Thread: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai Reply to Thread

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9th November 2016 04:32 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

What is the age limit for joining B.E course in full time? Please tell me..
17th April 2015 11:49 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

my son was born in tamilnadu but had done his schooling from class one to twelve in kolkata can he apply for the common engineering entrance in tamilnadu and his mother is anative of the state.--premela
8th May 2012 01:33 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

My son is studied in Andhra pradesh state. And he is the native of that state. He scored 97.5% in 2. Please clarify that whether he is eligible to apply for B.E. in Tamilnadu engineering colleges under Anna university.--by N.P.Setty, Nellore
28th March 2012 04:53 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

I am a resident of Tamilnadu after studying in Karnataka from 8 to 12th STd. Am I eligible to apply for the professional courses in Tamilnadu under OC?

13th March 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

I have a nephew who is studying in Singapore. He finished his 12 in Singapore .What is the procedure if he wants to do his engineering in chennai/Tamil Nadu
29th January 2012 07:01 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

There are nearly 70 engg colleges in Chennai. Please see the webpage for a complete list:

Institutes like IIT, VIT do not find any mention here.
28th January 2012 11:39 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examination (TNPCEE) is conducted in April by Anna University, Chennai for admission to professional courses in Tamil Nadu. These courses are offered by Government, Government Aided and Private Professional Colleges.

The Application Form and the Information booklet can be obtained in person from:
Designated Canara Bank branches in Tamil Nadu
State Bank of India
Designated coordinating centres throughout Tamil Nadu
18th December 2011 03:38 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

25th November 2011 02:09 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

dear all i have already attended a engg councelling conducted by anna university chennai and i got placed in a college on 2008. But due to some problem i was discontinued. But now i want to study again from the begining. So this is my question can i for apply this year councelling again with my certficates? Kindly help i am waiting for your soonest reply. Thank you.
24th November 2011 12:26 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

The eligibility criteria for engineering college in chennai are
1.Student should have completed the 12th standard.
2.The minimum marks are 45% in 12th standard.
You can join in chennai colleges through counciling.
The different universities offering engineering are
1.ANNA university.
2.SRM university.
3.SATYABAMA university.
4.ANNAMALAI university.
3rd November 2011 09:54 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

what is the most oppturnity engeneering course
22nd August 2011 03:00 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

My son is studying in Gulf under CBSE syllabus. He is born in Tamil Nadu, and his mother's house is in Tamil Nadu. Is he eligible to apply for tamil nadu counselling in engineering under any colleges of Anna University . Please reply urgently to [email protected].
22nd June 2011 02:41 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

i got 49% in pcm let me know if i can get admission in engineering in south india............. email me at [email protected]
27th May 2011 10:08 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

There is no entrance exam for admission in engineering courses in TamilNadu. u will selected through single window counselling system done by Anna University, Chennai.. Applications being issued by Anna University.
25th May 2011 06:42 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

my son has secured 53% overaii and 41% 1n PCM in PUC.Can he join engineering in Chennai and if yes what is the proceedure.please guide.
18th May 2011 01:37 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

My kid is studying in Kenya 6th std, some one told unless the kid study 6 years min in tamil nadu only can get the higher education in tamil nadu. Is it so, please reply.
13th May 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

my son is studying abroad.Is he eligible to write the engg. entrance exams if he studies 11th and 12th exams in india.
11th May 2011 09:52 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to know the existing govt.approved engineering colleges and universities of tamilnadu
the minimum eligibility for engineering college is 60% marks in maths,physics,chemistry with a pass in all subjects
27th March 2011 11:57 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

I passed PUC in kerala with 52% marks aggregate in PCM.Some of told me that Anna university is taking only those who have 55% marks, and some others told me that there is only need of 50%.Please help me immediately.I have to take an admission there under anna university.The people who says the need of 55% also says that its the new rule came last year.Is it true?I searched in anna university's website about that but i can't find anything there about this.Then i searched some other colleges website in TN under anna university.There also in colleges says that 50% and some others says that 55%.Am i eligible to study engg. under anna university?Please tell me detaily about it.....
13th March 2011 02:16 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Originally Posted by darsetmerchant View Post
I am born in Chennai and am doing my 2nd year PUC in bangalore. Can you tell me what is the criteria for admission to engineering colleges in chennai.

The eligibility criteria for admission in engineering technology is minimum 12th pass with PCM with average of 50% . Many college take average of 60% in PCM.
For more information about the eligibility criteria and college in which you want to take admission for B.Tech course please see the official website of that college.
12th March 2011 02:08 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

andhra pradesh engineering elgabelety
7th December 2010 08:32 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

friends i finished my 12th in bangalore i want do engineering in chennai i have to take managment seat how much should i have to pay for
for computer science branch in a good collage please sugest
16th September 2010 12:40 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

you have to appear in the entrance examination of engineering in your state. which will be based on mainly 10+2 level syllabus. in this examination you have to secure a very good marks. after that you will get chance to take admission in engineering in recognized institution. but one thing you have to get at least 45% in physics, chemistry, english and mathematics in 10+2 level to take admission in engineering.
15th September 2010 05:16 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

can i get seat in engineering college even failed 12th
26th June 2010 06:44 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

i am serving in Army, now i likely to be retired on 31 Dec 2011, my son is born in Pune(maharashtra) when i posted. now my son is studying in VIIIth std in Army Public school Ranchi(Jharkhand). My wife and my nativity is Tirunelveli. After retirement i want to go to Madurai/Tirunelveli. My son will be study from Xth std in Tamilnadu, he will get admissions in engineering colleges as tamilnadu student or what should i do please inform me
15th June 2010 11:01 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

I want to know the existing govt.approved engineering colleges and universities of tamilnadu
11th June 2010 05:28 AM
sanket mathur
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai


Other Communities (OC) (Communites other than BC / MBC / SC / ST) in 12th standard or equivalent with an aggregate of atleast 60% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Backward Class Community (BC) of Tamil Nadu: Pass in 12th standard or equivalent or with an aggregate of atleast 55% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The candidate should produce the Community Certificate duly signed by the Tashsildar.

Most Backward Class Community (MBC) of Tamil Nadu : Pass in 12th standard or equivalent with an aggregate of atleast 50% marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. The candidate should produce the Community Certificate duly signed by the Tashsildar.

SC/ST Community of Tamil Nadu : Mess pass in 12th standard or equivalent with Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry. The candidate should produce the Community Certificate duly signed by the Tashsildar.

Note: Candidates from other states irrespective of their community are considered as OC (Other community)

Eligibility for B.Arch.Degree courses (5 years)

Pass in 12th standard or equivalent with English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry as subjects of study with an overall aggregate of not less than 50% marks.
The candidate should have passed the NATA Aptitude Test conducted by the Council of Architecture with an aggregate of atleast 40% marks.
9th June 2010 04:42 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

what is the eligiblity for engineering admission for maharashtra state candidate?
Is there any PCM group restriction ???
28th May 2010 04:26 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

is 48% overall eligible for engineering anywhere in tamilnadu
19th May 2010 03:50 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

is 50% Eligibility for engineering colleges in Kerala amust?
15th May 2010 10:54 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

which percentage of marks for engg admission in tamilnadu
14th May 2010 01:34 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

in different colleges eligibility for engg. are different for getting admission in engg.
you at least pass 12th with good marks
for elligibility in kalinga engg. college in chennai you can see from the below link: engineering+college

best luck...
10th May 2010 04:02 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

i already admitted in engineering college through annauniversity engineering council.after discontinuing my current college,can
i appear for second time annauniversity engineering council .
22nd March 2010 05:42 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

dear friend
after passing your 12th exam with physics,chemistry and mathematics.
you can fill up the form of TNPCEE conducted by tamilnadu government.
and then you will be admited according to your score in various engineering colleges of tamilnadu.
all the best..
21st March 2010 11:26 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Yes my frined you can take admission in enng colleges in chennai..........
20th March 2010 10:01 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

dear friend
there is no such kind of special eligibility to take admission into engineering colleges in chennai..
you should have only passed class 12th with 50 %..
it is his minimum eligibility condition
go for it
best of luck..
20th March 2010 05:42 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Pass in 12th standard or equivalent with English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry as subjects of study with an overall aggregate of not less than 50% marks...........The candidate should have passed the NATA Aptitude Test conducted by the Council of Architecture with an aggregate of atleast 40% marks.
20th March 2010 03:01 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examination (TNPCEE) is conducted in April by Anna University, Chennai for admission to professional courses in Tamil Nadu. These courses are offered by Government, Government Aided and Private Professional Colleges.

The Application Form and the Information booklet can be obtained in person from:
Designated Canara Bank branches in Tamil Nadu
State Bank of India
Designated coordinating centres throughout Tamil Nadu
20th March 2010 02:18 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

there is no any problem,
you can take admission in the tamilnadu through the
iit jee
and the state exam
o k
good luck
19th March 2010 03:12 PM
rahul k
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

dear friend.........

Pass in 12th standard or equivalent with English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry as subjects of study with an overall aggregate of not less than 50% marks...........The candidate should have passed the NATA Aptitude Test conducted by the Council of Architecture with an aggregate of atleast 40% marks.
4th February 2010 03:39 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

please ou want eligibility for which exam? some of the exams are of national level which do not require any domicile certificate and you have to qualify the exam and some exams of state level needs your domicile certificate
3rd February 2010 09:02 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Eligibility for B.Arch.Degree courses (5 years)

Pass in 12th standard or equivalent with English, Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry as subjects of study with an overall aggregate of not less than 50% marks.
The candidate should have passed the NATA Aptitude Test conducted by the Council of Architecture with an aggregate of atleast 40% marks.
30th January 2010 04:43 PM
[email protected]
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

if you are applying in a state level exam
then you need a domicile certificate for that particular state or you should have citizenship for that state
15th December 2009 07:27 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

if you want to appear for state level entrance exam then ,it will be better if you have the can appear for all state level as well as national level exams for engineering colleges.......
28th November 2009 06:57 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

There is no entrance examination conducted for engg... U must have studied in tamil nadu from 8th - 12th....
28th November 2009 01:43 AM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

ya you can take admission in enng colleges in chennai,you can appear in AIEE,IITS, or you state exam TNCEEP.
28th November 2009 12:22 AM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

Tamil Nadu Professional Courses Entrance Examination (TNPCEE) is conducted in April by Anna University, Chennai for admission to professional courses in Tamil Nadu. These courses are offered by Government, Government Aided and Private Professional Colleges.

The Application Form and the Information booklet can be obtained in person from:
Designated Canara Bank branches in Tamil Nadu
State Bank of India
Designated coordinating centres throughout Tamil Nadu
27th November 2009 08:01 PM
Re: Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

you have to appear for (tnpcee) conducted by tamil nadu gov.for addmission to varius engineering colleges in tamil nadu.

the exam is your class 12 syllabus.

entrance is conducted every year in the month of march-april.
3rd November 2009 05:54 PM
Eligibility for engineering colleges in chennai

I am born in Chennai and am doing my 2nd year PUC in bangalore. Can you tell me what is the criteria for admission to engineering colleges in chennai.

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