Thread: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam? Reply to Thread

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15th July 2021 03:19 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I Finished B.Tech in the year of 2018, So can i try TET exam now?
23rd November 2020 09:54 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

Am bsc biochemiatdy. Am. Also eligible in tet exam
6th August 2019 07:15 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

Engineering with B.ed are allowed of ctet exam
18th December 2018 05:40 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I completed my BE... now I am in B.Ed final year... to apply for KTET, there is no BE option in degree... Are BE candidates are not eligible for KTET... then why they made an option BE & B.Ed course for teaching... or if BE with B.Ed candidates are eligible then why there is option for applying...
7th September 2018 12:28 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I have completed my engineering in electronics and telecommunication and also completed my be.ed course in maths -science. M I eligible for CTET or tet exam which is going to held in September 2018.

If I am eligible then in which subject I can appear for exam and for which class group .

Please reply as soon as possible.
10th July 2018 04:42 PM
Ramabai L
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

=> Candidates one who completed B.Ed is only eligible to apply for the Teacher Eligibility Test. Candidates should get 60% in the TET, 5% relaxation for OBC/SC/ST/PWD/MOBC candidates. Candidates who qualifying in TET will be appointed as a teacher to the Lower Primary and Upper Primary classes.

=> Bachelor of Education is shortly B.Ed, 2 years under-graduation course. The candidates who have interest in teaching career will do B.Ed. It is all about training for the candidates to teach.

=> Required qualification to do B.Ed is any degree from Arts or Science stream from a recognize University or Institute. Candidates who have got required in the entrance will be selected for the admission. National Council for Teacher Education is responsible for the study.
8th July 2018 10:29 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I have qualified B tech from mechanical branch, am I eligible for Tet exam?
18th June 2018 12:53 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I Passed MCA and I am doing BEd. Can I appear for TET EXAM? And if can then in which subject?
5th April 2018 10:42 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I have completed my BE and degree and i want to take a job at Gujarat higher secondary physics teacher in science, so can i do B.Ed based on my BE degree.. and if i will completed my B.Ed than after i will appear for TAT exam? Please reply me on my that question..
15th November 2017 07:47 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I have done my B.Tech. After cbse norms in 2015 which refers like students can do B.Ed in maths or science,I have started doing my B.Ed and now I am in my 2nd year last sem. Can I appear for TET exam??
26th June 2017 08:01 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

Can a B.TECH student appear for TET exam? or is B.ed a necessity for B.TECH student also?
23rd June 2017 01:05 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I have done my B.Tech. After cbse norms in 2015 which refers like students can do B.Ed in maths or science,I have started doing my B.Ed and now I am in my 2nd year last sem...Can I appear for TET exam??
19th August 2015 08:31 PM
sagarika 199193
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

B.Tech student can not apply for TET(Teacher Eligibility Test).If you want to apply for TET , then You must have qualification B.Ed.CTET is the Central Teacher Eligibility Test to appoint teacher for Class I to V and Class VI to VIII.

Eligibility For TET

For Class I-V
You must have secondary education with atleast 50% and have passed/appearing in final year of 2 year diploma in Elementry Education OR 4 year Bachelor In Elementry Education.

For Class VI to VIII
- You must have graduation with atleast 45% and have passed/appearing B.Ed/Bachelor in Elementry Education/Diploma in Elementry Education.
- You must have passed secondary education with atleast 50% and passed/appearing in final year of 4 year B.A(Edu.)/

Paper Pattern
Paper I : For Class I to V
Paper II : For Class VI to VIII
- Paper will be asked from the topics of Child Development & Pedagogy , Environment Study , Mathematics , Language I & II.
- Questions will be asked Objective Types & No nagative marking system.
19th August 2015 11:32 AM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

Now i am Finished my BE .Now i am going to join B.Ed,After finishing that.can i apply for TET exam
12th October 2014 05:37 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

No, you should need to do BA /BSc, MA/ MSc and B.Ed to appear in TET
10th October 2014 09:36 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

28th January 2014 01:04 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

I am a b-tech final year student of computer sc.Am I eligible to sit for the upcomng TET 2014?
17th December 2013 01:28 PM
Re: Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

19th June 2013 10:07 PM
Can a B.Tech student appear for TET exam?

Can a B.TECH student appear for TET exam??? or is B.ed a necessity for B.TECH student also?? kindly answer as soon as possible..

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