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1st May 2016 12:34 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

sir I am studying Bsc(Maths,statistics,computerscience).now its my final year can i do M tech after my completion of Bsc.Is there any scope for studying Mtech
12th April 2015 04:33 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

Career options after B.Sc in math is very good if you have full knowledge of math and its tricks you can apply for various posts-

>> Math teacher in school

>> Lecturer in Collage

>> Professor in University

>> Be a mathematician after M.Sc and qualifying NET exam.

To be a teacher or professor you have to first appear in the post graduation with this subject and then you have to qualify for any teacher eligibility test as-




>> NET

>> JRF

After the NET or JRF you will must be selected a professor in any collage or a university that depends also on your talent and qualification.
12th April 2015 03:05 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

# Mathematics subject usually the most difficult subject among the student. Large number of students do not able to get better marks in Mathematics.

# But in reality, Mathematics is most interesting and easy subject if it is studied daily, regularly, with proper revision and sincerity.

# Mathematics subjects offer various career prospects. Being a graduate in subject Mathematics followings are the options for making career which are mentioned below:

* Candidate can join Naval Academy through CDS Examinatiin.

* Candidate can join Air Force Academy through CDS Examination.

* You can apply for several posts in ISRO which are advertised from time to time.

* You can become Lecturer/Profession after doing M.Sc and B.Ed.

* You can apply to Public Sector Undertakings for several posts advertised from time to time.

* For the posts of Deputy Director (Telecommunication) in the Cabinet Secretariate, New Delhi

# There are also other options where mathematics subject is not required or not compulsory to apply which are:

* You can Indian Military Academy (IMA) through CDS Examination.

* You can join Officer Training Academy (OTA) through CDS Examination.

* You can apply for several competitive examinations conducted by Staff Selection Commission.

* For the posts of Assistant Station Master, Traffic Apprenticeship, Commercial Apprenticeship, Goods Guard etc in Railway examinations.

* Various examinations conducted by LIC and other insurance companies.

* Many more posts advertised by other Government departments/ministries.
12th April 2015 02:29 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

You can select any of these courses according to your interest and abilities.
You can compare career as per your preferences by using our Compare Career Tool.

You can look for careers in statistics, actuarial sciences, mathematical modeling, and cryptography; for teaching; as well as a research career in mathematics or statistics.

You can also go for M.Tech. A strong background in mathematics is also necessary for research in many areas of computer science, social science.
12th April 2015 02:05 AM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

After the completion of B.Sc Mathematics you can make your carrer in following field-

Computer Programmer
Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Chartered Accountant (CA)
Company Secretaryship (CS)
Researcher & Accountant
Treasury Management Specialist
IAS, IPS & PCS Officers
Loan Officer
11th April 2015 09:25 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

I don't want to become teacher or professor.. please tell any other profession
26th September 2014 07:06 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

I do bsc in plane maths and not in honrs so there is any difference in job vacancies
22nd December 2013 09:18 AM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

except tat do we have any different course..?
20th December 2013 03:40 PM
Re: What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

Originally Posted by pjmg View Post
could you please tel me about the career ooptions after doing bsc.mathematics.. i need a different types of options except teacher,mba,msc and group exams..
You can do MSC mathematics and can join as a professor.
best of luck
19th December 2013 11:26 PM
What are the career options after doing BSc Mathematics

could you please tel me about the career ooptions after doing bsc.mathematics.. i need a different types of options except teacher,mba,msc and group exams..

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