Thread: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate? Reply to Thread

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16th May 2016 02:22 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Sir, my one eye is 6/6 without glass and another eye is 6/60. Can I apply for iit in general category
10th June 2014 07:25 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
My eyes are very weak with no -5 for both may I eligible for admission in Indian institute of technology as physically disabled candidate
weak eyes does'nt mean that u are physically disabled ......................
10th June 2014 07:22 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir ,i am from pwd category having 10% of physical disability due to bone dysplasia ,should i get admission in nit or other govt collages ?
4th May 2014 05:00 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

My eyes are very weak with no -5 for both may I eligible for admission in Indian institute of technology as physically disabled candidate
4th May 2014 04:46 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Sir my eye side is very weak no for both eyes are -5 , may I eligible as pd candidate to take admission in iit
12th February 2014 10:42 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

how do we decide if we are 40% above or not if we are having spectacles? on what basis pd is decided? on vision or something else? or on the sight power?
28th December 2013 11:56 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir ihave the percentage disability of 30 % Can i get the advantage of pd category?
1st July 2013 01:31 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir...... my left eyevision is 0. & right eye 6/6 with glass......... am i elegible for admission in iits 2013 in gen category(excldng mining)
1st July 2013 01:26 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir..... my left eye vision is 0 & right eye vision is 6/6 with glass..... am i eligible for admission in iit 2013 in gen. cat...... as i have applied in gen cat.(excld. mining)
6th May 2013 10:51 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

i m in pd category....wts the minimum marks to qualify..urgent tell
27th November 2012 05:28 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i have an eyesight -8 for both eyes can i apply for iit as p.d. reply as soon as possible
15th September 2012 02:31 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i have eye sight -6.00 for both eyes can i apply for IIT as pd?
3rd July 2012 08:56 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

is one kideny student by birth is under pd if yes then how much percent
18th June 2012 08:56 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

i have lost one ear. can i apply for cat in pd category? i was not pd while i appeared for jee
24th April 2012 03:08 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

my eye sight about -8 for both eyes. Am i eligible to apply for pd category in iit-jee examination ?
17th April 2012 06:41 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i am yash appeared for jee2012 and scoring 180 out of 408
i was having scoliosis and had my surgery last year my full backbone is fused with 2 rods 11 screws and 17 hooks
can u plz tell me weather i fall under the categary of disability of 40%
1st April 2012 12:20 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Yes In IITJEE you are eligible for PD reservation...3 percent seats are reserved in total.
Only person with more than 40 % disability get reservation.
However you need to get your PD certificate immediately... you must present it to get seats under PD.. you have visual disability.
for the second fellow well fumbling in small extent you wont be eligible for PD.. its only for people with more than 40% disability.
19th December 2011 10:54 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir im student and i am having disability of 30% ln eye sight is iam elligible as pd for aieee
14th December 2011 07:42 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

.i am having -7.00 left eye sight and right eye is -8.00. i am eligible for pd reservation in jee iit
5th December 2011 06:57 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

hey !!
i em harsh lamba (12th student).i em appearing for this aieee and iit test this year 2012 . like shubham i also lost my eyesight of left eye in an accident .... but i dont hav a PD am i eligible to fill d app.form as a PD candidate..??????
and from where do can i get this pd certificate ?????? plzzz help
10th November 2011 04:54 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

27th October 2011 02:28 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Originally Posted by shubham1994 View Post
sir....i m shubham halder(12th studyng).i m appearing 4 iit-jee this year.but due to my brain tumor operation this year, i lost my eyesight of rt eye has been very difficult 2 study wit one eye.....but i dont hav a PD am i eligible to fill d app.form as a PD candidate..??????
hii i can help can fill the form as a PD candidate......but you have to submit the PD certificate at the time of councelling...........
23rd August 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i have a sight of -5 to both eyes ?am i eligible to apply for exam
18th July 2011 11:34 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i have an eye sight of -6.00 for each am i eligible to apply for pd reservation in iit jee.
14th July 2011 08:05 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Yes In IITJEE you are eligible for PD reservation...3 percent seats are reserved in total.
Only person with more than 40 % disability get reservation.
However you need to get your PD certificate immediately... you must present it to get seats under PD.
Eligibility For IIT JEE
Candidate should be 10+2 pass and should have Physics
and Mathematics as a compulsory subject.
good luck.
14th July 2011 03:16 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

hi dear'
you must have PD certificate in order to fill the form of IIT-JEE as a PD candidate. If you don't have this certificate at the time of form filling but you are assured to have it before counselling, then you can fill the form as a PD candidate. but remember IIT officials are harsh and without PD certificate ,you would not be able to take admission. good luck.

10th July 2011 06:16 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

i hav a sight of-5 am i eligible for pd?
23rd June 2011 01:01 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

if any person says he has got rank 85 in iit but we knw he is a PD category person then are their ranks separate or declared with the general category students?
2nd June 2011 03:04 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

my eyes are weak with -7.00 in right eye and -6.00 in left eye am i eligible to apply PD in IIT JEE? please reply as soon as possible
29th May 2011 10:56 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Yes,You are Eligible For IIT JEE Exam.

Eligibility Criteria :
  • The candidate should have Completed their 12th from a recognized University Or Equivalent Qualification.
  • The candidate should have a minimum 60% Marks In 12th level.
  • Minimum 60% Marks for General and OBC candidates.
  • Minimum 55% Marks for SC/ST/PD category.
  • The candidate can Attempt JEE Only twice,In Consecutive years.
  • That means one should have attempted JEE for the first time In 2011 Or Will be Appearing In 2012.

So,According to the Eligibility Criteria,You are Eligible for IIT JEE Exam.
29th May 2011 01:45 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Originally Posted by shubham1994 View Post
sir....i m shubham halder(12th studyng).i m appearing 4 iit-jee this year.but due to my brain tumor operation this year, i lost my eyesight of rt eye has been very difficult 2 study wit one eye.....but i dont hav a PD am i eligible to fill d app.form as a PD candidate..??????
  1. The candidates must have finished +2 from a recognized board with 10th,12 pattern of school education.
  2. For SC/ST/PD candidates it is 5 years from the prescribed age limits.
  3. The candidates must submit their physical fitness certificate.
  4. The candidates who pass the screening test are eligible for the Main exam.
  5. The candidates must score 60% aggregate and for SC/ST candidates it is 55%.

thank you.
24th May 2011 05:18 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i am going to admit on class XI this academic year. my aim is to be a doctor can u gide me how many pre medical entrance test i can appear. i belongs to orissa but now i am staying at Chatishgarh. and how many seats availble in those colleges for general candidates.
20th May 2011 09:53 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir,i am getting 105 marks in iit .sir i want to know that im i eligible for iit.can i have any scope for admission.please tell me early.
6th May 2011 09:04 PM
sai mani kanta
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;424076]my eyes are very weak. my right eye no. is -7.00 and my left eye no. is -7.00 , which are more than 40% weak and is about 70% weak. Can i apply as PD in IIT JEE? Is it compulsory to have PD certificate from an
government hospital only or a PD certificate from a reputed private hospital will do. iit is my aim ?i cana get iit seat in open i am trying in pd catogery. mainly is there any reservation for eye sight in iit?please reply
1st April 2011 12:20 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

HI DEAR, are eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate.

Eligibility For IIT JEE
Candidate should be 10+2 pass and should have Physics
and Mathematics as a compulsory subject. Chemistry,Biology,
Computer Science(any one) as an optional subject.

all the best
25th March 2011 07:49 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

yes, you are eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD candidate end even you will become more successful than other as many different companies are seeking to get PD candidate as their employees.
And also you have to get some lesser qualifying marks than other as per G.O.I. rules for PD candidates
25th March 2011 11:58 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?


You must have PD certificate in order to fill the form of IIT-JEE as a PD candidate. If you don't have this certificate at the time of form filling but you are assured to have it before counselling, then you can fill the form as a PD candidate. but remember IIT officials are quick and without PD certificate ,you would not be able to take admission and out from list of qualifying candidates.

or visit

all the best................................
25th March 2011 10:36 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?


After PD certificate, YES, you are eligible to apply for IIT-JEE.

Note: - For more details & updated information visit

All the Best
25th March 2011 01:42 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Sorry friend to hear about your eyes.............
But no way you will get well soon.

As to apply for IIT JEE as a PD candidate, you must have PD certificate.

Otherwise, you can apply for this.

For PD candidates 3% of seats are reserved.

Best Of Luck For Your Future...............
24th March 2011 11:20 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir i have secured 28 marks in pd category.what are the no of seats available in iits and nits in this category?
what is the cut off in each colleges?
5th March 2011 06:58 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

If you disalibility percentage is 40% or above

then you can apply for IIT JEE under PD

category but at the time of councilling you must required the PD certificate. .

otherwise sorry you will not get the relaxation .
3rd March 2011 10:29 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

my eyes are very weak. my right eye no. is -4.50 and my left eye no. is -4.00 , which are more than 40% weak and is about 70% weak. Can i apply as PD in IIT JEE? Is it compulsory to have PD certificate from an
government hospital only or a PD certificate from a reputed private hospital will do.
27th February 2011 07:19 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

its important to have PD certificate when you are filling as PD.

but if you are sure you will get PD certificate at the time of filling form, then only you can fill as PD.

GOOD LUCK FRIEND............
15th February 2011 11:50 PM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Originally Posted by shubham1994 View Post
sir....i m shubham halder(12th studyng).i m appearing 4 iit-jee this year.but due to my brain tumor operation this year, i lost my eyesight of rt eye has been very difficult 2 study wit one eye.....but i dont hav a PD am i eligible to fill d app.form as a PD candidate..??????

If you disalibility percentage is 40% or above then you can apply for IIT JEE under PD category but at the time of councilling you must required the PD certificate. If you certify the above condition then you can apply under PD category.
8th February 2011 02:20 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

Dear Little friend very sorry to hear about your eyes.
I would request to consider it a challenge.... in whatever you succeed you will be more successful than most of us .. just because we did it with full eyesight.
Yes In IITJEE you are eligible for PD reservation...3 percent seats are reserved in total.
Only person with more than 40 % disability get reservation.
However you need to get your PD certificate immediately... you must present it to get seats under PD.. you have visual disability.
for the second fellow ...well fumbling in small extent you wont be eligible for PD.. its only for people with more than 40% disability.
If you feel you have 40% or above disability .. go for checkup and get a certificate indicating your %age disability.
Please do not try to get extra disability by Unfair means.. there will be a checkup before admission.. foul plays wont work.. just be genuine
There are actully peole like shubham who need it a lot more.
2nd December 2010 11:09 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

i have passed 12 exam last year. i fumble while speaking . so i wants to know whether i came in pd in iit jee 2011.
27th November 2010 05:13 AM
Re: Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

you must have PD certificate in order to fill the form of IIT-JEE as a PD candidate. If you don't have this certificate at the time of form filling but you are assured to have it before counselling, then you can fill the form as a PD candidate. but remember IIT officials are harsh and without PD certificate ,you would not be able to take admission. good luck.
25th November 2010 09:31 PM
Am I eligible to apply for IIT JEE as a PD Candidate?

sir....i m shubham halder(12th studyng).i m appearing 4 iit-jee this year.but due to my brain tumor operation this year, i lost my eyesight of rt eye has been very difficult 2 study wit one eye.....but i dont hav a PD am i eligible to fill d app.form as a PD candidate..??????

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