Thread: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered? Reply to Thread

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19th April 2015 06:20 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

What are the institute that conducts special entrance test for selecting candidates
24th April 2014 10:06 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

my rank is 1242 and score is 390 in gate 2014 and i am sc and physically handicapped candidate, branch is biotech can i get iit or any other good ranking cllege?
24th April 2014 04:28 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

my gate score:311
cast: sc
can i get admission in iit's or in nit's...?
27th September 2013 03:17 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

wat does gate score 500 imply in terms of marks i.e how much marks out of 100 (approx.)?
26th July 2013 03:58 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

what is the minimum cutoff mark to join the iit
12th July 2013 06:03 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I belong to Scheduled caste origin from Karnataka state at present last 20 years I am staying in Maharashtra mumbai. Now, my daughter studying in 12th standard maharashtra Board. I apply for the caste certificate but maharashtra government is given the caste certificate but this certificate only for Central Governent facility availed not for maharashtra facility. This certificate valid for IIT Mumbai ?
3rd May 2013 02:11 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I gote 22 mark, score 308 and i am a st student in cse
pls tell me bast branch and bast nit for
pls reply on my email - [email protected]
and 9887916118
5th April 2013 04:50 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I am finish my 12 std and i want to join in civil engineering of top 10 colleges in tamilnadu so how much mark i want to score in my 12 std to join in top 10 colleges
21st March 2013 11:36 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I belongs to ST Catagory,(civil branch),can u give be the idea,whether I will gate the admission any Govt.Insttitute of odisha,NIIT,IIT.Whethere I will gate the stipend which given by the govt. institute.

Score Information; Your Marks: 24.33 / 100; A candidate is considered qualified if the marks secured is greater than or equal to the qualifying mark mentioned for the category for which a valid Category Certificate, if applicable, is produced along with the original scorecard.; Qualifying Mark (on 100)
All India Rank (AIR): 11919
17th March 2013 03:36 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

17th March 2013 03:08 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Sir i have 29.67 marks in ece gate. Can i get admission in pec? Will i surely get stipend?i am genral
16th March 2013 01:49 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

can i get stipend in vit(vellore institute of sci&tech).. i h've qualified in gate 2012 in cs branch with AIR:27273...

and pls suggest me some best universities..

thank u
12th March 2013 03:25 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Sir my GATE-2013 score is 430 can i get call from any IIT's..?
20th June 2012 11:20 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

What is the minimum score cutoff for sc candidates in gate to get a seat in iit?

how many seats are reserved for sc candidates for M.Tech aerospace in iit ?
21st May 2012 10:56 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

My Gate score is 207 in year 2012
Marks obtained 28, ( BioTechnology)
SC category
is it possible to admission in (Biotech) from IIT Gauhati
3rd April 2012 01:06 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

my gate score is 48 in sc category.will i get a chance in jadavpur university?
29th March 2012 10:39 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Hi sir gd evng.. I got 24 marks gate 2012 in ph, pd.. category which will open for me ..mail me sir all college list.. [email protected]
22nd March 2012 11:47 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

hi sir i got 16.67marks in gate 2012 where i got admission i am in ST candidate in eee branch my gate rank is 43924
18th March 2012 05:58 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

my 2012 gate score is 240 with marks 19.33 in the sc category for instrumentation, while cut-off is 16.67, so plz tell me for which type of college i can apply for the m-tech.......
18th March 2012 02:28 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

15th March 2012 09:22 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I have got 16.67 in ECE 2012.MY category is SC bt my gate .score is 242 n all india ranking is my mark is calculated on the basis of general category.plz reply
15th March 2012 03:52 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

sir my marks is 16.67 and i belongs to sc category,my gate score is 254,so is there any chance to get in any govt colleges?can i get stipend?sir please suggest me some colleges which i get with this marks.thanks...
15th March 2012 02:40 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

my gate score is 269, AI rank 20920 , marks 22 out of 100, ELECTRICAL ENGG , SC candidate, can i get admission to any good institution ?? Suggest me
11th March 2012 06:22 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir i wrote gate exam in 3rd year and i got gate score of 567 and is there any chance to get admission into the iit 's, and iam sc candidate. Please reply me, to this email address, [email protected]
u wil get t 4r sure
18th February 2012 10:15 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Nitish kumar
I got a percentile score of 86 in the National science Olympiad.Shall i be able to qualify the entrance exam for IIT?
15th February 2012 01:04 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

according to answer key displayed, i am expecting 24 marks in GATE 2012, what will be my Gate score? I belongs to SC category, so Is there any chance for me to get admission in any NIT?
14th February 2012 12:24 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

[QUOTE=diego;357640]Well Here is a brief summary of iit gate cutoff
The GATE cutoff scores for IITs are as follows.
Branch Category Score
Computer Science

so to summarise a 450-500 score range would secure a seat fo you in an IIT.
Addtionally: there are several good colleges of IIT status
ISM,Dhambad.. Csc, electronics, electrical all branches are available in addtion to earth science subjects like mining,mineral.petroleum.

.so sir what is cut off expectation in GATE 2012 4 a SC/ST student . plz reply
9th February 2012 11:07 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

sir i had applied for iit gate 2012 my application no 7167195.My application has been rejected from madras zone i not have any information exam date is 12th feb 2012.It was my first application to write the exam to iit.
13th January 2012 08:55 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

sir, how many seat in mech branch for
11th January 2012 07:17 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Sir i wrote gate exam in 3rd year and i got gate score of 567 and is there any chance to get admission into the iit 's, and iam sc candidate. Please reply me, to this email address, [email protected]
21st November 2011 10:07 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

I am under SC category.How much marks i need to take admission IN IIT CHENNAI...
17th October 2011 08:55 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

the cut off marks for reserved students in GATE examination is less than the cut off marks for general candidate. also there are reservation of seat for SC ST PH in IIT to take admission. admission fee and other fees are also less for reserved candidate.

only GATE score is not sufficient to take admission in IIT. you have to do good in interview also to take admission in IIT. actually the GATE score carry 70% and interview carry 30%. the score also depend from which stream you are appearing in GATE examination and also for which subject you want to take admission in which IIT. visit IIT website to know all details about M.Tech admission for each IIT.

beside IIT there are so many reputed institution like NIIT, JU etc. if you fail to take admission in IIT then try for that.

yes if you take admission through GATE score you will get a stipend. this stipend is sufficient to expense hostel charge, tuition fees and other fees. do not worry about it. after taking admission to M,Tech you will get stipend for 24 months.

best wishes.
thank you ;
12th October 2011 03:07 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

what to prepare for interview for 30% of marks to enter in iit?
10th September 2011 02:37 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Is there any reservation for SC/ST students in gate admission....?If yes then how much percentage..?
17th August 2011 06:57 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

hi sir am an sc candidate..may i know the score for instrumentaion in iit,chennai???
23rd July 2011 10:57 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

what mean for GATE
8th June 2011 04:36 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Hello sir
i got 25 mark and score is 327 in gate-2011(cs). And i'm a sc student .
Plz tell me............ Can i get nit.....should i apply to dce and pec.......

Thank you.
31st May 2011 02:56 PM
Ankur agrawal
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by ashish_ View Post
i want to ask that
what are the benifits for SC candidates in GATE.
1)what is the sustainable score in gate for surely selected in IITs.

2)apart from IITs which institutes are better.

3)Is these institutes provide me stipend... (actually heard somewhere that institutes only give full relaxation in tution-fee,hostel and mess-fee +250/-rs p/m)... if anyone did not want this relaxation inspite of this he need that stipend money then what?.... Is this possible?

Yes, their are a benifit to take reserve seats from this quota ..

other then NIIT and MIT has the college where you get stipend but their ar edifference in money ..

27th May 2011 08:25 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

even sc/st student should go through interviews for collages like iit's and nit's..???
27th May 2011 08:19 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

even sc/st students should go through the interviews..??
if he has some good score
14th May 2011 06:04 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i got 27.33 marks in GATE with category OBC PH can i get IIT or NIT. and what will stipend.
hii, sorry even if you are from obc you cant make to iit s and nit s lots of candidtes have scored more this time you should have 35 to 45 for nit atleast.
14th May 2011 06:02 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by Devesh Singh14 View Post
Is A year Back Student Can also be able to be selected in a IIT through Gate Examination?
hii, my friend definately you can write the GATE exam , there is nothing to do with past performance, just you need to have Degree, prepare well and write as it is one of toughest exam in india.
25th April 2011 10:58 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

the cut off marks for reserved students in GATE examination is less than the cut off marks for general candidate. also there are reservation of seat for SC ST PH in IIT to take admission.

only GATE score is not sufficient to take admission in IIT. actually the GATE score carry 70% and interview carry 30%.

beside IIT there are so many reputed institution like NIIT, JU etc. if you fail to take admission in IIT then try for that.

yes if you take admission through GATE score you will get a stipend. this stipend is sufficient to expense hostel charge, tuition fees and other fees. do not worry about it. after taking admission to M,Tech you will get stipend for 24 months.
25th April 2011 01:31 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir, according to ref. key my gate score is 32. cai i apply for any iit or nit??
pl sir give me suggestions.
hii, you need 96 percentile to go to IIT s and 85 percentile for NIT s sorry you cant make up, but still best vtu colleges are there,try best of luck.
25th April 2011 01:30 AM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir,i got 65 marks in ece department,what may be the expected rank in 2011 gate
hii, your rank will be around 260 to 320.
2nd April 2011 10:50 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

i got score 323.
reservation:[ph] Gen
branch: cs
plz give me a suggestion can i got a admission in iit's and suggest good institute for at the [email protected]
25th March 2011 04:17 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

respected sir
i got gate score 218
reservation : SC
can get a chance to admission in in any NIT's ,or university fore M.Tech and send your suggestion to this mail id :sunnymit.moradabad@gmail com, [email protected]
i'll be thankful to u..............
25th March 2011 04:08 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

nrank 31840, score273 and marks are 19. my name is prashant and i belong to sc catagory. can i get any nit or some other good college?
20th March 2011 03:09 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

sir i got GATE SCORE : 222
RANK : 39518
CAN i get the admission on any NIT , UNIVERSITY . PLS inform to this mail : [email protected] , [email protected] as early as possible .
20th March 2011 02:40 PM
Re: GATE score for selection in IITs for SC candidates? Good institutes apart from IITs? Any stipend offered?

si r , i m sc candidate in CSE i got 16.67 marks in gate 2011 can i get admission this year in any institution pls reply
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