Thread: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ? Reply to Thread

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20th October 2011 04:44 PM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

You are eligible when recruited by FCI
10th February 2011 07:09 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

According to my knowledge -
yes, you are eligible to apply for it and there are vaccancies related to your expertize, you can visit this link to get more details as well as the format of application form..

good luck & make sure that you go through every details and download the form also.
Best of luck.
2nd August 2010 10:06 PM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?
yes you are applicable for that
23rd March 2010 11:53 AM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

among the following posts:
1. Management trainee (Manager (Genl.))
2. Management trainee (Manager (Depot.))
3. Management trainee (Manager (A/Cs))
4. Management trainee (Manager (Tech))
5. Management trainee (Manager (Civil))
6. Management trainee (Manager (Mechanical))
7. Management trainee (Manager (Electrical))


For post 1 and 2 a degree or a post graduate degree in any one of them is required International Business/mass communication/public relations/industrial relations/I.T/journalism is required.
For post 3, CA/AICWA/ACWA/MBA (finance) is required from a recognized university.
For post 4, a degree in Agriculture or in Science with diploma in Food Technology from a recognized university is required.
For post 5, a degree in Civil Engineering is needed.
For post 6, a degree in mechanical engineering is needed.
For post 7, a degree in electrical engineering is needed
22nd March 2010 09:17 PM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

hi friend

o k
21st March 2010 11:13 AM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

Yes my friend you are eligible to apply for it......
20th March 2010 06:13 PM
rahul k
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

yes my friend, you can apply for management traniee in food corporation in india, but you can fill the apllication form, when they are released............
9th March 2010 02:49 AM
Re: Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

yes, you are eligible to apply for it and there are vaccancies related to your expertize, you can visit this link to get more details as well as the format of application form..

good luck & make sure that you go through every details and download the form also..
byee take care..
8th March 2010 07:28 PM
cp swami
Can a CWA apply for Management traninee in Food corporation in India ?

Q. A CWA can apply for Management traninee ( accounts) in Food corporation in india in latest vacancy ?

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