Thread: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard? Reply to Thread

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16th June 2012 09:11 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

sir,plz tell me the merit list of asso cet 2012. i got 141 marks so will i get admission to mbbs?
3rd April 2012 12:35 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

mayb i plsss knw the last date of submitting the assocet form,plsssss
26th March 2012 07:05 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

i cant trace out the application form for assocet. Can somebody please attach a link of it
25th March 2012 01:42 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

if i buy the asso cet form from another person who has already bought it...will there be any problem since the form has registration number printed on it??
23rd March 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

is asso-cet useful for engineering colleges also or just for medical colleges only????
23rd March 2012 09:58 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

is asso-cet useful for engineering colleges also or just for medical colleges only??????
23rd March 2012 09:55 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

is asso-cet useful for private enginering colleges also or just for medical colleges only
21st February 2012 09:59 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

what is the last date of assocet mbbs form & Give me the information of Assocet Colleges please tell me following mail I D
[email protected]
24th January 2012 07:32 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

15th January 2012 06:18 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

Last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th standard examination without late fine is 10th April, 2011.

last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th Standard examination with late fine Rs.500/- is 20th April,2011.

the date of the examination is 17th May, 2011.

here i am attaching the notice for rescheduling of ASSO CET notification. go through the attachment.

for any type of query and for the detail notification visit the website
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra (AMUPMDC)
Shreeji House, 75 Mint Road, Fort, Mumbai: 400 001.
Tel.: 022–2264 1602, 03/1361
Fax: 91-22–2264 1362
Email: [email protected]
30th October 2011 11:11 AM
Deadline for form submission for RECOMPARTMENT FORM for 12th standard?


plees. Tell me what of last date for recompartment exam
because i am all radey leat for the last date so plees help me .
I hope you will not forget tihs meters.

14th April 2011 11:07 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

In Nashik where i will sumitte asso-CET 2011 form
6th April 2011 01:27 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

Last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th standard examination without late fine is 10th April, 2011.

last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th Standard examination with late fine Rs.500/- is 20th April,2011.

the date of the examination is 17th May, 2011.

here i am attaching the notice for rescheduling of ASSO CET notification. go through the attachment.

for any type of query and for the detail notification visit the website
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra (AMUPMDC)
Shreeji House, 75 Mint Road, Fort, Mumbai: 400 001.
Tel.: 022–2264 1602, 03/1361
Fax: 91-22–2264 1362
Email: [email protected]

best wishes.[/QUOTE]
6th April 2011 01:10 AM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

The last date is 3rd week of April,2011.
6th April 2011 01:09 AM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

The last date for submission is 3rd week of April,2011 and the exam will be held in the 4th week of May,2011.
6th April 2011 01:06 AM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

The exam will be held in 4th week of may,2011.
6th April 2011 01:05 AM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

The last date is 3rd week of april 2011.
5th April 2011 11:36 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th standard examination without late fine is 10th April, 2011.

last date of form submission of ASSO CET 12th Standard examination with late fine Rs.500/- is 20th April,2011.

the date of the examination is 17th May, 2011.

here i am attaching the notice for rescheduling of ASSO CET notification. go through the attachment.

for any type of query and for the detail notification visit the website
Association of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra (AMUPMDC)
Shreeji House, 75 Mint Road, Fort, Mumbai: 400 001.
Tel.: 022–2264 1602, 03/1361
Fax: 91-22–2264 1362
Email: [email protected]

best wishes.
5th April 2011 08:31 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

what is the last date of submision form ofof asso PMT maharastra2011
1st April 2011 11:30 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

Respected Sir, I belongs to NT 3 category and having all the docs. of claiming reservation. So will i get the full refund of fees
IF i get the admission in above said category ?
31st March 2011 12:49 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

in pune where i will get asso cet form
28th March 2011 12:52 AM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

what is the last date for submission of forms and when will the exam ?
16th March 2011 09:48 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

about last date for submission of associate medicle exam
10th March 2011 06:49 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

Respected Sir, I belongs to NT 3 category and having all the docs. of claiming reservation. So will i get the full refund of fees
IF i get the admission in above said category ?
6th March 2011 08:07 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

please tell me about exam date of asso-cet 2011 medical entrance exam
16th February 2011 05:24 PM
Re: Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

you need 2 degree so you must apply
16th February 2011 09:42 AM
Deadline for form submission for ASSO CET forms for 12th standard?

i would like to know wen is the submission of asso cet forms for 12th std.... i.e. i need to apply for my degree college. i am very confused as i saw on this forum itself that the last date of submission was 12th feb

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