Thread: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE? Reply to Thread

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15th September 2013 08:53 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

DEar user

You can download the previous years question paper from the website given below

You can get previous years papers along with practice test series with answers for sufficient practise.

You can also search this forum quetion paper section for the same.

Good luck
20th July 2013 09:59 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

HI SIR im second year computer science student, i like to prepare for gate xam now on wards so please send me a informations about gate xam and also how to prepare fr xam send dis detail to my email adress my mail id is [email protected].......
4th January 2012 10:33 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

hi sir , i done my B.Tech in Civil Engineering.
please send 10 year solved question paper of civil engineering on my
E-mail [email protected]
6th December 2011 08:09 PM
[email protected]
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?


Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE are not available with me.

But I know the syllabus of GATE for Computer Science engineering are as follows: -


Best of Luck[/QUOTE]
31st October 2011 01:10 PM
Fraction Down
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

dear friend,

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight zones such that One Indian Institute of Science(IISc),Bangalore and the Seven IITs(Bombay,Kharagpur,Kanpur,Guahati,Roorkee,Madra s,Delhi)

The most important news in GATE-2012 is that Pre-final year student can not appear in GATE 2012 exam.

According to the Eligibility of the GATE:

1:You should have a Bachelor's degree holder in Engineering or Technology or Architecture or Pharmacy of 4 years after 10+2.

2:You can also apply if you are in the final year examination of the Bachelor Degree.
3:You have to be a Master degree holders in any branch of Science like Physics,Chemistry, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Applications etc....

4:You can also apply if you are in the final year examination of the Master Degree.

In this year 2012,the GATE 2012 is organized by Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi

For the last 10 years question follow the attachment.

For more Details

Best of luck.
30th October 2011 09:50 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all-India examination administered and conducted in eight zones across the country by the GATE Committee comprising faculty from Indian Institute of Science
if you completed your bachelors degree in Engineering / Technology / Architecture ( 4 Years after 10+2 )or in the final or pre – final year of such programs you are eligible ,
you may have your Master’s degree in any branch of Science / Mathematics / Statistics / Computer Applications or equivalent are also eligible .
or if you have completed your entrance exams like UPSC / AICTE ( e.g. AMIE by IE ( I ), AMICE ( I ) by the Institute of Civil Engineers ( India ) – ICE ( I ) ) as equivalent to B.E. / B.Tech. you must complete section A or equivalent of such Professional Courses to eligible.
so dear to built your career you must keep hundred percent of effort .
all the best
21st October 2011 12:07 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

sir i need last 10 years Q paper which is fully solved . kindly send to my mail id is [email protected] Thank You.
30th September 2011 12:37 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Hello friend.

GATE stands for Graduation Aptitude Test for Engineering.

-it is conducted every year for taking admission in M.TECH.

- you can apply in final year.

- GATE score only valid for 1 year.

- There is no limit in how many years to complete engineering.

- there is no cut off in percentage to apply for the gate exam

- there is no age limit for applying for gate exam .

- though gate exam you get admission in IIT AND NIT COLLEGES AND SEVERAL OTHER COLLEGES .

- to take admission in IIT OR NIT COLLEGES you need to score above 99 percentile .

- to clear gate exam you should have good knowledge of your subjects .

- join a gate forum for good preparation .

From 2012 pre-final year student can not apply for the GATE EXAM ,only final year student can apply for it.

Plz find attachment question paper set.
All the best..
29th September 2011 09:53 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

please send me the 10 year question n solution of gate cse in my id [email protected]
25th September 2011 12:56 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

i want last 10 years solved question paper on my id [email protected]
plz help me................
11th September 2011 12:17 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

please may i got information about GRE exam complete information
3rd September 2011 12:25 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Hello friend,
For the question paper of GATE for CSE branch:

i am giving you a site :

You go thruough it , ll find the question in pdf format, download then;
prepare for it, and mor over refer the books also.

Good Luck~~~~`
2nd September 2011 11:46 PM
ram kripal
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

sir,please send 10Year solved question paper of gate for computer science at my email id
8th August 2011 01:43 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?


Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE

I have attached a file below

Thank you
22nd July 2011 10:47 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

please give me suggestions for gate exam at e mail [email protected].
i also want solved previous year question papers as soon as possible.
25th June 2011 12:07 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Originally Posted by lvnareshsunrise View Post
Here i am providing some of the previous year papers of GATE exam for CSE stream.

Go through them and make use of them
thanks ..............................
8th June 2011 10:50 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Sir. I am doing BE. Cse (1 st year)
I am interested in gate exam.
I want last 10 years solved
Please mail me at
[email protected]
27th May 2011 11:42 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

i have previous years question papers but not having solution please provide me if you people have..
10th May 2011 02:19 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Here i am providing some of the previous year papers of GATE exam for CSE stream.

Go through them and make use of them
4th April 2011 05:29 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE? can download question papers with solutions from for free. this website is for engineering students developed and run by IIT Alumni.

some of the sites that provide accurate previous year Question paers are:-

and some the books that will be helpful are:-
1)gk publication
2)made easy materials
3)gateforum materials
4)ace materials
17th March 2011 08:16 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

For Gate Exam practicing the previous question papers is a good thing..

Now i'm going to give you some links regarding this you can download these for free

the links are

you can download following the links under your branch.

If you get any errors don't hesitate to ask me in the thread.


16th March 2011 12:16 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

here i have attached some of last years papers of GATE CSE .i hope it will help you a lot to do practice .
15th March 2011 09:06 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

for last years papers for gate exam go to the websites- or

here you will get paper aslo solution of these papers.
14th March 2011 07:01 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

the important question are:

1 An ice block submerged in the water, if the ice melts level of water (increase,decrease,remains same,none)
2 Simply supported beam with w point load at the middle, max. bending moment?(wl/4)
3 Simply supported beam with UDL ,max.deflection (wl4/384EI)
4 Cantilevel beam point load at tip,max.bending momemt comes at (end)
5 When bearing life L10 represents (bearings 10%survive,bearings 10% fails, none )
6 For welding high carbon steels which type of flame is used (oxidizing,carburizing,neutral,none)
7. Arrange the following cutting tools in decreasing order of machining hardness…Ceramics
8. When P1 and P2 are the loads acting on bearings with life L1 and L2 then L1/L2=?
9.Product simplification does not mean??
Product characterization
10 Which of the following process has the most scope in manufacturing?
CAD/CAM, CAM, CIM, All the above.
11. Concurrent engineering means?
(Manufacturing, designing, both,none)
12. Which manufacturing process yields higher output and increases worker productivity -
(process layout,line+process,functional layout)
13. 18-4-1 represents-, Tungsten-Cr-Vn
14. For which material is negative allowance provided-(Graphite,steel,bronze,cast iron)
15. What is the recrystallisation temperature of tin- (60,300,1000,none)
16. What is the purpose of borax in soldering-
17. Top gates are provided in which type of casting-(Shallow casting,simple,complex,none)
18. Which statement is true regarding simple gear trains-(i/p and o/p shafts r fixed, each shaft has 2 gears, i/p & o/p shafts r moving)
19. What is the purpose of normalizing- (Refining of grain structure)
20. As the grain size is decreased-(Hardness increases,corrosion resistance decreases,both)
21. Isothermal gas is filled in a vessel at a pressure P and temperature T then considering the compressible forces as the height increases pressure ??(linearly increases linearly decreases exponentially increase )
22. A bottle is filled with water and air and is tied to a string and is rotated in horizontal direction. Then in which direction will air bubble travel?
(bottom,neck,uniformly spread)
23. A empty bottle(in vaccum) filled with a gas at temp T and press P when the pressure of bottle reaches P temperature of the gas is _? (T,T/K,TK)
24. Bearing somerfield number _ with load on bearing?
(increases,decreases,no change)
25. Critical radius for a sphere is-(2k/h)
26. Critical radius exist for_ (spherical,cylindrical,both,slab)
27. Convectional resistance/internal resistance is called (biot number)
28. Nusselt no. is? (hl/k)
29. EOQ=?
30 Which statement is true regarding critical path method? (i only one critical path exists for a network, more than one with same duration,)
31. Shipment cost,inspection cost,storage cost comes under_ (carrying cost ,holding cost,)
32. Ischronous governers sensitivity is- (zero,infinite)
33. self energized brakes are-(friction moment acts in the direction of application of force,opposite to the direction of force, does not need a force to act ,)
34 The ratio of heat capacities for evaporator and condenser is_ (Zero,infinity)
35. when steam and air mixture with partial pressure 0.06 and 0.07 enters a condenser what is the condenser pressure? (0.06,0.07,0.53,0.03)
36. In pulverized burning of coal heat transfer from boiler to water occurs through_( predominant radiation, convection, conduction, conduction+convection)
37. Rankine cycle efficiency for same parameters increases mostly with_(reheat, regeneration, super heating )
38. Ericson cycle with all reversible processes assume_(carnot cycle,stirling,brayton
39. Air delivery tank at outlet of reciprocating compressor is provided for_ (provide constant pressure, avoid cavitation, )
40. High speed centrifugal pump has _?
(vanes faces in forward direction side,backward,radial vanes)
41. Thermal efficiency in decreasing order_?
(Otto cycle>dual cycle>diesel cycle)
42. When a 1000 K body comes in contact with atmosphere at 300K a loss of 9000 KJ heat is transferred. The net available energy transferred is_
43. When entropy of a system increases_?
(unavailable energy increases )
See NTPC placement papers and interview questions for engineering students ECE electronics and communication engineering, EE, EEE, electrical engineering, electrical and instrumentation engineering and mechanical branch students.
44. Rolling is a process widely used for_?
(I section,tubes)
45. Tool nomenclature_?
46. In francis turbine movement of steam?
47. For low power consumption _?
(rake angle should be increased / decreased, nose angle increased/ decreased)
47. Continuous chips occur in_?
(High speeds,low speeds,both,none)
48. Primary forces in a reciprocating engine_?
(fully balanced, partially balanced, completely unbalanced, none)
49. In proximate analysis pyrogallol is used for analysis of which element_?
50. Sulphur content in fuel greatly affects_?
51. Heat transfer through radiation can be increased by_?
(decreasing emissivity and increases temperature of hot body)
52. which theory of failure clearly explains the failure in case of ductile material?
(Maximun shear stress theory or Guests or trescas theory)
53. When a material is subjected to continuous cycles which limit is being verified?
(Endurance limit)
54. where is stress concentration maximum?
(notches, stress reducing throughcuts)
55. Power transmitted through a belt drive_?
56. According to Eulers theory crippling or buckling load is
(Wcr = Cp2EI/l2)
57. During sensible heating, specific humidity_?
(remains constant)
58. COP of a refrigerator is _?
(greater than 1 )
59. The maximum temperature in a refrigeration cycle is_?
(less than/greater than/equal to critical temperature)
60. The pressure at the throat of the nozzle_?
61. for a statically determinate set of forces for equilibrium_?
(? f(X),f(Y),f(Z)=0,?M=0)
62. For a statically determinate set of forces-
(there r as many equations as the no. of unknowns)
63. 1-2-3 analysis is used for_?
(1.break even analysis, ??)
64. A problem on mean time of service something like a salesman has a rating of 120. considering 10% allowance time calculate the time required to serve 120???
65. A problem n determining time in a queue??
66. Energy equation for a laminar flow is _?
(Uniform and steady ,non uniform and unsteady)
67. Undercuts in welding occurs due to_?
(low welding current,high welding current)
68. Work holding equipment in shearing??
69. At the centre of a nozzle _?
14th March 2011 02:55 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

hello friend

previous year question are attached.
you can get more years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE in the given below sites

you can also follow the given below books



3.gk publication.

4.made eassy publication.


all the best...............
14th March 2011 01:34 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?


Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE are not available with me.

But I know the syllabus of GATE for Computer Science engineering are as follows: -


Best of Luck
13th March 2011 09:45 PM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

Originally Posted by gayuexam View Post
i want last 10 years solved question papers for gate exam on my email id [email protected]
I am attached the some papers of CSE.
13th March 2011 09:17 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

i want last 10 years solved question papers for gate exam on my email id [email protected]
11th March 2011 06:59 AM
Re: Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

for solved papers you can visit
3rd February 2011 10:56 PM
Last 10 years solved papers of GATE exam in CSE?

sir, I need last 10 year solved question papers of gate exam in cse. So, please mail me this solved question papers on my email id [email protected].

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