Thread: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream? Reply to Thread

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23rd February 2017 12:26 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

If I don't have history sub in 12th arts, then can i get admission for archaeology?
20th June 2015 10:52 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Which subject should I choose in 11 if I want to take archaeology?
15th April 2015 02:22 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I had recently appeared for my 12th standard board exams. I m a student of science field. But I m interested in studying archeology.. Are there any options for the admission? And what are the courses?
18th January 2015 08:41 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Can I opt for Archeology after completion of my B.B.M. which I'm currently pursuing....I'm very much passionate for Archeology...or is it necessary to take Archeology immediately after do I have to repeat my 12th.....plz tell fast....!!!!
20th December 2014 12:15 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Helo sir, I am an MCA graduate, workd in an IT Concern for 2 Years, but am not fulfilled with my career in s/w field. Am very much passionate to be an archaeologist. Am i eligible to think on it. Kindly guide me. Should i do any degree in archaeo platform after?
12th April 2014 07:47 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i m a student of 11 class and i belong to science stream i m interested in archeology .What i can for that .
please anwer me on my id [email protected]
26th March 2014 05:19 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i m doing my biotechnology ..(1st year)..i have interest in doing archeology so what course should i do in my pg ..??
27th December 2013 03:45 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

hello am rajendra naik from telengana region of andrapradesh state, am intrested in archeology stadies i qualified msw2013 answer me 'what is the minimum qualification for studing archeology pg course'?
2nd December 2013 12:59 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I have completed my in information technology but i want to do archiology pls give me the details.
13th October 2013 03:23 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i have completed my but in 12th i have geography as main subject with commerce subject can i do ba arceology
23rd July 2013 10:59 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i am doing B.Sc. in computer science, maths and statistics, but i wants to do archaeology, do we have scpoe for that in india, what can i do???? plz rply..
2nd April 2013 12:50 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

How much percentage should i need to get admission in archeology institute in utkal university in orrisa from science stream after 2 ?
22nd March 2013 11:11 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

hey! I have taken commerce stream...Can I go for archaeology? plz reply (mail id: [email protected])
20th August 2012 03:32 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I m a 2nd year history(h) student frm D.U.....I m extremely intrsted in archaeology nd wish to pursue it as a career...Outside Delhi colleges are offering B.A. in Archaeology...theirs no college offering it in Delhi....although I know tht wth bachelors in history u can later on go fr masters in is thre any diff. b/w th two issues...?? Any benefits for students pursuing B.A. in Archaeology??
15th April 2012 09:30 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

1Allahabad University, Allahabad - 211 002
2.Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam - 530 003
3.AP Singh University, Rewa-486 003
4.Bangalore University, Bangalore - 560 056
5.BHU, Varanasi - 221 005
6.Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur - 208 024
7.Deccan College of Post-Graduate and Research Institute, Yervada, Pune - 411 006
8.Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur - 9
9.Dr.Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar-470 003, MP
10.Dr.B.S.Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad
11.Gujarat University, Ahmedabad - 380 009
12.HN Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar - 246 174
13.Kurushetra University, Kurukshetra - 136 119
14.Mangalore University, Mangalagangothri - 574 199
15.MS University of Baroda, Vadodara - 390 002
16.Nagpur University, Nagpur - 440 001
17.North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon - 425 002
18.Osmania University, Hyderabad - 500 007
19.Patna University, Patna - 800 005
20.Punjab University, Chandigarh - 160 014
21.Purvanchal University, Jaunpur - 222 002
22.Rani Durgavati Vishva vidyalaya, Jabalpur - 482 001
23.University of Calcutta, Calcutta - 700 073
24.University of Madras, Chennai - 600 005
25.University of Mysore, Nagarjuna Nagar - 522 510
26.University of Pune, Pune-411 007
27.Visva Bharati, Santiniketan-731 235
6th April 2012 02:30 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

hello.... I am doing textile engnrng n wanna go in archeology field is there any scope for me.....
9th March 2012 01:19 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Can i is possible to study archeology after 12commerce
23rd February 2012 10:57 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Hello friend,

Yes, sure you can take up archeology as a undergraduate course at this level.

The eligibility to pursue this course is that the candidate should pass 10(+2) exam or higher secondary exam from a recognized board.

It does not matter that you do not belong to arts stream at your 12th level. So don't get depressed and start your career with a new enthusiasm.

Good luck
16th February 2012 05:20 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I am really interested in doing MA Archeology (distance learning). I have completed MBA and working in a company. Please help me out in this regard
6th February 2012 08:38 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i want to do archeology,do we have scope for that,particularly for girls in india?
7th January 2012 12:12 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

iam doing my 3rd year in electrical can join archeology? do i have a chance to fufill my ambition? pls give me reply
29th December 2011 04:23 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I am a B.A student with History as my major paper.I am very much interested in becoming an Archaeologist.Do I have any chances of doing a Master course in Archaeology???If yes.. can any body please help me how and where to apply??
8th November 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

can i do archeology after doing BA OR BSC
2nd October 2011 06:43 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

iam a 12th std student. iam interested in archaeology,but i dont know what are the colleges associated in tamilnadu particularly in chennai.if anyone it please tell me.
24th September 2011 02:57 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Iam intrested in archeology but my fate am doing in computer science,so how to reach my goal after and wats the pg courses in archeology n which places it is?pls.....tlel me
22nd September 2011 11:43 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Originally Posted by Akshaila View Post
I will be a BBA graduate soon. but i feel i have wasted 3years of my life there. i always wanted to do archeology. but i have completed my +2 in science. do I have any options or can I not go for this career?
yes u can
14th September 2011 12:13 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

can anyone help me i just finished my 12 std and joined a course in CEZ (chemistry, zoology and environmental science) but i did not feel like i belonged there antient egyptian mytholgy and roman history so can i get into any good college which offers this stream plz get back to me. my email id is [email protected]
9th September 2011 04:13 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I am a student of Bsc (hons) Anthopology 3rd year can I study Heritage management
30th July 2011 10:47 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I AM A STUDENT OF BSC(GERNAL) .bUT i want to study archaeology.pleas tell me can i get admission and how?pleas pleas give me your favour.Tahira
18th July 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I am a plus two passed student .How can i got an admmision for B.A Archeology
7th July 2011 12:44 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

how to pursue archaeology after 10 2.......what are the institutes or colleges that offer UG programme in archeaology
1st July 2011 05:28 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

after which std can we do archeology?
1st July 2011 01:20 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I hav just passed ssc n submitted forms for commrce. But i also hav intreast in arcaeolgy. Can u tel me wht education is required? Wht should be the base? Can i tak it from com strem?.pls help. Thes lot of confusion.
20th June 2011 03:35 AM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i had completed my mca but i want to do archeology. is it possible for me or not pls tell me?
13th June 2011 10:05 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

i am a student of electronics but i am intrested in archeology how can i go to archeology field after completion of my electronic engenering
3rd March 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Hello friend,

Yes, sure you can take up archeology as a undergraduate course at this level.

The eligibility to pursue this course is that the candidate should pass 10(+2) exam or higher secondary exam from a recognized board.

It does not matter that you do not belong to arts stream at your 12th level. So don't get depressed and start your career with a new enthusiasm.

Good luck!
15th February 2011 11:12 PM
Re: Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

Dear friend,

Don't lose hope. Of course you can study archeology in undergraduate level as you have lot of interest in this subject.
The basic eligibility to study archeology as a degree subject is to pass 10(+2) with any stream.
After doing graduation you can do PG Diploma in archeology which may vary from one to two years.
So go according to your interest in your career. Then only you can do good.

Good luck...
12th February 2011 08:49 PM
Can I get admission in Archeology if i don't come from the Arts stream?

I will be a BBA graduate soon. but i feel i have wasted 3years of my life there. i always wanted to do archeology. but i have completed my +2 in science. do I have any options or can I not go for this career?

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