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30th September 2012 06:57 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

hiii i can help you.........if you want to do job then prepare for the written tests of different companies like intel,,wipro,,infosys etc.........

if you wantto go for higher studies..........
1..for mtech---write GATE exam
2..for MS--write GRE and TOEFEL exam...

19th July 2012 07:54 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

hi im completed in ECE frm VNRVJIET 2012 PASS OUT WITH first class looking for job .. KINDLY HELP ME ANY ONE MY ID.. [email protected]
19th July 2012 07:45 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

hi to every one ... i completed in ECE...... 2012 pass out with first class from VNRVJIET and searching for jobs.. if any requirements plz inform me. my id: [email protected]
23rd October 2011 10:16 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

Originally Posted by Arun R Krishnan View Post
I completed b tech in ECE,Please list out all exams i can write.
hiii i can help you.........if you want to do job then prepare for the written tests of different companies like intel,,wipro,,infosys etc.........

if you wantto go for higher studies..........
1..for mtech---write GATE exam
2..for MS--write GRE and TOEFEL exam...
8th August 2011 04:43 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

Is ther any chance of Job in Indian Railway after completing B.Tech in ECE...If Yes,Which exam I have to give and when?
13th July 2011 09:58 AM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

which are the exams i can attempt after completing EIE(Electronics And I nstrumentation Engineering)?
12th July 2011 06:31 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

which type of jobs in embedded real time system ?
9th April 2011 08:03 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

After Completing Your Bachelors

you will have options in two sides they are..

one is govt. sector

other is Higher studies like MBA and GATE or GRE or TOEFEL

this are the main popular examinations which are in demand apart from these you can also give some

Govt related exams like




like these you can attempt many exams

for further studies as i mentioned earlier

you can continue with your stream and background by writing the gate exam

if you have interest in the management field you can give exams like



apart from all these you have an ultimate opportunity to get into civil services by the exam conducted by UPSC for the same every year..

and also if you have interest in armed forces like





you have an opportunity to write different exams

best regards

7th April 2011 12:13 PM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

various profiles you can go for after ECE are

Embedded Systems
1. UTL Technologies
2. Cranes Varsity, Advanced Diploma in Real Time Operating Systems (6 months)
3. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)
4. Waveaxis,Advanced Diploma in Embedded System
5. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Advanced certificate course in Embedded System Design.
6. UTL Technologies, Diploma in Embedded System Design (6 months)
7. Sandeepani, PG Diploma in Embedded System Design (20 weeks)
8. Embedded Competency Centre, Mistral, Advanced Diploma in Real-time and Embedded Systems (4 months)
9. ei labz, embedded systems training- beginner, intermediate and advanced levels
10. Emblitz, Advance Diploma in Embedded System Design, crash courses (Embedded Linux, RTOS, VxWorks and ARM), online course on Embedded Systems
11. Silicon Labs, SIMS
12. Chip Integration Technologies, Embedded courses
13. Kiona, Diploma in Embedded Systems (6 months)
14. Emertxe, certificate course in Embedded Systems (5 months)
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)
2. Signals and Systems (SANDS), PG Diploma in Embedded system (4 months), Diploma in Embedded microcontrollers and processors (3 months), Certificate courses in Real Time Operating System, Microcontrollers and Embedded C (1 month)
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)
2. Cranes Varsity
3. UTL Technologies
4. VEDA IIT (VLSI Engineering and Design Automation), Advanced Diploma in Embedded System Design
5. Sandeepani, PG Diploma in Embedded System Design (14 weeks)
6. Sigma Solutions, Embedded systems training
7. Autarchy Technologies, Training on Embedded System Development
1. University of Pune, Certificate Course in Embedded Systems Design (6 months)
2. Oasis, Certificate Course in Advanced Embedded Systems Design
3. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)
1. DOEACC Centre, PG Diploma course in embedded system design, (6 months, twice a year, during February and August)
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)
2. Quest
Mohali, Kolkata, Noida, Trivandrum
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DESD - Diploma in Embedded Systems Design, (24 weeks)

VLSI Design
1. Benns Technologies, Part time/Full Time course in VLSI (4 months)
2. TTM Institute of Information Technology, with University of California Extension, and Cadence Design Systems India, Certificate program in VLSI design engineering (Physical Design or Logic Design)
3. UTL Technologies, Advanced Post-Graduate Diploma in VLSI Design (6 months)
4. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Advanced Computing Training School, Diploma in VLSI
5. Sandeepani, Post Graduate Diploma in VLSI Design, (14 weeks)
6. Emblitz, Advance Diploma in VLSI Design
7. Silicon Labs, SIMS
8. Kiona, Diploma in VLSI Design (6 months)
9. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, VLSI System Design (50 weeks)
1. Accel Technologies: 'Post Graduate Diploma in VLSI Design' (4 months)
2. Signals and Systems (SANDS), Diploma in VLSI Design (3 months), Certificate courses in Verilog and VHDL (1 month)
3. Horizon Semiconductors: (4 months)
1. TTM Institute of Information Technology, with University of California Extension, and Cadence Design Systems India, Certificate program in VLSI design engineering (Physical Design or Logic Design)
2. VEDA IIT (VLSI Engineering and Design Automation), Advanced Diploma in VLSI Engineering,
3. Sandeepani, (20 weeks)
1. University of Pune, Department of Electronic Science and Integrated Circuit and Information Technology (ICIT), Certificate Course in VLSI Design.(6 Months)
2. Bit Mapper Integration Technologies, Advanced Certificate Course in VLSI Design
3. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DVLSI - Diploma in VLSI Design
1. DOEACC Centre, PG Diploma in VLSI Design
1. VEDANT (VLSI Design Education And Training), Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Advanced Post-Graduate Diploma in VLSI Design (6 months)
Kolkata, Nagpur, Mumbai
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), DVLSI - Diploma in VLSI Design

Industrial Automation
1. DOEACC Centre, PG Diploma course in Industrial Automation System Design. (6 months)
1. J.R.D. Tata Automation Training Centre, with Tata Honeywell, certificate course in Industrial and Control Engineering
1. CITD, A course on Elec. & Electronics for Automation (1 week)
1. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Automotive Electronics (50 weeks)
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Advanced Diploma course in industrial Automation and System Design. (18 weeks)

Digital Signal Processing
1. Aureole Technologies, Boot Camp Training Program (DSP Concepts)
2. Cranes Varsity, Advanced Diploma in DSP System Design (6 months)
3. Kiona, Diploma in DSP (6 months)
4. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Applied Digital Signal Processing (50 weeks)
1. Analog Devices-IIT Madras DSP Learning Center, course on Digital Signal Processor and Applications, (Part time-6 Weeks/Full time-2 Weeks)
2. Signals and Systems (SANDS), Diploma in DSP (3 months), Certificate courses in Analog Devices and Texas Instruments DSPs (1 month)
1. Center for DSP Training (CDT), Signion Systems, Diploma in DSP Applications, (Part time-3 months/Full time-6 months)- training suspended?
1. University of Pune, Department of Electronic Science and Integrated Circuit and Information Technology (ICIT), Certificate Course in Digital Signal Processing.(6 Months)
1. Quest

Telecom and Wireless
1. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), WiMC - Post Graduate Diploma in Wireless and Mobile Computing (24 weeks)
2. Institute of Emerging Technologies, WiMC - Post Graduate Diploma in Wireless and Mobile Computing (24 weeks)
1. Emblitz, Advance Diploma in Wireless Technology
2. M.S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies, Wireless and Mobile communications (50 weeks)
1. Lorion, Advanced Wireless Communications (3 months), Telecom Protocol Development, Signaling & VoIP Protocol Implementation, Optical Fiber Communications
7th April 2011 11:25 AM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

i think you are talking about the JOB examination for which one B.Tech in electronics and communication engineer are eligible. in this regard i can say that there are so many government and public company recruit ECE candidate through written examination. as a graduate you will be eligible for defense job, bank job etc and for this type of job also there is written examination. but as you are engineering student so i ma giving some name of the organization which recruit B.Tech ECE candidate in engineering post.

name of few company are-
UPSC(Engineering service examination)
ECIL and many more.

but for this type of organization post is very much limited and competition is very tough. to crack this type of examination you should have a very good knowledge in electronics and communication engineering.

also you may appear in examination for private software company or core company. but these examination will be for off campus placement not an all India basis examination.

best wishes.
7th April 2011 11:12 AM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

hello friend,

since you have completed your engineering in ECE so you can go for both private sector or government sector jobs.

if you go for government sector you can go for exams like
2.)NTPC exams
and many other core companies

for going in software field you can go for:
and there are many more companies in software sector in which you can apply...........

you can also go for higher studies where you can go for M.TECH
or MBA as per your choice.......

for M.TECH YOU need to give gate exam and for MBA you have to give exams like CAT,MAT,XAT.......AND MANY MORE......

7th April 2011 10:17 AM
Re: Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

you can write various exam depends upon your interest...

If you wish to go for SOFTWARE or private jobs you can apply for all
  • TCS
and etc for all type of companies...

else you can apply for Bank jobs also like
  • SBI
  • ICIC
  • central bank of India
AND all other banks...

and there are lots of other opportunity for government jobs
  • BSNL(bharat sanchar nigam limited)
  • ISRO(Indian space research organisation)
  • DRDO(Defense research and development organisation)
  • ECIL(Electronic cooperation of india limited)
  • AAI(Airport authority of India)
  • SAIL(Steel authority of india)
  • RRB(Railway recruitment board)
  • UPSC(Union Public Service Commission )

AND many more ....
31st August 2010 11:15 PM
Arun R Krishnan
Which are the exams which I can attempt after completing B.Tech ECE?

I completed b tech in ECE,Please list out all exams i can write.

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