Thread: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better? Reply to Thread

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19th May 2014 10:32 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

19th May 2014 06:48 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

hello an industrial production engineering student and am currently doing my IT at IDSL a subsidiary of NNPC in benin city am i was posted to the reservoir engineering service department....just want to know if this suits my course of study, Thanks.
29th March 2014 10:50 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

i wish to do petrochemical engi but have no ample info as to which side of this field is good for girls and the payscale which college should i chose and which side of this field is good for?????? Plzzzzz reply
22nd September 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Drilling Engineering and Production Engineering which has better future foundation. Thank u
8th August 2011 01:20 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

project documentation
26th July 2011 04:56 AM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Dear I want to get syllabus of ongc resirvoir (Physics)
11th June 2011 12:47 AM
sandesh chavan
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

which are the good universities for Reservoir engineering? Which are the other alternative courses related to petroleum field......?\
Reply soon..............
19th May 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

M. TECH. or MBA ? Which one is better?
I am doing B.Tech. in petroleum engineering. I am in 3rd year. My GRE score is1230. preparing for CAT. Which one is better option after graduation ?
6th May 2011 09:11 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

i am interested in petroleum engineer.....but can you suggest some other courses related to this with greater oppurtunities..plez
21st July 2010 09:03 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

hello friend,
i think production engineering is best....just go up with it..!!
all the very best dude..!!
21st July 2010 07:54 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Well, dont worry about placement PDPU is a good Institute.

Now if we talk about career prospect in the field of Petroleum in India then from last 10 years India has witnessed good career possibilities in this sector.

With the increasing demand of Petrol due to increas of vehicles, other petroleum products like- Diesel, Kerosine, tar etc. all this has created demand of petrol and those Professionals to tackle there needs.

Yeah, as comparing to the Gulf countries India foes'nt promises much in this sector but been a self sufficient Petroleum producer alongwith a big crude oil cunsuming coutry India has its best.

India has lesser jobs in Upstream, in which basically production and exploration of petrol is involve. So, India being less Petrol producing country has lesser job oppurtunitie in this sector.

Where as in Downstrem, which mainly involves Refining, distributing, extraction etc. Indian market is just booming, because Indian been one of the largest Crude Oil consuming country in Indian market, need huge number of professionals to tackle with it.

But as compared to other branches of engineering Petroleum Engineers has tough job. At starting you have to go through 10-12 hrs of tough schedule.

But pay package are more or less handsome. Fresher can expect 25,00-45,000/month starting depending about onces Talent and Quality of Education gained by someone.

Where as if you are going to Gulf countrie say Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi, Oman etc. The starting salary will be 36,000-48,000/month will all other accomadation.

Where as if we talk about Reservoir or Production Engineering then genarally Production Engineering takes a lead. And being a Petroleum Engineer PRoduction is a good option.

21st July 2010 07:16 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

asthe path you have chosen is better but it needs some patience.let your be completed.a nof opportunities will be there in petroleum engineering.dont take any decision on the basis of that "no batch has currently passed out."
21st July 2010 03:27 PM
[email protected]
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Originally Posted by anurag100 View Post
iam doing btech in petroleum engineering from pandit deendayal petroleum batch has curently passed out from my what is the future in petroleum engineering? which is better reservoir engineering or production engineering?
nice to take with you,
in petroleum engineering production engineering is better.
21st July 2010 01:41 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

hello anurag100,
according to me production engeneering seems to be much boring.still i have briefly define both of these.hope you will benefit!

A.As a RESERVIOR ENGINEER you will be responsible for what goes on thousands of feet below the surface of the earth. Your role will be to maximize profit from ExxonMobil's oil and gas fields by optimizing the recovery of the oil and gas reserves. You will provide engineering expertise and support for other aspects of production and and facility engineering. You will work in a multi-disciplinary team environment with guidance and mentorship from experienced professional engineers and technologists. Work will require close collaboration with the operational areas, and routine travel to those locations.

Benefits To You

;Technical capability development and training; including your own personal mentor

;Formal career development program to develop and enhance your technical and non-technical skills

;Professional guidance and mentorship to support your Professional Engineering qualification

;Challenging and diverse work assignments in a team environment

;Advancement opportunities in Upstream Production or elsewhere in ExxonMobil domestically or internationally

B.Production Engineering: These deals with integrated design and efficient planning of the entire manufacturing system, which is becoming increasingly complex with the emergence of sophisticated, production methods and control systems.

Job and Scope: Opportunities are available in public and private sector manufacturing organizations engaged in implementation, development and management of new production Process, information and control systems and computer controlled inspection, assembly and handling.
21st July 2010 12:18 PM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

I think production engg is best as today the industries are growing day by day with the emergence of new products.For more details refer the
21st July 2010 09:42 AM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Reservoir engineering has a vast scope, because this feild is available at very few colleges throughout the world.
so, there is a great demand of this feild.
21st July 2010 02:27 AM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

Dear Friend
A petroleum industry requires both production and reservoir engineer. As you are doing petroleum engineering so you can get chance to get any of the two. But it will totally depends on company's requirement and not your choice. If the interviewer asks you about your choice then never make it clear. Just tell that you are equally capable of both. Both section are equally paid. If you clearly say that you wanna be a reservoir engineer and company needs a production engineer then you will be out.
I suggested you to not to for choice because your college is new and you may face problems due to silly mistakes.
Any further query is welcome.
Thank You
21st July 2010 01:44 AM
Re: Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

hello dear

in coming days this engineering will be very demanding engineering in the world.perhaps in present time also it is very much demanding for oil & petrochemical industry.

and i think production engg is better than reservoir engineering .as after production engg you will have job easily.

all the best......
21st July 2010 12:02 AM
Reservoir engineering or Production engineering? Which is better?

iam doing btech in petroleum engineering from pandit deendayal petroleum batch has curently passed out from my what is the future in petroleum engineering? which is better reservoir engineering or production engineering?

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