Thread: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years? Reply to Thread

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8th August 2020 12:33 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

One thing is there is basically two types of jobs from Indian perspective. One is hardcore industry like steel, petroleum e.t.c mostly.. government organizations.. Second type of jobs are the ones in OEMs in different areas and the suppliers and service provides. Eg Volvo is an automotive OEM and Robert Bosch is a tier 1 supplier who provides different components and services for these OEMs.

I work for Volvo and hence my answer will be more aligned towards the second type of jobs..

Now coming to the answer. As I said the scope for both mechanical and electrical.. the oldest engineering branches will always be there as till the end of world. But we have to adapt to modern style of working.

The second and most important thing to keep in mind while reading this answer and through out your life if you're an engineer is.. the boundaries between engineering fields are getting blurred day by day. Sitting in my office and looking around, I can see electrical engineers doing engine calibration.. Mechanical engineers developing softwares. This thing you already know.. there is no longer mechanical and electronics engineering.. It's mechatronics engineering everywhere. Go ahead and open your car bonet you will know what I mean.

So this is the first step towards adaptation. Have some idea about other engineering fields.Electronics and control theory and electrical machines is a must. Select some online resources and spend some 70hrs on each of these topics.. You are good to go.

Now the second thing is.. the world is moving towards virtual simulation and testing when it comes to technology development. It's highly cost effective and saves a lot of time. So simulation is the key…Finite element analysis, model bases design and system simulation.. e.t.c are the things of major focus in the industry right now and for the foreseeable future. So it will be good to build some competency around these areas.MATLAB and simulink is a must. It's a simulation tool which has numerous applications. Apart from that you should be proficient in one coding language. Python is good and highly user friendly. A mechanical engineer with coding skills is a lot of power. You can automate all repetitive task and focus on doing the creative stuff. Many finite element analysis has interfaces to call python into the environment.. and a lot more things you can do..

And one more thing. Artificial intelligence. If possible combine AI and python and learn it together. Understand the basics. It will help you a lot in future.
19th June 2017 06:11 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Sir , I am student of first year mechanical engineering B.E
I am very confused abut my collage because it have no any campus placement. Due to this I want to join another course like BCA MCA in another good management college...
Sir please help me can I continue my engineering in that college or I can join new course...
Please reply...
16th August 2014 02:40 PM
shailza keshari
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the scope of mechanical engineering in coming years.?I can not chose between computer engineering and mechanical engineering.More over I have heard that job profile of a mechanical engineer is laborious,how far is it correct?
first of all i want to tell you that both the branch are good but as the view of future mechanical is good and about the laborious, yes mechanical is but its totally depend upon the skills , if you complete B.E/ you should be in the post of senior engineer , and if you did diploma you should be posted as junior engineer in industry .mechanical is a group of department like , designing , thermal , industrial work .
14th August 2014 01:38 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

mechanical engg. can develop their own company?
If he has no much money then what do him?
if he has new technical creation which not develop by other company then what can do that person?
please ans. fast as possible as
13th February 2014 01:00 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Sir ,i am 1 b-tech mech student,i am a girl can please give me guidelines about further years. 'Can girls get jods'?if get where!
17th June 2013 11:41 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

which branch have bright future weather ece or mech?but iam weak at communication,i think i can improve.can suggest which is better for me?
23rd May 2013 03:26 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

can i do business in automobiles after doing bba
2nd April 2013 02:00 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Scope of Mechanical Engineering:

RRB(Railway Recruitment Board)

UPSC(Union Public Service Commission)

CDS(Combined Defence Service)

NTPC(National Thermal Power Corporation)

HPCL(Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd)

ONGC(Oil & Natural Gas Corporation)

SAIL(Steel Authority of India)

BHEL(Bharath Heavy Electricals Ltd)

FCI(Food Corporation of India)

All the best.....
2nd April 2013 07:13 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

after bca , can i do btech mechanical engg????
16th December 2012 12:32 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Power plant Engineering.
Automobile/Automotive Engineering.
Aeronautical Engineering.
Aerospace Engineering.
Naval Architech Engineering.
Tools & Machinery Engineering.
Marine Engineering.
Mechatronics Engineering.
Robotics Engineering (In design and operating or we can say except Memory part).

All these are directly or indirectly linked with Mechanical engineering and so called parts of it.
Infact Mechanical Engineering is known as father and Electrical Engineering as the Mother of all engineering branches as said by a scientist of old age. Also Mechanical Engineering alone has 60 subjects.
28th November 2012 10:59 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

is there mechanical engg have more govt job than other of all branches
1st July 2012 04:21 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what oportunities in mechenical engineering after 4 years
20th June 2012 01:54 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

can a mechanical engineer become astronaut?
19th May 2012 03:12 AM
ranjeet kumar sanjeet
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the scope of mechanical engineering in coming years.?I can not chose between computer engineering and mechanical engineering.More over I have heard that job profile of a mechanical engineer is laborious,how far is it correct?
daer freind
dont confuse between computer engineering and mechanical engineering . mechanical is the hot cake branch of engineering it has a wider scope then computer . 1st of all you should think about your interest , what do you want to do, then it will very easy to decide which is better for far as the scope of mechanical in future is concern ,it is very bright ,because selling of all cars , mechinaries , increase every day. and ofcourse it is more laborius and taugh job.

i think you should decide , you are interested in computer or machines.
19th May 2012 12:31 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

whch is btr among civil and mechanical?
19th May 2012 12:28 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

which is better among civil and mechanical engg?
30th November 2011 02:56 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Hello,Well, thats a nice but typical question..........!

Well dear you have asked a Good question.

Let me explain briefly.

What is Mechanical Engineering?

According to me It is the branch of Engineering which deals mainly with the application of physics and material science for developing.designing and maintaining Machines and Tools.

Types/Branches/Sub-Branches of Mechnical Engineering

Power plant Engineering.
Automobile/Automotive Engineering.
Aeronautical Engineering.
Aerospace Engineering.
Naval Architech Engineering.
Tools & Machinery Engineering.
Marine Engineering.
Mechatronics Engineering.
Robotics Engineering (In design and operating or we can say except Memory part).

23rd November 2011 08:42 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years:

Mechanical Engineer could work in many industries including private or public sector.
In the government sector, freshers could join as:
Junior Engineers
Assistant Engineers,
Assistant Executive Engineers,
Executive Engineers,
Superintendent Engineers ..

These engineers are required in Industries like:

Steel plants
Oil exploration and refining
Technical wings of armed forces
Space research organisation..

14th November 2011 12:34 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

There are so much scope for the mechenical engineer and also for computer engineer.There are so much scope for mechenical engineer in public sector.Mechenical branch is a core branch so there are so many jobs are present for mechenical engineer.Dont worry about for scope of a mechnical engineer.There are so much requirment for mechnical engineer in power plant,automobile companies.So its a better choice for you if you have interest in mechenical engineering.
The other one is also a very good option.There is so much IT companies so you can get a very good job after engineering.Computer engineering is a growing branch.
Yes there is so much field work for mechenical engineer.
Its depend on your interest.Choose any one which you have more interest.

All the best
8th November 2011 12:30 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

scope of mechanical engg is very good in coming mechanical engg is evergreen trade...go for mtech after btech..that will suffice urs purpose
10th October 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what after doing in mechanical engineering
5th September 2011 01:15 AM
amaan khan ak
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what is the scope of mechanical engineering in coming years.?I can not chose between computer engineering and mechanical engineering.More over I have heard that job profile of a mechanical engineer is laborious,how far is it correct?
There are so much scope for the mechenical engineer and also for computer engineer.There are so much scope for mechenical engineer in public sector.Mechenical branch is a core branch so there are so many jobs are present for mechenical engineer.Dont worry about for scope of a mechnical engineer.There are so much requirment for mechnical engineer in power plant,automobile companies.So its a better choice for you if you have interest in mechenical engineering.
The other one is also a very good option.There is so much IT companies so you can get a very good job after engineering.Computer engineering is a growing branch.
Yes there is so much field work for mechenical engineer.
Its depend on your interest.Choose any one which you have more interest.

All the best
3rd September 2011 12:32 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;718507]iam going to study mechanical engineering or electrical engineering but i have one doubt which is better![/QUOTE

Now a days mechanical engineers get the more values in the industry side. so you can prefer a mechanical engineering. Now all the software companies are hiring the mechanical engineer also. so there is a lot of chance for mechanical people to go in both software and core fields... It is a ever green field............ good luck.....
3rd September 2011 12:25 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Scope of mech & salary?
26th August 2011 10:56 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Dear friend,
Scope of mechanical Engineering is very bright,lots of companies are there who needs mechanical engineer , so you need to be chill as you are a mechanical engineer.
24th August 2011 01:15 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

There is a wide scope for mechanical engineering worldwide.mechanical engineers are the second highest employed engineers among all others with only 7% unemployed whereas any normal engineering stream would have around 15% unemployed engineers worldwide.we have the automobile industry,oil and gas production companies,aeronautical field,cement industries,design sector,chemical industries,heavy machinery sector,information technology,defense and above all the booming construction field always waiting on for mechanical engineers with lucrative pays and packages.
23rd August 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what field to choose in MS after BE in mechanical.Where to study abroad.Which field has high value
14th August 2011 04:00 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

i m mechanical engineer 2011 passout..i m searching a job...plz tell me in which companies should i apply....and how much salary i should expect as a freshar??
25th July 2011 02:45 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Which sub-branch of mechanical engineering has good scope in future?
24th July 2011 12:01 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

i have done i.t.i and now i am an employee with five year working experience in a power transformer .i have done mechanical diploma. want to do and then m.b.a is it right choice are not please tell me about.
17th July 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what is the scope of automobile in future ?
11th July 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

hi dear
in mechanical engineering there is a good scope in future
through which you can get good salary , rank, position,
& etc........

you can get job in private company lik
you can also get job in govt. sector like in railway, phd, etc......

good luck...........
10th July 2011 04:48 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

hi dear,
Well, thats a nice but typical question..........!

Well dear you have asked a Good question.

Let me explain briefly.

What is Mechanical Engineering?

According to me It is the branch of Engineering which deals mainly with the application of physics and material science for developing.designing and maintaining Machines and Tools.

Types/Branches/Sub-Branches of Mechnical Engineering

Power plant Engineering.
Automobile/Automotive Engineering.
Aeronautical Engineering.
Aerospace Engineering.
Naval Architech Engineering.
Tools & Machinery Engineering.
Marine Engineering.
Mechatronics Engineering.
Robotics Engineering (In design and operating or we can say except Memory part).

All these are directly or indirectly linked with Mechanical engineering and so called parts of it.
Infact Mechanical Engineering is known as father and Electrical Engineering as the Mother of all engineering branches as said by a scientist of old age. Also Mechanical Engineering alone has 60 subjects.

More over I have heard that job profile of a mechanical engineer is laborious,how far is it correct?

Yeah, thats true.

Mechanical Engineering is has Laborious and much Dedicated work profile.

9th July 2011 01:23 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

i was confused because i no decide the chose the sub mechanical and electronic communication. Is the electronic communication will be scope in future life. so tell me now whose sub are take in this time
7th July 2011 09:29 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

if u will choose cs then u will get good job appourtunities but mech is a evergreen branch u will get more gov. and private jobs there then cs and also u can give ies exam in mech engg.....the job is only maintainance job u have to check and give work to diploma or iti holders...........
the choice is yours
thank you best of luck...........
7th July 2011 09:28 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

if u will choose cs then u will get good job appourtunities but mech is a evergreen branch u will get more gov. and private jobs there then cs and also u can give ies exam in mech engg.....the job is only maintainance job u have to check and give work to diploma or iti holders...........
7th July 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

7th July 2011 01:13 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

i want to just know how is the scope for mechanical engineering in foreign countries??
5th July 2011 10:45 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

4th July 2011 09:09 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Hi User
Scope of Mechanical engineering is vast and enormous...It was,is and will be the evergreen branch...With auto industry booming like anything,consumer goods like ACs,Washing machines,scooters,motorcycles,tractors..anything you name it and mechanical engineering will be involved..and with India set to become a superpower..Requirement of mechanical work is large
Good luck
4th July 2011 03:19 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

29th June 2011 12:32 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

do mechanical engineers tht too freshers get a good salary more than the it engineers????
15th June 2011 11:04 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

Which is better: mechanical engineering or electronics engineering in terms of subjects, career prospects, and salary package? plz help!!!
14th June 2011 04:22 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

respective sir,
will u kindly tell me in which stream computer science or mechanical engineering or ECE their is more money.
8th June 2011 03:13 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

i am 3rd year mechanical student ,my colledge is not good on rank point of view.please tell me good scope for me ?
5th June 2011 07:57 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

which branch, mechanical or chemical have great scope and salary
3rd June 2011 12:34 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

iam going to study mechanical engineering or electrical engineering but i have one doubt which is better!
28th May 2011 01:59 AM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what is the difference between mechanical and civil engineering?
23rd May 2011 03:09 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

which course have a great value? whether mechanical or automobile in diploma.
18th May 2011 01:24 PM
Re: Scope of Mechanical engineering in the coming years?

what about salary details in mechanical engineering?
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