Thread: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies? Reply to Thread

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16th October 2014 04:34 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

I am Anurudh Sahadeva pursuing B-tech final year with a Computer Science major
in India. %u200EI have an educational background in subjects like
Mathematics,Physics and Chemistry. But,over the time my interest leaned towards
Zoological Sciences. I am interested in pursuing Master of Science in
Zoological sciences. Is there any way I could do my
Masters in this field? Please let me know if there is a possibility.
I'm very much passionate about it!!!thank you in advance
2nd December 2011 10:38 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Hello friend,

Of course,why not?You can change your branch in B.Tech after completing 1st year.But not after entering to second year.

Please contact your Dean(academic affairs) for further details.You need to have permission from your university.
28th November 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

10th October 2011 02:56 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i have not taken maths in 12th and iam a pcb student.i want to study maths after 12th standard as an optional subject. how can i pursue for it in future
16th August 2011 08:24 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

is it possible to change my stream from electronics and communication to mechanical engineering in 2nd semester
16th August 2011 08:21 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i am doing ece 1st year but i dont have any interest in it and i like to change my stream to mechanical engineering whether it is possible for me to change
21st July 2011 05:13 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

is it possible to change my stream from information technology to computer science in 2nd semester
19th July 2011 10:36 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

my first couseling seat alloated to stream change information
19th July 2011 10:32 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

change stream
26th May 2011 12:38 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

I m first year metallurgy student.I want to change to mechanical engineering.I got around 50% marks in first semester exam. If i get good marks in second semester,is it possible to change my branch?
8th November 2010 12:50 PM
megha ram singh
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

If you want to do higher studies you can choose the field of Biotechnology.

if you were having Biology in 12th then can change your stream easily, otherwise there are very few institutes which offer the course

you can go for environmental engineering..all the best..
6th November 2010 01:20 PM
Sachin Narayan
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Its possible for u to go for environmental studies for pursuing ur higher studies. But biotechnology requires biology as main subject, So its not the path u can go on now. If any college permits u aur is willing to provide u the admission than u can, but elsewhere there's no way for biotech..

thank you
6th November 2010 11:56 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

There is very little possibilities to change your branch to biotech. Because it needs biology as an essential subject but i think you dont have biology as for cse you need to study maths not bio. But you can change branch to any other stream having pcm ,if available in your college right after the end of your 2nd sem.
6th November 2010 11:22 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i am in class 11 semester over.can i now change my optional subject to bio from computer?
No its too late for you since you have completed your first semester.
Its better you carry on furthet with full interst.
Others you have you make anew start.
Yes, if your scholl allows you permission you can take biology
5th November 2010 09:40 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i am in class 11 semester over.can i now change my optional subject to bio from computer?
21st October 2010 11:47 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

the way you have opted is seen very rarely. you are in 1st sem so after 2nd semester you can change your branch. but biotech is entirely different as it needs biology as main subject you are unable to change your branch from cse to biotech
15th August 2010 08:25 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

you can change your preference if the institute in which you are studying now allows that.f your college allows you, then it is possible to change stream from computers to bio tech or environmental studies in your higher studies.Since now you are in the first semester of (cs),then maths must be your main subject,and for biotechnology you must have biology as an important subject.
30th July 2010 02:12 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i want to go in automobiles industry and i have done bca (graduation) so please tell me how can i go there
27th June 2010 02:38 PM
[email protected]
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

hello friend as you will lose your year in which you did your b.e
so it would be really better if you do tht well and then you can go for biotech if you have pcb
15th June 2010 11:11 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

yes it is possible to do so but what is the need of doing that.........friend seriously by doing so you will find many problem.........

still decision is yours,if you feel that you can manage then go for it.......

best wishes
14th June 2010 08:12 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is it possible to change stream after i complete my first year engg.??????
yes it is possible,
generally the course in the first of engineering is the same for all the branch,so after first year if you get really good marks you can change your course through sliding,
but mind it you should be getting top ranks ,
all the best
13th June 2010 10:03 AM
rahul k
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

dear friend

No, you can not change your stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies. But, if your college allows you, then it is possible to change stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies in your higher studies.......
12th June 2010 11:32 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

you can not change your stream from computers so do higher studies just in computer course only
12th June 2010 02:59 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

hi, yes you can change your branch for higher studies ..all the best
12th June 2010 01:24 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Originally Posted by yuvashri View Post
i have done my B.E(cs).Without interest i have joined. now want to do higher studies in other stream like biotech,environmental studies.. is it possible?
yes it is possible if u wnt to change ur stream to bio but u should be well prepared and prefer bio as ur main subject and to opt it u can write vit entrance and go there...its very nice......all the best and work hard
12th June 2010 12:47 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Originally Posted by yuvashri View Post
i have done my B.E(cs).Without interest i have joined. now want to do higher studies in other stream like biotech,environmental studies.. is it possible?
you can change your stream in mtech but only if your college allows you. Also replacing your subjects from math to bio tech can be a bit difficult. But the choice is yours.
12th June 2010 12:22 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i have just completed my B.Tech bioinformatics , now i want to go for computer science
is it possible??
please suggest me.....
9th June 2010 12:53 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

is it possible to change stream after i complete my first year engg.??????
4th May 2010 09:41 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

I am a Student Of Mech. Engg.(1st year) in GTU,
I Want to change to Computer Engg.

Is It possible to change??

Plz Help Me...How..??
15th April 2010 12:13 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i am doing engg. in biotechnolgy, is it possible to do other branch of engg. for higher studies.
pls reply if anyone knows about it
20th February 2010 03:53 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?


i think you are inspired my movie 3-idiot's
if you have bio in 12th then you can change the stream
but from my point of view if you are not interested then you should change to biotech or envirnomental studies
best of luck
18th February 2010 10:59 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

yes you can do your higher studies in bio tech or environmental
studies,,,but remember one thing my friend
you are coming from engineering background ,,
your bachelor degree will be in vain ,,,
i suggest you to be in your present field
it is much in demand ....
bio Tech is looking easy but its quite tough after you have
done your bachelor degree in CS....
think well before taking decision,
good luck ...
18th February 2010 10:46 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

yes you can do your higher studies in bio tech or environmental
studies,,,but remember one thing my friend
you are coming from engineering background ,,
your bachelor degree will be in vain ,,,
i suggest you to be in your present field
it is much in demand ....
bio Tech is looking easy but its quite tough after you have
done your bachelor degree in CS....
think well before taking decision,
good luck ...
17th February 2010 10:36 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

as you have mention that you have already done B.E in computer science then why you want to do again same course i.e b.teck in biotechnology.
you can go for higher education only in your subject..............
you can not go to the other side.............
so please concentrate your mind only in your field,it will be better for you,please do not deviate from your path.
21st January 2010 12:17 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?


you can apply for in biotechnology in several institutes like:

1)Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
for more information visit:

2)amity university,
for more information visit:

you can do in environmental studies from various colleges.

best of luck
21st January 2010 12:08 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

yes you can do so if you have taken biology in 12th level there are many institute where you can do biotech or if you are already in a college with bio tech course you can join it after your 2nd sem results if you top in the exams...........
20th January 2010 12:36 PM
Ishan agrawal
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Biotechnology is a branch of engineering. You can change your branch if your college has the Biotech stream.

First year is common in engineering. If you have good percantage in first year, then colleges allow the student to change the branch.

you can also complete your B.E. with CS and look for your future in bioinformatics.

All the best.
20th January 2010 12:34 PM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

you are studying in first semister of, so maths must be your main subject and for biotechnology subject the biology as an important subject
good luck
20th January 2010 10:27 AM
Re: Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

Why did you done that I am unable to understand.

However,you can change your preferance if the institute in which you are studing now allows that.

Since now you are in the first semester of (cs),then maths must be your main subject,and for biotechnology you must have biology as an important subject.

There very few institute which offers biotechnology to PCM candidates.

However,you can go for (civil & enviromental) engineering.

Best of luck
28th December 2009 05:26 PM
Is it possible to change my stream from computers to biotech or environmental studies for higher studies?

i have done my B.E(cs).Without interest i have joined. now want to do higher studies in other stream like biotech,environmental studies.. is it possible?

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