Thread: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable? Reply to Thread

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19th November 2013 02:13 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

I too had the confusion to choose MCA But Seeing All This Above message Now My mind i clear.. i Gonna Join MCA - Something is better than nothing.
29th April 2013 07:30 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

I have completed MCA from IGNOU in june 2010 and not get Degree of MCA. Now I want to take our Degree so how can find it?
20th March 2013 08:11 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

MCA or MBA Which is better after B.TECH? or any other professional course is there plz tell
20th March 2013 07:47 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

after,which proffessional course is better:MCA or MBA
14th January 2013 04:07 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Hi Friends..............

YA MCA can be done through correspondence & its valuable too........

ALL THE BEST...........
10th January 2013 02:38 PM
kadiyam pavani
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello sir
i have completed BCA from Rajasthan with 69% and now i am doing network enginering from NIIT. sir i want to know about MCA because i also wants to do MCA so i ask you sir
which way is bette for MCA
MCA reguler or MCA correspondece.
i wants to know that mca correspondece value is good comparison than to mca regular.
and which type of question are comes in mca entrance exams.
There are various universities to provide Distance education programs like, Manipal University, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Bharathiyar University etc. Mainly the IGNOU is one of the best University for distance education compared to other universities. IGNOU regional centers are present through India at main cities. Since you are working in a MNC company IGNOU is best for you to do MCA.
The minimum eligibile percentage in graduation is 45% and +2 having mathematics. If you have no mathematics, In IGNOU they provide a foundation course in mathematics. IGNOU does not have any entrance exam. It is highly valid compared to other distance education universities.
19th July 2012 10:19 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

sir i have done bca n nw i want to continue mca from lpu on corresponding basis. i want to ask u abut its value if it is preferred in asr. sir i have also heard that mca is of both 3 yrs n 2 yrs n after bca we can do mca of 2 yrs. is it true n plz tell me about the fee structure.....thanx
16th July 2012 10:28 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i m doing my bca from nbu university and want to pursue my mca from new york . waht should i need to do for that?
21st June 2012 09:39 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

I Have completed diploma in textile chemistry from govt. Polytechnic and doing job in textile printing and I have b.a. Digree. Now I want to join software company so I should do mca regular or corespondence?
21st May 2012 03:26 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

I have completed by BCA and now i am planning of doing mca trough VTU unversity But most of the companies askes the aggregate marks of 60% in all 10Th , IIpuc & BCA right but i had very less % in IIPUC rest of other is ok. please suggest do i go to MCA or Not. due to this less % in IIpuc i have not able to get a jobs in good it companies please help me..
30th April 2012 07:17 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hello sir im completed in bca for 2011 then im working in finance ltd for IIFL then i do mca for corrcpontence so that correspontence mca has value or not please help me im very confused
23rd January 2012 06:01 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

The regular course is no doubt more valuable than correspondence course.

But if you think you can't do regular course because you are doing networking engineering from NIIT, then you should take admission in MCA in correspondence course.

By correspondence course in MCA , you can continue your networking engineering from NIIT.

Both options will good for you, just choice is yours.

& for entrance exam of MCA , you have to prepare for Maths(+2 level) as well as the syllabus of BCA(Basics of computers) etc.
17th December 2011 03:27 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Hello to every one ,
please reply my question.In my 10th i hav 70% 12th 64% and 55.5% and mca i have one problem .i done my in correspondance mode but mca and other things are in regular mode from reputed university.I have a problem to enter in software i am working in small company.after 2 years later can i join in ibm wipro tcs or still i have problem for lifetime.please its very dificult for me to find out answer can any one help me?.....................
2nd November 2011 01:16 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hello, sir
i hava completed my graduation in bca with 45% from nagpure university.........and also in 12th class my score was not good %was i am doing mca and 1st year score is 60% and 2nd year running now.....sir my question is can multinationl company select me or not for campus selection or off campus? can i get job? which company select me ?pls suggest me sir what should i do ?
26th August 2011 11:55 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Is it advisable to pursue MCA correspondence from IGNOU and MBA(IT) from any regular college simultaneously...???
and is there any Exemption of either of any exams if pursued simultaneously..???
21st August 2011 01:58 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

dear sir
i complited mca from netaji subhas open university ,it is valuable ?
19th August 2011 05:43 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i have done IT under distance education programme........i want to know that can i get job in IT industry
19th August 2011 05:37 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Hello sir,i have completed my BCA degree with the aggregate of 78% And i have done Global CCNA,MCSE,RHCE,RHCSA and Hardware and Netowrking courses also.I am confused whether i have to do MCA regular or MCA correspondence.Please suggest me what i have todo please...,
7th August 2011 01:51 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

In this year, i have done bsc(it) with 61% marks. I am late for addmission in mca regular course and now i am coaching for bank p.o exam. Please suggest me i am waiting for next year for addmission in mca regular or i m taking addmissiom in ignou for mca in this year.
4th August 2011 02:04 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

sir i have done b.c.a but i have back in 5th sem . so for 6 month i have free time ,,what can i do mca entrance prepration n from where , which programmming lanuage course is better in this 6 month. please give some more detal.
1st August 2011 10:00 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello sir
i have completed BCA from Rajasthan with 69% and now i am doing network enginering from NIIT. sir i want to know about MCA because i also wants to do MCA so i ask you sir
which way is bette for MCA
MCA reguler or MCA correspondece.
i wants to know that mca correspondece value is good comparison than to mca regular.
and which type of question are comes in mca entrance exams.
You have completed your graduation as BCA course with 69% marks and you are a student of network engineering from NIIT which is very best career for you. And after doing this you want to do MCA. And you are confuse that you do MCA course through regular classes or correspondence.

See, both are same thing because if you do a hard work in both cases. if you do hard work then there is no differences between correspondence and regular classes.

My suggestion to you that you should go with correspondence classes because after completing you network engineering course from NIIT you should have many opportunities for job in networking sector as well as engineering sector.

there are many private institute from where you do your MCA course such as IGNOU, DISTANCE LEARNING INSTITUTE.

1st August 2011 03:48 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

yes MCA can be done through correspondence,there are so many universities which provide MCA through correspondence.Correspondence coures have no such value as regular courses an it can;t help much to get the job.
As if u do MCa by regular college then there are so many practical classes for programming language but in correspondence u have no MCA through correspondence have not such a value.
1st August 2011 01:41 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello sir
i have completed BCA from Rajasthan with 69% and now i am doing network enginering from NIIT. sir i want to know about MCA because i also wants to do MCA so i ask you sir
which way is bette for MCA
MCA reguler or MCA correspondece.
i wants to know that mca value is good comparison than to mca regular.
and which type of question are comes in mca entrance exams.
Hai friend
according my knowledge mca regular good.
because in mca course labs are there,those labs important
for you.these labs impoove your knowledge.
if you do not have opportunity you do correspondence course'
many university offered these course such as br ambethkar university,annamily university.
31st July 2011 11:10 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

helo i complete my b.c.a from ku with 65% now i m cönfused wat to do is it valuable to do m.c.a corespondece?n i m late to get admision in m.c.a tel me wat to do
31st July 2011 12:28 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

tell me difference between part time mca and correspndence mca and doing from distance education
27th June 2011 10:48 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i'm doing my bca in DE. will mca be a valuable course in future.? what course shall i go for.?
14th June 2011 04:16 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi, i need good advice no one is there to guide me
i have completed my bsc information technology with 69% after that i have joined the job due to some problems. but goal was to join in ibm or wipro now i am working with software company(medium scale) .so please suggest me.will ibm wipro will select the distance education.
and i m at confusing state that can i do MCA correspondence........................can IGNOU be best for correspondance.................................... ..........and does it have same value.........................plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell meeeeeeee.
dude.....i am working in a software company...i hav done btech in comp sc...through all these years i hav known the value of degree and work ex...if you are already doing a job..i would recommend u to continue the job and pursue mca in correspondence mode....then apply in psu or banks for it officer or p.o..that is a better option....even after mca its not easy to get placed in companies you take the safer route!!!
28th May 2011 03:11 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hi, i need good advice no one is there to guide me
i have completed my bsc information technology with 69% after that i have joined the job due to some problems. but goal was to join in ibm or wipro now i am working with software company(medium scale) .so please suggest me.will ibm wipro will select the distance education.
and i m at confusing state that can i do MCA correspondence........................can IGNOU be best for correspondance.................................... ..........and does it have same value.........................plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell meeeeeeee.
5th May 2011 04:39 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hi my name is Shahnawaz i need good advice:::::::::::
i have completed my bca with 62% from IGNOU after that i want to take admission in any reputed university to complete my MCA in regular mode so what should i read to prepare for MCA entrance. And one thing also wants to ask that...will Wipro or IBM allow for jobs who completed their MCA from distance mode????...please reply me.
3rd May 2011 12:47 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hi my name is priya i need good advice no one is there to guide me
i have completed my bsc computers science with 69% and inter with 71% after that i have joined the job due to some problems i have joined my mca distance in 2008 after bsc but goal was to join in ibm or wipro now i am working with icici bank .so please suggest me.will ibm wipro will select the distance education.
1st May 2011 09:46 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i have completed BCA with 64% from guru nanak dev university amritsar (punjab) and now i m at confusing state that can i do MCA regular or correspondence........................can IGNOU be best for correspondance.................................... ..........and does it have same value.........................plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell meeeeeeee.
30th April 2011 02:30 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Yes you can but i suggest you do it regular because it is professional course....
25th April 2011 10:42 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Respected Sir,
i have completed BSc(it) with correrpondence i want to do varoius valueable languages like(.net,java).
i can't do the mca because i did not passed with mathmatics at 12th level.
so which option you suggest me about my future which gives me great knowledge & which becomes valueable for me too........
14th April 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i have completed BCA with 68% and now i m at confusing state that can i do MCA regular or correspondence........................can IGNOU be best for correspondance.................................... ..........and does it have same value..............................
6th April 2011 03:29 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

i have done 3 years deeploma from niit and i want to do mca through distance can u sugest me which university good for that........
2nd April 2011 12:54 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

which course is easily to get job?
3rd March 2011 08:29 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

what is networking engineer. Is it not a part of software subject or MCA. please help me.
24th February 2011 06:41 AM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Hello, i had done Bca in regular with 64% from bangalore university, and Mca in correspondence from ignou university, will i be a software engineer in any multi national company ,what will be my starting salary
30th January 2011 08:10 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

If You have A good Family background then you will do Mca Regular because i think its a good way as well as Correspondence. no such good value of Correspondence.

In Mca Entrance Exams Questions are like some maths, some thing like that social study, and Science and related to langauges.

Surendra Pareek

[email protected]
14th October 2010 06:42 PM
Sachin Narayan
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

First ny course done regular is much more beneficial than through correspondence.
MCA regular can be done only if u have given its entrance that is RMCAAT. on its behalf the allot u seat.
As far as MCA correspondence is concerned IGNOU is the best option. Go with it if u cant do it as regular. Lastly quesions in the entrance are basically on BCA and ur past studies jst u need to be is agile and skilled
thank u
14th October 2010 05:59 PM
Sanjiv sharma
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Dear friend MCA (MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS )can be done through correspondence . IGNOU have started this course . You are to do practicals from a centre which is allotted by the IGNOU . About its value let of tell you that it is said 'Something is better than nothing '.
14th October 2010 03:58 PM
Rupender verma
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Hello, MCA done as a regular course offers better opportunities. Not to say that a correspondence MCA is not valuable. If you are working, the correspondence MCA also adds value to the resume.
14th October 2010 03:19 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hello friend

see, MCA is a professional courses.

you will get valuation in professional courses if you do it either regular course.

or you can do it with your job.

so if you have already a bca degree, as well as a job. then MCA correspondence course will be good option for your bright career.

otherwise you will not get market value about your course.

all the best.........
14th October 2010 03:12 PM
alayana ahmad
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

first of hello dear!!!!
you have completed your bca from recognised university thats pretty good..see if you go with correspondence course than you can do job with that you will complete your mca in 2 years as in distance they take admission in lateral entry in sikkim manipal university but if you dont have to do any job only concentrating on study and want good and high salary job you can go with regular mca...both has its own importance..well correspondence are suitable for those who work and want to continue there study with high degree..but regular course not only benefit you to get high degree in regular but many on campus selection in big multi national companies it become easy to get job i off campus too..but there is drawback that sometimes correspondence degree is not taking into account in big companies..

i hope you have now understood the importance of both.. thank you!!!!
and best of luck!!!!!!!!
14th October 2010 02:56 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

There are various universities that provides Distance learning programmes,the likes of SIKKIM MANIPAL,IGNOU,ANNAMALAI.BOMBAY UNIVERSITY TOO PROVIDES
this option of distance learning.In BU, it the MCA through distance consists of 6 sems, i,e.3 yrs.The eligibillity is Graduate in any faculty of a statutory University with minimum 45% marks (minimum 40% for reserved category) and Mathematics at XII or higher level.Admissions are through entrance tests,final year degree students too can sit in the entrance tests.The entrance tests will comprise mainly aptitude tests.
14th October 2010 01:19 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hello sir
i have completed BCA from Rajasthan with 69% and now i am doing network enginering from NIIT. sir i want to know about MCA because i also wants to do MCA so i ask you sir
which way is bette for MCA
MCA reguler or MCA correspondece.
i wants to know that mca correspondece value is good comparison than to mca regular.
and which type of question are comes in mca entrance exams.

since you are working in a company it will be better for you to complete your pg for yor career.
But there are two available option with you so first you decide can you you pursue regular mode of studies if yes, than it would be better as distance is not as much valued as regular mode.
but since distance also have its utility you do it by this mode also but the main thing is that it is little less valued than regular
14th October 2010 12:45 PM
Re: Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

dear friend,

The regular course is no doubt more valuable than correspondence course.

But if you think you can't do regular course because you are doing networking engineering from NIIT, then you should take admission in MCA in correspondence course.

By correspondence course in MCA , you can continue your networking engineering from NIIT.

Both options will good for you, just choice is yours.

& for entrance exam of MCA , you have to prepare for Maths(+2 level) as well as the syllabus of BCA(Basics of computers) etc.

good luck.
14th October 2010 03:10 AM
Can MCA be done through correspondence? If so, is it valuable?

hello sir
i have completed BCA from Rajasthan with 69% and now i am doing network enginering from NIIT. sir i want to know about MCA because i also wants to do MCA so i ask you sir
which way is bette for MCA
MCA reguler or MCA correspondece.
i wants to know that mca correspondece value is good comparison than to mca regular.
and which type of question are comes in mca entrance exams.

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