Thread: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS? Reply to Thread

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7th May 2015 09:35 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I want private colleges which have fee structure between 3 to 5 lakhs?
22nd April 2015 07:23 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I would like to know the name of private medical college where I can get direct addmission.No donation and under 10 lakh.First prefrence #banglore .please mail me at [email protected]
4th December 2014 03:25 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i want to know about MBBS private clg in orissa and maharashtra which is best with minimum fee structure of 2.5 lakhs to 3 lakhs per daughter will appeared cbse board from srichaitanya visakhapatnam in 2015
14th June 2014 08:56 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I got 463 marks with 9000 all india rank in aipmt 2014. Is there any chance to get admission in government medical collage
28th April 2014 12:52 PM
[email protected]
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Originally Posted by freshjainendra View Post
i wanna know colleges name (private) which have minimum fee structure(about 2.5 lacksper annum ) for "mbbs"
sir please send me college details which have low fee structures
25th October 2013 11:55 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Sir,can i get direct admission in northern part of indias private medical budget is 25 lacs in 5 years courses
13th August 2013 11:06 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

The Medical Council of India (MCI) on Wednesday approved creation of 1,390 additional MBBS seats in 32 government medical colleges across the country.

With this, the total number of seats would go up to 46,500. There are 362 medical colleges with over 45,000 MBBS seats.

Earlier this month, the MCI had notified a new set of regulations under which July 31 was the last date for granting such approvals. The MCI will later carry out an inspection of the facilities and infrastructure at colleges where additional seats have been created.

Though the scheme was for both private and government medical colleges, the Health Ministry issued a clarification keeping private colleges out of its purview.

Those medical colleges with an intake of 50 seats at present will be allowed to admit 100 and those with 100 capacity now will be permitted to take in 150, as per the scheme.

At least 10 government colleges which did not fulfil criteria were not allowed extra seats.
13th August 2013 04:46 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

please tell me fee structure of private medical college in pakistan
17th July 2013 05:24 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

want to know abt the medical collages with fee 3 lakh per annum
18th June 2013 07:26 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Please tell me the name of the college. I live in ghaziabad, uttar pradesh.
16th June 2013 01:18 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i have secured91.35 percentile in neet .can i get any private medical college
19th December 2012 02:43 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Dear sir,
i want to know about the MBBS clg which is best with 2.5 lakh fee per annum.clg shuld be in pune or Maharashtra.
16th September 2012 04:31 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

sir..I wante minimum fee and colleg name in U.P..for MBBS..sir send my email I.D..jitendra.jai [email protected].
12th June 2012 03:01 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

sir, i want to know if there is any private colleges in India with minimum fees structure about 2 lacs.... please reply me my Id [email protected]
10th June 2012 04:05 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Sir , i a student of cbse board i have passed ma class 12 this year and i got 79% and in have secured 3rd rank in mbbs in state cee i belong to the state mizoram ... sir i want to get addmission in private medical college with minimum fee structure of 2.5 lakh .. sir please help me as i dnt have any way to get please provide me names of some private colleges with give direct addmission .. without donation where a am eligible....i l be very gratefull to you
my email id is
[email protected]
10th June 2012 03:04 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Sir , i am student... i gave many entrance exams i qualified only one in state cee i got 3rd rank for mbbs ...but they dont give other state people and i want to get admission in mbbs with no donation direct admission please help me sir . i passed my class 12 in the year 2011-12 from cbse with 79% marks... and i want private college with 2.5 lakh per annum ... sir please help me my email id is [email protected]........... i l b very grateful to you..
25th May 2012 04:48 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

sir i have given the punjab pmet exam and got 4432 rank and got 360 marks ...i want to get seat in private colleges in punjab with fee of not more than 20 lakh...can u jst provide me name of such colleges in punjab where i am eligible for mbbs
10th April 2012 10:59 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

13th March 2012 02:52 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

hi dear,
private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS
you can get admission in any govt. college for the knowledge and minimum fee structure.
But you get admission in private college then you can search very deeply because there is no college for getting the degree of MBBS in the minimum fee structure of less then 2.5Lakhs.
all private colleges demand not less than 20 lakhs for all 5 years of mbbs as far as hyderabad is sister got admission more than 25 lakh in a private college
13th March 2012 02:22 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

hi dear,
private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS
you can get admission in any govt. college for the knowledge and minimum fee structure.
But you get admission in private college then you can search very deeply because there is no college for getting the degree of MBBS in the minimum fee structure of less then 2.5Lakhs.
all private colleges demand not less than 20 lakhs for all 5 years of mbbs as far as hyderabad is sister got admission more than 25 lakh in a private college
11th February 2012 01:01 PM
Soubhagya ranjan biswal
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i am soubhagya ranjan biswal, i wanna know colleges name (private) which have minimum fee structure(about 2.5 lacksper annum ) for "mbbs" . I finished my +2 exam 2011. Note - only direct admission my first preference would be odisha ,kalkata or any other state.
plz send this detail information in my email id. My email id is- [email protected]
17th November 2011 12:30 PM
joseph ti
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I am John
my birth place is tamil nadu
my marks are below
Tamil -116
English -170
Physics -106
Chemistry -137
Biology -110
Maths -135
Total -774

I finished my exams in march 2011.
I need an M.B.B.S seat in India for a low package.

Only direct admission.
First preference would be Karnataka,Andhra pradesh
17th November 2011 12:22 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I finished my exams in march 2011.
I need an M.B.B.S seat in India for a low package.

Only direct admission.
First preference would be Karnataka,Andhra pradesh
17th November 2011 12:16 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

I am John
my birth place is tamil nadu
my marks are below
Tamil -116
English -170
Physics -106
Chemistry -137
Biology -110
Maths -135
Total -774

I finished my exams in march 2011.
I need an M.B.B.S seat in India for a low package.

Only direct admission.
First preference would be Karnataka,Andhra pradesh
18th October 2011 07:15 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i don't know much abt colleges of mbbs can u inform me abut the fee structure of governmental colleges
20th August 2011 05:23 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

how can i directly enter for medical course in karnataka
22nd July 2011 05:59 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

how can i take direct admission for mbbs fees upto 2.5 to3 lakhs
17th July 2011 09:16 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i want to know name of colleges MBBS.
3rd July 2011 09:37 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i am studient of pakistan. will i be able to apply?
30th June 2011 12:04 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

hi dear,
private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS
you can get admission in any govt. college for the knowledge and minimum fee structure.
But you get admission in private college then you can search very deeply because there is no college for getting the degree of MBBS in the minimum fee structure of less then 2.5Lakhs.
all private colleges demand not less than 20 lakhs for all 5 years of mbbs as far as hyderabad is sister got admission more than 25 lakh in a private college

29th June 2011 03:56 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

how can i get admission in m.b.b.s in any where in india in a package of 20 lakhs.....
22nd June 2011 11:54 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

22nd June 2011 09:03 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i wanted to know about the colleges for mbbs and bds with lowest fees structure.....please let me know as soon as possible...
21st June 2011 10:37 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

may i know the details of govt. medical colleges in india especially in kerala and about the fees also?
19th June 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Fees structure of private medical colleges in current year , as well as last year, please
14th June 2011 08:58 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

names of private medical colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 lakhs per annums for mbbs
8th June 2011 07:22 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

list of mbbs colleges in maharashtra having fees upto 2 lacs.
8th June 2011 07:20 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

list of colleges for mbbs having 2 lac fees in maharashtra.
7th June 2011 11:21 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

My son scored 13000 rank in AIPMT. Where can be he get admission in MBBS course.
1st June 2011 12:43 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
can you say about entrance exam that everyone can write???
24th May 2011 12:46 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

lowest package plz telll me mbbs course........
21st May 2011 11:35 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Minimum fees structure for MBBS in private medical college in U.P.
17th May 2011 03:35 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

If I get marks in between 125 to 150 in CET, will I get admission on direct seat in any Medical College anywhere in Maharashtra ?
12th May 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

i am doing my fsc in pakistan. and after this i want to get in medical college?
am i eligible for this ? i am an afghan citizen.
30th April 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS
you can get admission in any govt. college for the knowledge and minimum fee structure.
But you get admission in private college then you can search very deeply because there is no college for getting the degree of MBBS in the minimum fee structure of less then 2.5Lakhs.
all private colleges demand not less than 20 lakhs for all 5 years of mbbs as far as hyderabad is sister got admission more than 25 lakh in a private college

29th April 2011 12:51 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

what is private medical college fee for MBBS in maharastra & kernataka
24th April 2011 03:30 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Plz suggest me some collage of MBBS which have min. fee structure for MBBS and for BDS without donation. Regards Kapil
20th April 2011 01:22 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

what is management quota?can a NRI student get admission through that who holding indian passport
17th April 2011 04:33 PM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

Originally Posted by freshjain/QUOTE
i wanna know colleges name (private) which have minimum fee structure(about 2.5 lacksper annum ) for "mbbs"[
27th March 2011 11:35 AM
Re: Names of private colleges which have minimum fee structure of 2.5 Lakhs/Annum for MBBS?

kindly please tell me about the fee structure of government Mbbs in uttranakhand?
and is the the outsider of the state is eligible for the seat of other state?
kindly do rply on my kind email address [email protected]
thanking you
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