
Political Science
Electrical Engineering
Public Administration
Indian History

you can choose the subject from above mention subjects.
8th July 2011 12:08 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

how to prepare for IAS and what subjects should a electronics and communication branch student of btech can choose?
14th June 2011 02:25 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

sir i vinodreddy purchusing btech 2nd mechanical please give your valuable suggestions for how to prepare civls
29th May 2011 12:15 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

how to prepare for IAS exam from class 8?
15th May 2011 12:46 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Sir i am student of 3rd year in electronics and communication branch,,how can i crack IAS/RAS exam..??
what type of preparation i need....please suggest me!
26th April 2011 01:54 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Sir i have complete 12th my mom said to choose B.tec but i don't know wat are subject in it
11th March 2011 09:00 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

sir,how many times an obc student can appear ias? i am a final year student of with specialization e n tc. if i choose electrcal engg. papers for main exam ,then whic particular papers of electrical i have to study?
9th March 2011 01:13 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

i am student of mechanical engineering from amie. can i prepare for ias if yes than how
21st February 2011 12:39 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

i hv done my graduatn in political i m planning to do ias please suggest me the best optnal subject.
and please do tell me all the optns available for the optnal subjects.
please inform me soon!!!
13th January 2011 09:51 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

IAS is an excellent choice available for graduates. You need to prepare very meticulously as to crack each stages of the IAS exam. There are two compulsory papers and two optional papers. Candidates can select a subject which they are well versed in. Candidates need to be strong in the GK and current affairs part. As a B.Tech student select a subject which belong to your branch. There are many coaching centers which offer training to students who are preparing for the IAS exam.
8th January 2011 02:19 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

I am a 2nd yr civil engg student plz tell me what is the main area to focus for cracking IAS EXAM
18th December 2010 02:46 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

I m priyank sharma, done btech in electric branch.
tell me the proper details , how can i crack IAS and RAS exams.
suggest me the subjects regarding to the exams.
3rd December 2010 10:10 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

how to prepare for ias and what are the subjetcs for managment student?
26th November 2010 09:00 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Is there any chance to appear civil examinations after completion of C.A.
14th November 2010 10:18 AM
malini k
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Dear friend,
You can prepare for IAS by taking the subjects according to your capability
First of all, know your own interest by analyzing you
If you are a civil, mech or electrical engg student , then you can take subjects from that field, otherwise you can select subjects from the list of subjects given by UPSC
Since you are an engg student , you can select maths , physics or English
Good luck
14th November 2010 12:40 AM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Sir i am doing my b tech in information technology. Am I eligible for giving ias exam and how can i crack this exam ?
13th November 2010 03:57 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

sir, I am a first year textile engineering student. Can i give the IAS exam. ?
6th November 2010 01:12 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Dear friend

it is very good that your future goal is have lot of time, so you can do your preparation in a very smooth manner.There is two general study paper which is compulsary paper.For this, youshould read the book of general knowledge(GK) like GK by GK publication.

Other two paper is optional, for this you have two choose the two subject that is very strong for you.If you belong from mechanical , Electrical, Civil or ECE branch than you can select the two subject belonging to your branch. You can take decision in your third year.
But friend,if you belong from software branch than you have to choose subject from the ECE or electrical branch as there is no syllabus of CSE,IT in the exam of IAS.

Best of luck
5th November 2010 03:57 PM
Re: How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

Originally Posted by roshni mishra View Post
hello sir,
I am a first year student studying in silicon institute of technology,BBSR and want to crack IAS exam after the completion of my studies. sir please guide me how to prepare and what subjects should i choose.
Dear Friend

You got a long way to cover before you become eligible to appear civil services examination. In course of time your experiences will let you everything so that you can make your way yourself. Its good that you are ambitious and so its good to know detail about what you are aiming at.

In civil services the engineering subjects are electrical, mechanical and civil engineering. If you are any of the mentioned stream you can choose yours otherwise you can choose as per your interest.

The UPSC exam is conducted in two stages.
1. Prelims ie Civil Services aptitude test.
2. Main examination (Written exam + Interview)

For main examination you will have to choose any two subjects from the following

# Mathematics
# Agriculture
# Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
# Botany
# Chemistry
# Civil Engineering
# Commerce
# Economics
# Electrical Engineering
# Geography
# Geology
# Indian History
# Law
# Mathematics
# Management
# Mechanical Engineering
# Medical Science
# Philosophy
# Physics
# Political Science
# Psychology
# Public Administration
# Sociology
# Statistics
# Zoology
# Anthropology

Apart from that there will be
# General Studies (2 papers)
# Essay
# English Qualifying
# Indian Languages

If you are really interested for the exam then presently you should not bother for optional subjects. You should make a habit of reading Newspaper daily and some magazines like Chronicle, Pratiyogita darpan etc. Also a revision of Social study of class 8,9,10 and science subjects as well, will help you preparing for General Studies.

Thank You
4th November 2010 09:18 PM
roshni mishra
How To Prepare For IAS and What Subjects Should a B.Tech Student Choose?

hello sir,
I am a first year student studying in silicon institute of technology,BBSR and want to crack IAS exam after the completion of my studies. sir please guide me how to prepare and what subjects should i choose.

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