Thread: Am I eligible for CSIR NET or UGC NET? Is there any alternative to these exams? I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now I'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University Reply to Thread

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12th August 2014 04:38 PM
Re: Am I eligible for CSIR NET or UGC NET? Is there any alternative to these exams? I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now I'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University

Which subject code M.Sc., Geology Student has to select for NET 2014?
10th January 2014 11:12 AM
Re: Am I eligible for CSIR NET or UGC NET? Is there any alternative to these exams? I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now I'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University

what is the syllabus for clearing CSIR NET after completion of msc Geo-informatics? I am unable to get seperate subject name GEO-INFORMATICS .kindly solve my confussion.
9th April 2012 07:40 PM
Re: Am I eligible for CSIR NET or UGC NET? Is there any alternative to these exams? I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now I'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University

Originally Posted by paragkhopkar View Post
Hello! I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now i'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University. Am i eligible for CSIR NET? OR UGC NET? Any alternative to these exams? Any other option? Plz guide me!
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Faithfully,
Khopkar Parag Sanjay
MSc.Geoinformatics(part I)
Department Of Geography
University Of Pune,Pune.
no, there is no alternative for net exam it is essencial to take ugc net if you are interested in the eligibility of lecturing in colleges is post graduation and net or PhD.there for you have to pass ugc net in your subject and also there is junior research fellowship(JRF) exam along with the net exam
19th November 2010 02:05 AM
Am I eligible for CSIR NET or UGC NET? Is there any alternative to these exams? I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now I'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University

Hello! I've completed my BSC.Geology from Pune University. Now i'm doing MSc Geoinformatics in Pune University. Am i eligible for CSIR NET? OR UGC NET? Any alternative to these exams? Any other option? Plz guide me!
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours Faithfully,
Khopkar Parag Sanjay
MSc.Geoinformatics(part I)
Department Of Geography
University Of Pune,Pune.

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