Thread: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics? Reply to Thread

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6th September 2020 03:42 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

60% per every semester or aggregate?
10th July 2018 11:03 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I have 65% aggregate I don't know what to do after my Btech.. Suggest me some guidance what to do
13th July 2017 10:07 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I scored a low marks less than 60 % cgpa 7.2 due to some circumstances in last three years in btech ece
do I have a any chance to make more marks like 60 ? if I unable to get a 60
Just get approx between 45 cgpa 4.7 to 55 cgpa 5.5 can I do mastery in Canada ?
Because my father gone to Canada he is trying to my settlement there
23rd November 2016 10:45 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

What to do after B.Tech if I score
less than 65% in my carrier mentioned class second class so what I do??
17th January 2016 11:39 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

sir my class 12 percent is 59.6, my class 10 percent is 70.3 and my percent age is 75,can i apply for reputed company. i am from civil engineering stream
20th December 2015 12:06 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i m srinu my percentage is 81. what shall i do now?
Go jump in a well. Inspite of having good percentage why you are here man (late reply)
14th December 2015 04:21 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Sir this is parimal parag I scored 79 in 10,50 in 12,59.5 in BE computer science I m 2009 pass out wat shall I do next to enhance my career
1st October 2015 06:34 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?


I am graduated in B.Tech(IT) from NIT in 2012 and M.Tech in bioinformatics in 2015 .
I don't have 60% marks in 12th and in Btech till now I am jobless .actually I want to be an IAS officer but due to worst circumstances like no source of money
25th August 2015 01:10 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

my high school percentage is 57 and intermediate percentage is 64.... me doing my btech with electrical and electronic branch and till 6th sem my percentage is 69....can I apply for good companies giving good packages around 3.5lakh in private sector.....plz help me. ...
6th August 2015 02:01 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Sir, now am in btec 3rd year , branch EcE After completing my 4 years with less then 60%
Will gets gooood jobs in forigen countries or not.
Am from small town
I want to do good job in forigen .I have low percentage in ece
I will get or not.
19th July 2015 12:59 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

No not all to worry ,Because percentage is is required for few MNC's ...

IF you are good at the following
1) programming skills
2) English fluency
3) Leadership qualities
4) guiding capability .

But TATA company requires the following

*) Complete graduation course with aggregate percentage (65%)
*) Age limit is also there
21 years -35 years ..

Job pattern :-
*) Group discussion
*) Aptitude test
*) Technical test
*) HR interview
*) final interview ..

got it....
18th July 2015 02:59 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I am a final year civil branch B.E. student from a small college where there is no close campus placement. But my scores in every semester is 64% & increasing regularly. Am I elligible to get a good job in open campus placement anywhere in India?
9th July 2015 07:50 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Here are your options :


You can try these companies :



You can sit UPSC examinations and find suitable job for you.


With less than 60% marks in B.Tech
You can sit for these bank PO and CLERICAL examination
>>Axis bank.
>>ICICI bank
>>Bank Of Baroda
>>HDFC bank

You can also try in call center jobs like:

>>Product selling
>>customer care executive
>>Tech support Etc.
9th July 2015 04:23 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Nice to see you in the engineering field. Engineering field is the one of the most growing field. There are many government and private college provide B.Tech course.

As per your question if you have less then 60% marks then don't worry there are many company. which provide the job for the non career student. You need not to worry there are lot of option available for you. In which field you want to go ? You can go for job or study. I advise you to choose any field as per own interest.

If you want to do study then you can do M.Tech/MBA as per own choice. If you are interest in the business field then MBA is the most option for you otherwise you can go for the M.Tech course. Both course is good and good opportunity in the future. So, its your career decide anything as per own interest.

You can also prepare for the government sector job like SSC, IBPS, UPSC..and many other. Hope you understand. Wish you all the best for your ahead career.
8th July 2015 10:22 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I have just passed 12th with 54% pcm and also 28 marks in jee main if I reappear for 12th exam can I give iit jee exam again
10th June 2015 06:13 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Sir if I have a 3 yr gap in between my academic year's and have an aggregate of 60% In engg so wat do you think do i have a fair chance for ms in us or Canada...
19th April 2015 03:24 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I have less than 60% in my 12th and be course. But i m interestedto do ms. Can I go for ms having such low marks?
1st April 2015 12:07 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

you can improve your higher secondary that will be helpful for you in future or you can prepare for SSC CGL exam which do not have any percentage criteria and you can easily get a good job from this exam.
26th March 2015 10:01 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Hi Friend,

No need to worry you have lots of options available after scoring less than 60% in B.Tech.

1. You can appear for GATE examination and based on GATE score you can do M.Tech.It is a post graduation course.If you complete M.Tech you can apply for Professor of any Engineering college or you can futher do Ph.D research.

2. If you have interest in management course the MBA is a Good course for you after B.Tech.It is a post graduation course for Business administration.After completing MBA you can get job in varous companies in Management sector with handsome salary.

3. If you willing to get job after B.Tech the you can apply for various MNC companies like Mindtree,Syntel,HCL.

you can choose any options of your choice.

26th March 2015 02:35 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

if i got 49 % in bsc after that i join is my bsc degree cosidered as gap what should have to do?
24th March 2015 06:53 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

my SSC is 64% n intermediate is 62% btech is 61% I am eligible for it sector jobs
10th February 2015 12:18 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

10th 2000 with 50%,12th 2002 51% after 7 year gap doing 2009-2013 with 61% now I want to do from iit . If I done my from any iit can I get a good job in any mnc
26th November 2014 10:43 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

if i get good marks in gate exam bt i m nt crack aggregate 60% in academic then i have any chance to get admission in mtech for iit .....
26th September 2014 02:51 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Sir i have 55 % marks in BTECH and i am confused whether go for GATE or switch to Banking Or UPSC exams........please guide me
10th September 2014 08:56 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

did xth with 92% and xii with 80%. but did BE chemical with 54% with a year drop. Can i try for GATE or Do I get a job? pl. help.
26th August 2014 12:38 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

i have got 94% in 10th and 80% in inter and studying final year btech(ece) now .upto now i got 80% in btech still feeling unhappy and worrying about my future and job? can anyone suggest me?
13th August 2014 03:18 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

I got 59%in 10th, 54% in 12th, nd 60% in what shoul I do now.. M I eligible for campus recruitment or whre I should try.. Plzzz help me out.n
28th April 2014 02:30 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

sir i have 65%in btech but i have scored lessthan 50% in my tenth class what can i do now i cant be eligible for the mnc companies that a hiring lots lo people..
plzz help mee plzz
17th April 2014 10:15 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

REspected,i want 2 say that i m nt that gd in studies..nd i have scored 60% ..nd i have backlocks what to do after completing my btech.....and get good income..suggest!! :(
10th April 2014 05:11 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

dont feel bad first
try to eat well,sleep well
and then search for job
3rd February 2014 11:56 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

what to do after bba
19th December 2013 10:48 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

hello!am studying 3rd EEE till now i had the % is in 60's only what are the options i have after B.Tech
18th November 2013 12:24 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

my btech% 59% there is any chances it sector.then what we will do for that jobs
16th October 2013 11:06 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

sir i got 49% marks in 10th and 52% marks in 12th and 66% marks in B.Tech with cse now sir what should i do?
5th October 2013 06:57 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

i have 62% in 10th and 56% in 12th and 70% in B.E. with ece branch what should i do now ?
25th August 2013 01:20 PM
vaibhav joshte
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

. You can choose between M.Tech and MBA. If you are interested in making a career in the technical field you can go for MTech. If administrative role interests you more than you can choose MBA course.
If you prefer doing P.G in your field of study, you can go for M.S/M.Tech. If you are ready to go outside India and financially sound you can prefer M.S. You need to appear for GRE/TOEFL for doing M.S in Foreign countries
PSU's like BARC, NPCIL, HAL etc. give importance to GATE scores for various job positions in their organizations.
25th August 2013 01:19 PM
vaibhav joshte
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

. You can choose between M.Tech and MBA. If you are interested in making a career in the technical field you can go for MTech. If administrative role interests you more than you can choose MBA course.
If you prefer doing P.G in your field of study, you can go for M.S/M.Tech. If you are ready to go outside India and financially sound you can prefer M.S. You need to appear for GRE/TOEFL for doing M.S in Foreign countries
PSU's like BARC, NPCIL, HAL etc. give importance to GATE scores for various job positions in their organizations.
25th August 2013 05:28 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

hello sir!
i have a % of 69 in 10th and 57 in 12th and around CGPA of 7/10 am doing IT but most of the company ask 60% above throughout which i am not eligible for what i can do or may i work in a 3 tire company and then apply for bigger company will then not ask 60 above once we have some experience my profile without 12th marks is best in the whole college but due to 12th i can't even attend those company,please advice me and thanks in advance.
8th July 2013 01:51 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

hai, a person can have percentage below 60% in academics can get good job.and can study higher studies. if He completed his B.Tech with 60% without any draw backs.
If he try to prepare for gate and get qualify in that exam then he will have better job opportunities and he can study higher studies like M.Tech percentage don't matter.
He can try to apply for IES and if he qualify in that exam then he can get government job.
7th July 2013 03:30 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Hi i have 80% in 10th & 58% in 12th & 65% in BE in mining. Can i get job in vedanta sesa goa??
8th June 2013 01:13 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

i have 52% in 10th and 63% in 12th and 58% in what course i choose or mba or any other course i choose and tell me which exams i can give
19th May 2013 05:26 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

after completing my btech my% will be 55 ... but i want to opt fir MBA ... now will that 55% affect me in any future .
26th March 2013 01:24 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Hi dear..

Yes, of course, there are various options for you that you can do after B.Tech

Further Studies

Here I have tried to mention a few :-

> M.Tech - You have to crack GATE (Graduate Aptitude test in Engineering) which will require around 1 year preparation.

> MBA - You have to clear CAT which would require around 7-8 months of preparation.

> MS (Master of Science) - You need to clear GRE. Generally it is considered equivalent to M.Tech but it is not. It is a course taught outside India, and is comparatively easy to prepare (3-4 months preparation ) than M.Tech, but it is highly rewarding than M.Tech.


You can apply for various jobs in :-

IT sector

Wipro etc.

Banking Sector


Final Advice :- Go for MBA or MS , but MS cost much higher so preferably MBA, and then you can easily get a good job with 10-15 lakh per annum package in a good company.

All the best..!

26th March 2013 09:42 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

^above: stop worrying about 5 year degree. 60% is more important for atleast living in this country. Lets talk about the worst & only option which is practically valid is -
1. try to get 60% - because for mtech you need 60% in any iit,nit and universities too.
2. after mtech you can join teaching and also can do a PhD at some time.

a year gap does not matter. My percentage was once less than 60% so i thought of all the possible options available with less than 60%. infact there are none. but somehow i could get more than 60%. cleared gate with good rank. Did Mtech from IIT. now planning to do PhD.

all the best
4th March 2013 11:58 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Iam completed EEE in nov 2012 with 59% percentage except two subjects . I want to write these two subjects in 2013 suplmentary to get 60% but acadamic year then will changes to 2013 .then my degree turns into 5year degree. what can i do for this
28th February 2013 09:36 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

My 10% is 87.3 and 12 is 81.3% but due to some personal reasons, my Btech % is 59.3, and now 3 year gap. nw im thinking about doing Mtech. is there any hope for me to get good job if i score well in my masters,(im confident, i can make good result) i already qualified last years GATE and this year's too will. but i want to know about my future options...... plss help.
14th December 2012 03:17 AM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics? percentage is 57 in i am ready to move ferther step.....but i con't analize what is my next step..........please tell me which field i prefer..
12th December 2012 08:07 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Hello friend,
Here are your options :

You can try these companies :
>>nacre solution




7th August 2012 11:00 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

i have degree in B.E. with pass class which means <50% bcz ATKT in qualifying exam, but i have 60% average in 4 year ,so i eligible for M.TECH. studies?
25th July 2012 05:03 PM
Re: What to do after B.Tech if I score less than 60% in academics?

Opportunities after B.Tech

it is necessary for one to decide their career. Now that you have completed B.Tech. So, now you have to start looking into your future.

Study or Job ?

There are two options you prefer after you complete your B.Tech degree. If you are economically efficient and don’t need a job, it is better you go for your further studies. A specialization will always earn you more salary as well as priority during interviews . Otherwise you can find some job.

Further Studies:

If you prefer to continue to studies, you can do Post graduate courses and then obtain a Ph.D. You have lots of options during this P.G course like M.S/ M.Tech, IAS/IPS, Navy/NDA and Finance related courses like MBA.
Entrance exams for Post Graduation in Engineering Courses.
If you prefer doing P.G in your field of study, you can go for M.S/M.Tech. If you are ready to go outside India and financially sound you can prefer M.S. You need to appear for GRE/TOEFL for doing M.S in Foreign countries
PSU's like BARC, NPCIL, HAL etc. give importance to GATE scores for various job positions in their organizations.
It is not worthy for anyone doing P.G in some college other than Foreign/Indian University Colleges, and Premiere Private Engineering Colleges
Entrance exams for Post Graduation in Management Courses.

If you prefer doing P.G in some finance related courses you can definitely go for MBA.
GMAT: The Graduate Management Admissions Test, better known by the acronym GMAT (pronounced G-mat), is a standardized test for determining aptitude to succeed academically in graduate business studies. The GMAT is used as one of the selection criteria by most respected business schools globally, most commonly for admission into an MBA program.
The GMAT is one of many factors schools use when reviewing applications for admission; it is typically balanced with work experience, grades in previous schools, recommendation letters and other admissions criteria.
The fee to take the GMAT is currently US$250, worldwide.
Global institutes like ISB require the entries to write GMAT.
CAT: Common Admission Test is conducted by IIMs in India for entry to various IIMs present in India. Admissions are based on the scores in CAT exam.
Indian Civil Service:
write UPSC Exams
These are most preferred routes by engineering students in education after B.Tech

Job/ work:

Own Company:
If you are financially sound, you can start your own company with a little experience in some other company.
Still there are various choices in jobs like lecturer in some famous engineering college, call center jobs, etc.

So decide your career now it self and prepare accordingly to reach your goal.
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