Thread: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th? Reply to Thread

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9th January 2018 11:13 AM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

Which is the best college for genetic engineering in India it's admission procedure and fee structure?
17th March 2017 12:26 AM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am diploma student in pharmacy and I want to study a genetic engineering and how should be join this course and I also want to join a best colleges in Chennai please contact 8124172641
28th December 2016 11:27 AM
Ronit henry Roy
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am a student of class 12 . I want to join a best medical collage of India. I want to read about genetic engineering. please help me. please send your reply at my contact no : 9339637760
12th December 2016 05:30 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I'm interested in Genetic Engineering and I'm pursuing PCMB in 11th n 12th. So which is the exam I've to qualify for it ?
25th April 2016 01:22 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I completed my 12th this year. I want to study genetic engineering . Am i edigible for genetic engineering after completing my 12th.
2nd March 2016 02:04 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

We can join genetic engineering by doing Bsc and Msc in zoologist,microbiologist
4th January 2016 03:19 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

Now I am in final year of engineering in electronics and telecommunication in india. Can I join genetic engineering now
and it is of how many years or can I join clinical engineering or any other related biological engineering please give me
4th December 2015 06:22 AM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

What competative exam should i give for joining the top genitic engeniering colleges after 12?
5th July 2015 04:16 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am studying 12 TH standard with Bi.P.C. i wanted to join in genetic engineering. What is qualification for this. What are best colleges in india/ap. My emailid
4th June 2015 07:10 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

i have completed 12 this year and i want to choose genetics as branch of engg. so can i take admission in genetic engineering directly after 12 without doing graduation courses ?
8th May 2015 08:33 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I complete my 12th... and I want some information about colleges of genetic engineering in india Maharashtra and scope of this field ......
plzz send me details to my eEmail:
8th May 2015 04:06 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am interested for genetic engineering what courses should i take ... what percentege is requried in 2nd puc... which are the best colleges...
1st May 2015 10:10 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am a student who completed 10 2.I like to learn genetic engineering in Kolkata in the year of 2015-16.what is the procedure to admission GENETIC ENGINEARING I wanted to know about government colleges affiliating genetic engineering.If I complete my graduation how can I ensure a job in Medical line in Kolkata itself ?pl. send details to my Email:- Mob:- 9748250403
1st May 2015 12:25 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I have completed my 12th this year. I want to fo in genetic research field. So which course i have to join? And which collages are in gujrat forgenetic engineering?
26th April 2015 10:01 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am a student who waiting for Plustwo result.I like to learn genetic engineering in Kerala itself.I wanted to know about government colleges affiliating genetic engineering.If I complete my graduation how can I ensure a job in Kerala itself ?
26th April 2015 09:56 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I am a student who waiting for Plustwo result.I like to learn genetic engineering in Kerala itself.I wanted to know about government colleges affiliating genetic engineering.If I complete my graduation how can I ensure a job in Kerala itself ?
14th April 2015 12:34 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

Now I have completed std 10th and I want to become a genetic engineer what should I do and what course I have tu take
31st December 2014 05:27 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

How to join in genetic engineer colleges in coimbatore.What cut off should be got by the student
2nd December 2014 06:40 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

I want to pursue the course on genetic engineering after completion the Indian School Certificate exams.May I know the criteria in getting the admission in the top colleges in India. What are the scope of employment after the course after graduation and post graduation?
2nd December 2014 06:07 PM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

How to apply for the course genetic engineering. The top institutes in India that offer the course.What are the scopes after Graduation.
25th March 2014 09:49 AM
Re: How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

genetic engineering is useful and i want to know the job opppertunity of the genetic engineering
30th May 2013 02:58 PM
How to join genetic engineering after completing 12th?

i have completed my 12 standard this year..... i want to join for genetic engineering.. can i have the list of colleges offering genetic engineerin in india..especialy in south india

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