29th February 2016 01:17 AM | |
SaddamHussain786 |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando ELIGIBILITY : > > Aspirants who have attended entrance test for Army as well as for Police service , they can apply for this post . > > Must be graduate passed , > > Should not hold any criminal records. > > Age must be above 21 years -30 years . Selection process : > > Written Exam > > Interview + Physical Test GOOD LUCK ! |
6th January 2016 12:28 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir my name is arun and am frm kerala am 23yrs old i want to join in nsg hw can i apply for dis pls give me an reply for dis my emil id arunvs321@gmail.com |
14th February 2015 10:45 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Hai sir iam rahul ba complete my job is c r pf my service is 4 year complete my abition is nsg commado iam joining nsg plese sir my emai id rahulravindran1991@gimail.com |
25th November 2014 01:23 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando my name is ajit singh and im 12th pass student with pcm my question is what is the nsg qulificationque pls tell me my email id is 1996ajitsingh@gmail.com |
25th November 2014 01:19 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando my name is ajit singh and im 12th pass student with pcm my question is what is the nsg qulificationque pls tell me |
2nd October 2014 09:28 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando I am umasankar. I am a degree holder in business administration department .my ambition is to join the NATIONAL SECURITY GUARD how to join the NSG PLEASE INFORM THE umasankarumasankar710@gmail.com THANK YOU |
17th July 2014 12:04 AM | |
chetrypr01@gmail.com |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir I have just passed his 2nd year from science stream. am I qualify for nsg commondo |
25th April 2014 12:27 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Sir my name is vinod and i just completed my BA and i just want to know am i qualify for nsg. Please tell sir my phone number is 8129515868,email-vgvinod.imback@gmail.com |
6th March 2014 10:58 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Sir, I am Jishnu, What is the Qualification required as become an NSG Commando... |
26th January 2014 11:42 AM | |
Unregistered |
22nd November 2013 05:25 PM | |
amir bijli |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando am from mumbai i m completed my graduation in this with commerce stream and my age is 22 i wnt 2 join nsg am already trying in mumbai police 3 times bt my bad luck in merit list my name is nt there |
1st October 2013 12:21 AM | |
A.prashanth yadav |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando DEAR FRIEND National Security Guard Commando their main task is to protect country from outsider attacks , hence they are specifically trained individuals. NSG work within Central Parliamentary Force . ELIGIBILITY : > > Aspirants who have attended entrance test for Army as well as for Police service , they can apply for this post . > > Must be graduate passed , > > Should not hold any criminal records. > > Age must be above 21 years -30 years . Selection process : > > Written Exam > > Interview + Physical Test best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
28th September 2013 08:49 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando exam standard for nsg |
1st July 2013 11:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Sir i completed my BE course but i have an arrear . Can i eligible for write the nsg examination ? |
26th June 2013 04:54 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir my name is yadav prashant i am completed 12th and i am studieng for bsc first year so sir i want to becomea nsg cammando what can i do for it. my email id is prashanty574@gmail .com |
26th June 2013 03:17 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Sir, i am azeeb, i am passed with degree and how to join nsg |
13th June 2013 02:20 PM | |
TARA001 |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Hello, ABOUT NSG National Security Guard Commando their main task is to protect country from outsider attacks , hence they are specifically trained individuals. NSG work within Central Parliamentary Force . ELIGIBILITY : > > Aspirants who have attended entrance test for Army as well as for Police service , they can apply for this post . > > Must be graduate passed , > > Should not hold any criminal records. > > Age must be above 21 years -30 years . Selection process : > > Written Exam > > Interview + Physical Test GOOD LUCK ! |
12th June 2013 11:56 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir am abilash styng b.tech(eee) final year,my aim to became a nsg commando but what are the things i need for that please tell me sir. my email id is abirocks.2009@gmail.com |
4th June 2013 02:45 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir my name is protim palui i study's in 12 .so sir i want to became a nsg commando sir what i can do for it .sir please tell me . joy.palui@yahoo.com |
6th May 2013 12:48 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir i am keshav i study's in 12.what is qualification to join indian nsg commando. |
23rd April 2013 06:04 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir my name is riyas i am completed 12th and i am studieng for bsc information technology so sir i want to bocome a nsg commando sir what i can do for it.my number is 9809474539 |
22nd April 2013 11:27 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando sir my name Nidheesh i'm study in 12 what are the qualification in nga job my email is nidheeshs111@gmail.com |
13th January 2013 03:42 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: What is the qualification required to become NSG commando hi sir dig naresh i am from hyderabad i want become a nsg commando qualification required so plz tel me sir mo.9177711153 |
22nd December 2012 10:12 AM | |
Amit marwade |
What is the qualification required to become NSG commando Respected sir plz tell me about qualification required to become NSG COMMONDO and physical requirement also |