Thread: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks Reply to Thread

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9th September 2014 12:23 AM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

respected sir
how can i get agricultural biotech as my course? which all exams i have to give and qualify for the above mentioned course?
28th March 2014 01:57 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

please tell me how much is the fees for BSC Biotechnology in Virani Science College
27th July 2013 01:09 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

dear friend.....

Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology

1.All India Institute for medical sciences, New Delhi.
2.Indian Institute of technology, New Delhi.
3.Jadavpur University, Kolkatta.
4.Indian Institute of technology, New Delhi.
5.Alpha Arts & Science College, Chennai.
6.Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
7.G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab.
8.Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kollam
9.Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kollam.
10.Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College
11.Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies, Banglore.
12.Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies
13.All India Institute for medical sciences
14.Indian Institute of technology,
15.Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies
16.Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies, Banglore.
8th July 2013 06:32 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

Name of colleges of punjab offering biotechnology hons. .....?????
20th June 2013 11:34 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

how the stds of pcb can get goverment collage for biotecnology
28th May 2013 11:47 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

best colleges in india offering course in biotechnology? job oppurtunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 85% marks
17th May 2013 07:25 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

12 sci. Pass in A grup and
9th March 2013 06:09 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks


Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology

1.Jawaharlal Nehru University,
2.Indian Institute of technology
3.Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies
4.Alpha Arts & Science College
5.All India Institute for medical sciences
6.Amrita School of Biotechnology
7.Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce & Economics,
8.Indian Institute of technology,

all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22nd January 2013 09:23 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks in biotechnology which college offered in tamilnadu
12th October 2012 05:11 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

Dear friend ,

before providing the colleges name , i would like to give more information about biotechnology course, like in career wise different ares you can choose , so below i am providing you he full details :

different kinds of industry you can see at the image below :

Biotechnology is ‘technology based on biology’, especially when used in agriculture, food science and medicine.
Biotechnology also means any technological application that uses
biological systems, living organisms or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for specific use.
It is basically the manipulation of organisms to do practical things and to provide useful products.
Biotechnology deals with the directed usage of organisms for the manufacture of organic products like beer and milk products.
Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste,
and clean up the sites contaminated by industrial activities. It is a
application of existing scientific methods and techniques aimed at improving the biological systems, which include micro organisms,
plants and animals. Biotechnology plays a major role in serving mankind
by contributing to industries like agriculture, animal husbandry, health care. In India.
B.Sc in Biotechnology Course is fruitful career choice.

Career Options:

Bio-technologists can find careers with pharmaceutical Companies, chemical, agriculture and allied industries. A biotechnologist may find jobs in following quarters - Drug and pharmaceutical research, Public funded laboratories, Chemicals, Environment management, Waste control, Energy, Food processing and Bio-processing industry.

Scope of Bio-Technology:

Although students often look for programmes abroad for studying B.Sc Biotech, the scope of biotechnology
in India is also enormous. It is a field that involves engineers, biologists and many other such professionals.
The areas where biotechnology has grown in India include Bio-informatics, Agricultural biotechnology,
Bio fertilizers, National Bio-resource Development, Plant Biology, Marine Biotechnology and the likes.

Job Prospects:
A Graduate in Biotechnology can get job in government sector, universities and colleges, research institutes or at private institutes as research scientists or assistants. Lab Technician.
Research Associate.
Research Scientist.
Engineer (Chemical, Electrical, Environmental and Industrial).
Sales Representative. etc.

Here’s a list of all the institutes which offers B.Sc and M.Sc Course in Biotechnology.:-

Alpha Arts & Science College, Chennai.
Jain Institute of Vocational & Advance Studies, Banglore.
Amrita School of Biotechnology, Kollam.
G.H.G. Khalsa College, Punjab.
Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai.
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
All India Institute for medical sciences, New Delhi.
Jadavpur University, Kolkatta.
Indian Institute of technology, Mumbai.
Indian Institute of technology, New Delhi.

11th October 2012 11:34 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

I have completed my 12th from isc ...with 72% is there any government college for btech biotech in delhi,pune & uttar pradesh .
2nd October 2012 06:10 PM
Re: Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

have completed 2 with 95% mark . i would like to know about the best colleges in india offering B tech/Bsc coures in biotechnology and job oppertunities in this field and about the fees
5th May 2012 10:50 AM
Best colleges in India offering B.Tech/BSc course in Biotechnology? Job opportunities in this field? I have completed my 12th with 95% marks

i have completed +2 with 95% mark . i would like to know about the best colleges in india offering B tech/Bsc coures in biotechnology and job oppertunities in this field and about the fees

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